Occupational he alth and safety engineer: job description

Occupational he alth and safety engineer: job description
Occupational he alth and safety engineer: job description

To monitor the strict implementation of safety requirements, an additional unit is introduced into the staffing table - “engineer for labor protection and safety”. Reviews of people already working in this speci alty are similar. Everyone argues that a person who is comprehensively developed, who understands the work of the enterprise and individual processes in particular, is suitable for this job.

General information

An occupational he alth and safety engineer, whose education plays an important role in hiring, can fall into three categories. A specialist who meets the requirements for this position can be appointed to the position, namely: higher education, while seniority is not taken into account; secondary specialized education with work experience as an engineer (mechanic) of 3 years.

occupational he alth and safety engineer
occupational he alth and safety engineer

Requirements may vary depending on the category the Software Engineer will havelabor protection and safety. The salary from this, respectively, will also change. The average salary is from 15 to 40 thousand rubles.

A common question among those who want to get the coveted entry in the work book "Occupational He alth and Safety Engineer": where does the future specialist study? There is simply no answer to this question. An employee with the qualification of "engineer" can become a specialist in this area. In educational institutions in the speci alty "engineer for labor protection and safety" training is not provided. The candidate can only attend labor protection courses, which are taught in all technical universities.

Key points of the instruction

The Occupational He alth and Safety Engineer uses the following regulatory documents in his work:

legislative acts and other documents related to OT;

orders (instructions) of the head of the company, higher organizations;

labor regulations established by the company;

job description

occupational he alth and safety engineer where he studies
occupational he alth and safety engineer where he studies

HSE engineer must know:

legislative framework for labor protection, NPA;

reliability and safety requirements for production processes;

ways to determine the working conditions in which employees work in the enterprise;

system of organization and principles of work in the field of OSH;

psycho-physical requirements for the categories of severity of work, the use of the services of workers,who were transferred to light labor, as well as women and minor children;

features of the operation of devices and equipment;

ways to disseminate information in the area of OSH


The he alth and safety engineer does the following:

Organizes OT work

Controls the execution of legal acts and other documents related to labor protection

Develops and implements new measures to prevent occupational diseases and accidents in the company, to modernize the quality of working conditions

occupational he alth and safety engineer training
occupational he alth and safety engineer training

Provides documentary assistance in case of questions on OT

Cooperates with the employer to create a safe and he althy workplace environment

Represents the necessary reporting regarding its activities


Occupational he alth and safety engineer must:

To organize all processes for labor protection, as well as the relationship between units to comply with safety standards in the quality and working conditions, implements the state policy in the field of protecting the activities of workers within its authority

he alth and safety engineer responsibility
he alth and safety engineer responsibility

Analyze the working conditions of workers, the degree of injury and the level of occupational diseases. Develop a set of measures to modernize working conditions, prevent occupational diseases andinjury prevention

Introduce the world's best practices in occupational he alth and safety, develop and implement modern and improved elements of safety and blocking devices that protect workers from dangerous and harmful production factors

Conduct primary (introductory) instruction on OT with new employees, seconded employees, as well as schoolchildren and students who arrived for work practice

Conduct training of management employees in the assigned area, be a member of the commission for testing the knowledge of employees in the field of he alth and safety

Participate in accident investigations at work

Ensure fire safety and fire prevention at the enterprise

Introduce modern scientific developments to protect the enterprise from fires

Ensure the implementation of the measures and recommendations prescribed by the state fire authorities in a quality and timely manner

Organize high-quality training of employees in the principles of fire safety and ensure their participation in the prevention and elimination of fires, do not allow employees who have not been instructed in fire safety to work


Occupational he alth and safety engineer has the right to:

To get acquainted with the draft decisions of the company's managers directly related to its field of activity

Inspect compliance with the requirements for the protection of the activities of workers at any time during the operation of the enterprise

Demand and receive fromproduction departments the necessary data and documents to control the correct reflection of HSE requirements in them

To offer the employer rational proposals for modernizing working conditions at the enterprise, protecting the production rights of workers

he alth and safety engineer reviews
he alth and safety engineer reviews

Require the heads of departments to strictly comply with the requirements of the state supervision bodies, as well as the measures that have been developed at the enterprise, in full and on time

Suspend the orders of the heads of departments, if they contradict legislative acts, as well as documents adopted in the department, report this to the head

Suspend the operation of any equipment and tools if they are found to violate OHS standards

Suggest management ways to upgrade working conditions within this job description

He alth and Safety Engineer: Responsibility

Personally responsible (within applicable law):

For poor performance or complete failure to perform their duties, incorrect or complete non-use of the rights granted in full

For violations of legal norms that were committed in the course of the performance of official duties

For material damage caused to the company
