Zuevskaya TPP, Donetsk region

Zuevskaya TPP, Donetsk region
Zuevskaya TPP, Donetsk region

Zuevskaya thermal power plant is a large enterprise in the south-east of the Donetsk region. It is part of the structure of the intersectoral united company DTEK Vostokenergo. The latter includes 10 thermal power plants, 31 coal mines and 13 mine administrations, 7 processing plants, the largest wind farm in Eastern Europe, and 2 oil and gas companies.

Zuevskaya TPP
Zuevskaya TPP

History of Zuevskaya TPP

In the 80s, the rapid development of industry in Donbass required additional energy capacities. Taking into account the richest deposits of coal of various grades in this territory, the USSR government decided to build a number of power plants using local fuel.

In particular, forty kilometers east of Donetsk, the construction of a large thermal power plant, the Zuevskaya State District Power Plant No. 2, began. The city of Zugres gradually grew up around the industrial facility, repeating the abbreviation of the station in its name.

ZuGRES-2 (Donetsk region, Ukraine) by the end of the Soviet era included 4 power units and had a capacity of 1175 MW. Subsequently, the TPP was privatized, renamed and became part of the assets of businessman Rinat Akhmetov, who owns a stake in Vostokenergo.

The conflict situation in Donbas led topartial loss of control of the parent company over Zuevskaya TPP. In March 2017, the DPR authorities demanded that ZuTES be re-registered and take inventory. In fact, this means the transition of the station under the control of the government of the DPR. Vostokenergo is looking for ways to resolve the non-standard situation. Over the course of three years of confrontation, DTEK managed to maintain the efficiency of the enterprise, providing uninterrupted electricity to consumers in Donetsk and other regions.

history of Zuevskaya TPP
history of Zuevskaya TPP

Energy generation

Zuevskaya TPP operates on the so-called gas-grade coal. Raw materials produced in Donbass coal mines are supplied by related divisions of the parent company DTEK. Key operating indicators of DTEK ZuTES, mln kWh:

2012 2013
Power Generation 5270 6575
Expense for own needs, % 7, 5 7, 2
Electricity supply 4875 6100


Zuevskaya TPP has four power units with a combined capacity of 1245 MW. The first two were launched in 1982; in 2009 and 2008, respectively, they were reconstructed to meet modern production and environmental requirements. Power unit No. 3 was commissioned in 1986, No. 4 - in 1988. All of them underwent modernization with a simultaneous increase incapacities.


block Enter Overhaul Power increase Total power Earnings
1 1982 2009 at 25 mW 325 mW over 186,000 hours
2 1982 2008 20 mW 320 mW over 182,000 hours
3 1986 2006 275 mW over 164,000 hours
4 1988 2012 at 25 mW 325 mW over 151,000 hours

Planned for 2014/15, the reconstruction of the third unit with an increase in capacity by 25 MW has been suspended.

DTEK Vostokenergo
DTEK Vostokenergo


In 2013, DTEK Vostokenergo allocated UAH 2,486 million for the reconstruction and technical re-equipment of power units of thermal power plants. Modernization allows extending their service life by 10-15 years, increasing power and range of maneuverability while reducing specific fuel consumption. Since 2012, DTEK has been modernizing electrostatic precipitators during the reconstruction of power units in accordance withDirective 2001/80/EC.

In particular, by January 2013 power unit No. 4 of Zuevskaya TPP was upgraded. After reconstruction, it is connected to the energy system of Ukraine. Upgrading the equipment has increased the reliability of its operation and significantly reduced polluting emissions. Investments in the repair of the power unit amounted to UAH 252 million.

Donetsk region Ukraine
Donetsk region Ukraine


Donetsk region (Ukraine) is a powerful mining and manufacturing cluster, whose enterprises cause significant damage to the region's ecology. DTEK makes significant efforts to minimize the negative impact on the environment at all stages of the production process. To maintain the ecological balance, the company is modernizing production, which will ensure the reliability of energy supply and compliance with European environmental standards.

As a result of the reconstruction of electrostatic precipitators at power unit No. 4 of DTEK, Zuevskaya TPP reduced the concentration of dust in atmospheric emissions from 317.4 mg/nm3 to 44.2 mg/nm 3. It is planned to reconstruct other operating power units with the installation of block and station desulfurization units of various types, bag filters as part of semi-dry desulphurization units, non-catalytic and combined nitrogen treatment units. Within the framework of the project for the construction of a section of the road between the city of Zugres and the solid waste landfill using ash and slag materials from Zuevskaya TPP, a technology has been developed for using ash and slag materials from Zuevskaya TPP in road construction.


Zuevskaya TPP in difficultconditions continue to work. Only one of the four power units operates regularly. At the same time, the station remains a major (in some areas - the only) generator and supplier of electrical energy in the Donbass.
