Responsibilities of the HR department: everything has become more difficult and more important

Responsibilities of the HR department: everything has become more difficult and more important
Responsibilities of the HR department: everything has become more difficult and more important

The responsibilities of the Human Resources department are usually part of the overall functionality of an organization's HR function. However, it should not be understood that this is some kind of secondary unit that performs design work in the field of labor relations. Of course, maybe in Soviet times the duties of the personnel department were reduced to office work and reporting, but modern realities require a different, more serious approach. In particular, this is due to modern concepts in the field of personnel management and the abolition of the system of distribution of graduates of vocational schools by enterprises.

duties of the HR department
duties of the HR department

Currently, the responsibilities of the personnel department have been added to new areas of activity that significantly affect the life of the company. At the same time, no one removed the traditional tasks related to the maintenance and preparation of administrative, accounting and reporting documentation, the conclusion of employment contracts, and the certification of employees. In addition, the documents of the personnel department today have acquired a different qualitative meaning due to the increase in the legal literacy of people. It's not before when man labored for the goodcountries, inspired by the ideas of communism. In this regard, errors in personnel records management are unacceptable, they can lead to litigation, instructions from supervisory authorities and fines. And, most importantly, for violation of labor laws, the head of the organization may face disqualification.

HR department documents
HR department documents

The responsibilities of the personnel department have also increased quantitatively, for this we can "thank" the state, whose various departments are constantly inventing new forms of reporting documents, complicating procedures, "improving" legislation. All this leads to an increase in paperwork.

Among the new areas of work of this division of the organization, a few of the most important should be mentioned. These functions of the personnel department are mainly related to working directly with the person himself, rather than with various papers. First, it is the selection of personnel. Now this is especially important when the well-coordinated work of the team and the company as a whole, which operates in a rather unfavorable environment, depends on the qualifications of employees. The main factor determining the importance of this direction is the shortage of trained specialists and working technical speci alties. It is wrong to expect qualified personnel to be found on their own, they need to be searched for and selected for a specific place in the staff list, taking into account the existing specifics.

functions of the personnel department
functions of the personnel department

Secondly, it is business career planning and talent pool management. Planned and purposeful developmentthe professional qualities of employees is the most effective way to obtain highly qualified specialists who are maximally involved in the company's processes. It is practically impossible or very expensive to select such employees only by recruiting from outside. The third important direction is the formation and development of corporate culture. In this multifaceted process, the HR department also plays one of the leading roles, often coordinating the actions of other services.
