How to disable Sberbank overdraft for individuals?

How to disable Sberbank overdraft for individuals?
How to disable Sberbank overdraft for individuals?

In the article, we will consider how to disable the overdraft in Sberbank.

This is the name for increasing the cash limit on debit cards that are currently available for use. You can explain what an overdraft in Sberbank is using the following example: there is a sum of money in the amount of 1,000 rubles on a plastic card, and the cost of a product that needs to be purchased in a store is 1,400 rubles. A client of this bank can pay with his card or withdraw 1,400 rubles and buy the desired product if the "overdraft" service is available to him.

The bottom line is that this client takes a small loan from a financial institution at interest, which he undertakes to repay over a certain period of time.

This service can be connected to a debit card (in certain cases, to a credit card). It can be used by owners of all gold, classic, platinum, youth and premium plastic cards that are connected to paymentMasterCard or Visa systems. Many people are interested in how to turn off the overdraft in Sberbank.

disable overdraft
disable overdraft

Who can use the service?

At the time of the introduction of the "overdraft" service, it was available exclusively for legal entities. It was implemented in order to ensure a constant flow of financial turnover of companies that, in the absence of money in the account at the current moment, could use borrowed money, after which, when the account balance was replenished, the necessary amount of money was automatically debited.

According to the terms of the bank, when using an overdraft, a banking organization has the right to direct withdrawal of funds from its client's card in order to repay the debt. This means that money is debited automatically, regardless of the desire or unwillingness of the owner of the funds.

Today, overdraft is available not only to legal entities, but also to individuals. Depending on the specific situation, this service is connected to the plastic card automatically, or this can be done by submitting a written application from its holder.

The overdraft limit is determined by the bank individually for each client based on the information received about him (the amount of income, the regularity of cash turnover on the card, etc.).

how to disable overdraft on a sberbank card
how to disable overdraft on a sberbank card

The amount of money in this case is for legal entities - from 100 thousand to 300 thousand rubles, and for individuals - from 1,000 to 30,000 rubles. The interest rate is 18% per annum with the rubleaccount, 16% if the account is in foreign currency.

Many customers are interested in whether it is possible to disable the overdraft at Sberbank or whether the service is temporary.

Terms of its provision - 1 year. That is, during this period, the cardholder can use the overdraft funds from time to time. The period of repayment of monetary debt is 30 days. During the month, the money used with the help of the "overdraft" service must be fully returned to the card. In cases where the limiting amount is exceeded or the repayment of funds is delayed, the amount of debt is calculated at a rate of 33% for a foreign currency account, and 36% for a ruble one.

How to disable an overdraft on a Sberbank card, it is important to find out in advance.

The difference between an overdraft and a loan

The "overdraft" service is similar to lending in certain respects, but there are significant differences. The first is set for both credit and debit cards, but most often it is used by the owners of the last settlement accounts. The most important difference between this service and a loan is that the overdraft limits are much lower than for lending services.

Sberbank overdraft for individuals disable
Sberbank overdraft for individuals disable

Access to an overdraft is much easier than getting a loan, and the conditions here are the most loyal. The interest rate for the use of borrowed funds is 18%. Repayment is required within 30 days, otherwise certain sanctions begin to apply. The repayment of the loan for the service must be in full, and notparts, as when using credit funds.

In case of violation of the terms of use and repayment of the debt, a recalculation is made at an increased interest rate: 36%, and it takes effect from the first day the funds are used, and not from the day the delay begins.

Overdraft on salary card

To all holders of these cards, this banking institution willingly offers the possibility of using funds under the "overdraft" service, as they are considered trustworthy customers with reliable solvency, since the monthly receipt of funds on the card guarantees timely payment of debts.

Limits on overdraft in such a case, the bank sets based on the amount of cash receipts. Sberbank in most cases sets a limit of half the salary of its client using this card.

how to disable overdraft sberbank
how to disable overdraft sberbank

When a salary and an advance payment are received on the card, the payment is written off to pay off the overdraft debt.

If you do not want to use this service, it is useful to know how to disable the overdraft in Sberbank on a salary card. One option is to call the institution's hotline.

Credit card overdraft

The expediency of using an overdraft on credit cards is determined by each client independently, since funds at interest are borrowed from the bank, however, the provision of this service is possible. Cases are different and the client may always need money urgently,and the credit limit has been exhausted, and it often happens that there is simply nowhere to take them from. In such a case, an overdraft on a credit card allows the user to get out of a predicament.

Confirmation of solvency

This service is provided to credit card holders only upon confirmation of their solvency. The positive decisions of the bank in this case are also influenced by confirmed additional sources of income, the presence of other debit cards or a valid debit account, which is considered a guarantee of a refund.

Service registration

To apply for an overdraft on a Sberbank card, it is enough to have a debit card (if it concerns individuals) or a current account (if it is issued by a legal entity). Based on information about the cash flow on the account or card, as well as other documents provided that confirm the solvency of the client, the banking organization decides on the amount of the cash limit.

is it possible to disable overdraft sberbank
is it possible to disable overdraft sberbank

An individual can apply for an overdraft upon receipt of a card. To do this, in the column "Overdraft / Desired limit size" of the agreement, you need to check the box, indicate the required amount and submit an application. If the client has been using a debit card for a long time, and has only thought about connecting this service now, you can visit a bank branch and fill out a corresponding application. In addition, you will need to provide a passport and a document that can confirm the amount of income (most often it is a 2-NDFL certificate for the last 6 months fromplaces of work).

You can also apply for the service through Sberbank Online, but this method is not available to individuals, it can only be used by corporate clients.

How to disable overdraft in Sberbank?

The service has some specifics and is not always useful and understandable to holders of different Sberbank cards. Some people may not be able to resist the temptation to spend all available funds, others experience discomfort when analyzing their account (with the approved limit of the available amount, indicate the figure, taking into account the funds that are provided for use under an overdraft), and still others have already gotten into unpleasant situations due to incomplete understanding of this system. Therefore, many customers are interested in the question of how to disable an overdraft for individuals in Sberbank?

First, you need to think it over and decide whether there is a need for this service when receiving a debit card. At this point, the easiest way to cancel the service is to put "0" in the column indicating the amount of the overdraft limit.

how to disable overdraft sberbank payroll card
how to disable overdraft sberbank payroll card

How to disable an overdraft on a Sberbank debit card, every cardholder should know.

Secondly, if such a service is already connected, it can be disabled by writing a corresponding application by visiting a Sberbank branch.


Thus, such a service makes it possible to use funds that the client does not currently have. After a certain period they needwill be fully refunded to the card. The conditions for granting an overdraft are not always beneficial for people. However, by connecting this service to their card, an individual can always count on some reserve of funds, which is very convenient in unforeseen situations.

We looked at how to disable the overdraft in Sberbank.
