2025 Author: Howard Calhoun | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:10
"Genetic test" is a unique program that allows you to determine the psychological portrait of a person by drawings on the fingers.
History of the Genetic Test
Each of us has an interest in knowing our abilities and capabilities. Dermatoglyphics is one of the branches of science that studies the psychological portrait of a person based on skin patterns on the palms, feet, fingers and toes. By examining such patterns, scientists have identified a number of patterns.
Dermatoglyphics is a fairly young science, its official age does not exceed eight decades. Nevertheless, its results are used with great success in the field of forensics, genetics, medicine and psychology.

A huge database and a clear relationship between skin patterns and psychological characteristics inspired scientists to develop the Genetic Test software product. The creators claim a high accuracy of the results - about 90%.
What is the essence of the "Genetic Test"
To pass the test, the fingerprints of all fingers are scanned in turn by a special device connected to the computer. Programanalyzes the received data and provides a description of 15 key characteristics: your type of patterns, he alth - predisposition to diseases, the most suitable sports, inclinations for certain types of education, temperament, types of professional activity, etc.
The owner of the copy of the software product or the employee you tested with will offer to send you a detailed report by e-mail and possibly conduct a consultation interview. It will come in handy, especially if he already has a lot of experience in this.
By comparing the data of the "Genetic Test" and your life experience, knowledge about yourself, you can understand, for example, why your work annoys you so much and how to organize your workflow in the best way. Or maybe you even decide to completely change the field of activity.
The fact that only fingerprints are required to pass the test allows testing even in infancy and determining a person's tendencies even before they start talking.
Features of people with a predominance of different types of patterns on the fingers
Drawings on the fingertips can be in the form of loops, arcs or curls. Depending on the predominance of one or another type of patterns, a conclusion is made about the characteristics of the human psyche.

Those with a predominant pattern in the form of loops, and they are the majority, are sociable, have a balanced character, and are responsible.
Rare representatives fromthe predominance of curls - they are talented, sometimes seem strange, prone to self-criticism and depression, nevertheless they have a stable type of psyche.
If the pattern on the fingers is in the form of arcs, these are people who are stubborn, conservative and specific.
The results of the "Genetic Test" are very actively used in professional sports. Where you need to demonstrate strength in a short amount of time, such as when lifting a barbell, archers are great. Good sprinters are usually those who are dominated by loops. Subjects who have a lot of drawings in the form of curls have high coordination. They can become, for example, excellent goalkeepers.
Positive feedback about the "Genetic Test"
About the program "Genetic Test" reviews are mostly positive. Everyone who undergoes this biometric testing in adulthood first compares the results with the ideas that they already have about themselves - it seems or not, they recall a penchant for a certain type of education - humanitarian or technical. If the test determined analytical skills and difficulties with constant communication, it is also immediately possible to determine whether the description fits or not, etc.
However, if a person has never had the experience of activity to which, according to the test, he is most inclined, this can cause a negative reaction. But those who subsequently tried themselves for the first time in a new field, for example, in the role of a leader, found excellent abilities in themselves.
After passing the testing programThe creators of the program receive positive feedback from the "Genetic Test" from parents, who are important to determine what to teach the child, which sports section to send.

The test will tell you how to take into account his psychological characteristics when choosing a future profession, sports section, what he alth recommendations to consider.
The drawings on the fingers of a person are as unique as on the natural attire of a zebra. Attracting customers to take a genetic test with bright colors used in advertising is a great marketing ploy. After all, the service is quite unusual and it is necessary to quickly interest a potential consumer.
Negative feedback about the "Genetic Test"
What are the skeptics who learned about the Genetic Test program dissatisfied with? Negative reviews come from people who claim that such testing is akin to fortune telling on coffee grounds. However, any way to look into the future - astrology, palmistry, extrasensory perception - they sharply criticize.
Also, those who have a slim figure and do not bother with diets cause the greatest doubts in the test results - it is difficult for them to believe that they have a 99% tendency to be overweight, as the test claims. Non-drinkers marvel at their 99% alcohol addiction, according to report.
Brand and Corporate Identity
Genitic-test is the company's registered brand and corporate identity created by designers from Sweden. A cheerful painted zebra with the name Adam is the face of the company. Apparently, in this casewanted to focus on the uniqueness and novelty of the product, by analogy with the first person on earth. Drawings on the fingers of a person are as unique as those on a natural zebra attire.

As evidenced by partner reviews of the Genetic Test program, attracting customers with the help of bright colors used in advertising is a great marketing ploy. After all, the service is quite unusual, and it is necessary to quickly interest a potential consumer.
The Genetic Test software package was tested at the Novosibirsk State Technical University. He was awarded a certificate of conformity at the Center for Certification and Quality Monitoring.
In December 2012, a patent was registered for an intellectual product that allows you to determine the psychological portrait of a person by the skin pattern on the fingers.
A fingerprint scanner that connects via USB, a personal computer and a special program is a necessary kit for working with the Genetic Test program. Feedback from entrepreneurs conducting franchise consultations today indicates that data is being processed fairly quickly. However, at the very beginning, in 2013, there were delays in submitting the report electronically. There were categorical statements about the Genetic Test program - negative reviews that all materials for work were not sent, too much time was needed to promote and rent a point, etc.
Data processing and report generation occurs through a server runningremotely.
How to Start a Service Selling Business
As mentioned above, in order to test the client, in addition to accessing the Internet and a personal computer, you need a special program and a fingerprint scanner. In this case, the minimum cost of investments will be from 30,000 rubles.

In the initial use of testing, they usually carry out promotions and reduce the price. For example, the cost of testing is reported - 500 rubles, but if you bring a friend, the price will be 250-300 rubles. After that, as a rule, the word of mouth mechanism is turned on - those who pass the test tell their relatives, friends and acquaintances about it, and then a fixed price is set - about 500 rubles.
The important point is to conduct market research and determine where and how exactly you can sell the testing service, what you need for this.
Promote your business
Let's say you have a limited budget or just don't want to risk a large sum of money. Then advertising on a social network, such as VKontakte, would be an excellent option. You create a group in which you describe all the benefits of passing the test, use a corporate identity - a photo of a cheerful zebra - the logo of the Genetik-Test brand; testimonials from people who have passed the test in video recordings. The next step is to find a suitable venue. It can be, for example, some popular cafe where various events are held - thematic meetings, master classes, etc.it will certainly be possible to interest the management of the institution in conducting the test, as this will allow it to receive additional profit - customers who come to find out about themselves with the help of the "Genetic Test" will want to have a cup of tea or, perhaps, have dinner.

Compose a commercial offer and send it to the heads of kindergartens, schools, universities, large enterprises. So you will have a chance to get an order for testing a large number of people.
There is a lot of discussion on the net about how reliable the test results are, whether the information received helped to understand oneself and one's preferences. Let's study the opinions of those who passed the "Genetic test" - customer reviews.
Distribution of the Genetic Test network in Russia
Founded in the academic city of Novosibirsk, the company is growing every day and has hundreds of representatives throughout Russia.
Thinking about acquiring a franchise, of course, they begin to look for reviews about the Genetic Test program. Krasnodar is the city that proved to be the most successful in promoting the product. In June 2014, local entrepreneurs who became owners of the franchise conducted testing under the Genetic Test program at a job fair, having previously agreed with the Krasnodar Territory Department of Youth Policy. The event was attended by over 2500 applicants. The students who passed the test agreed that the data obtained would help them better orient themselves when choosing their future profession, and most of their characteristicscorresponds, according to the report "Genetic test".
Reviews in Novokuznetsk also testify to the sufficient accuracy of the results. VKontakte groups are an excellent channel for promoting the service. Krasnodar and Novokuznetsk entrepreneurs managed to invite hundreds of network users to their communities. Groups are regularly filled with useful articles on genetics, personal growth and business. Brand organizers are running giveaways for those who contribute to advertising testing.
How profitable is the franchise under the Genetic Test program? The opinions of most entrepreneurs indicate that testing in shopping centers is less effective than in kindergartens, schools, and enterprises - where people are informed about this possibility in advance. It is often necessary to offer a product in malls in combination with other services.
How is it better to promote the Genetic Test? Negative reviews of advertising on radio and television indicate that it is expensive and inefficient, advertising on social networks and word of mouth is much more justified. However, every businessman has his own business secrets.
What to Consider When Concluding a Franchise Agreement
Of course, before buying a franchise, you should carefully study the contract. Running a franchise business has a number of benefits. First of all, this is the sharing of problems and risks with the franchisee - this must be spelled out in the contract.

The franchisor is responsible forthe normal functioning of the business. In other words, everything should work, in the case of the Genetic Test, a scan is performed, data is processed in the program, and the correct report is sent on time.
And if you want to purchase an extended package, the franchisor undertakes to support your marketing - to advise where to place, how and what advertising materials to use, how to conduct promotions to attract customers, effectively offer the product to customers based on their experience. It is very important to be able to constantly be in touch with him and get answers to any questions about doing business.
How to dispel doubts about buying a franchise
For current or future businessmen who are inspired by a good deed - the disclosure of useful information to people about themselves through the Genetic Test program, franchise reviews will be very useful. They will help you figure out how to calculate the costs of opening a point of sale, what you need to be active, take specific steps to develop the purchased software product, and not sit back. You should adequately assess your financial resources and personal qualities, weigh all the pros and cons, study the negative and positive reviews about the Genetic Test package.
Think about who will be testing. In this case, this is a key factor for working on the Genetic Test program. Business reviews suggest that a good psychologist in the event of a 100% match of characteristics for a particular person, the program will be a good help. And in the case, for example,With 75% certainty, he will focus on those characteristics that really suit the client, and as a result of properly built communication, the person will be satisfied in any case.
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