2025 Author: Howard Calhoun | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:10
In order to optimize medical nutrition, improve organization and improve its quality, a system of standard diets is provided in medical institutions. In addition to the main standard diet and its variations in a medical institution (depending on the profile), they use:
- surgical diet;
- diet for ulcerative bleeding, with stomach stenosis;
- unloading diet (tea, sugar, apple, rice-compote, potato, cottage cheese, juice, meat, etc.);
- special diet (potassium, magnesium, probe diet);
- diet for myocardial infarction;
- vegetarian diet etc.

The use of a dry protein mixture is regulated by the legal documents of the Russian Ministry of He alth and Social Development fordietary (therapeutic and preventive) nutrition. "Diso Nutrinor" is an effective and high-quality product used in diet therapy, which provides the human body with an optimal content of easily digestible protein of the highest biological value and corrects the protein-energy component of nutrition.
Where applicable
It is successfully used in the prevention and complex treatment of a wide range of diseases as part of standard and specialized diets, as well as in a personalized therapeutic diet. Dry protein composite mixture for medical institutions is used as an ingredient in dietary and preventive meals for children from three years of age and adults. Has proven socioeconomic and clinical efficacy.
The composition of the protein composite dry mix contains vegetable fats, milk proteins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, soluble dietary fiber, m altodextrin.
Protein component
Milk proteins have a high biological value, they contain all the necessary amino acids, including essential ones, in order to fully synthesize their proteins in both an adult and a child.
Milk proteins have a balance of amino acids, good digestibility and easy digestibility, do not have a functional additional load on the gastrointestinal tract. Milk proteins are the most important means of correcting and preventing protein-energy deficiency, strengthening the adaptive characteristics of the body and strengthening the immune system. ATcomposition to SBCS "Diso" "Nutrinor" protein has the highest biological value, whose corrected amino acid score is equal to one.
Carbohydrate component
It contains m altodextrin and dietary soluble fiber, which contribute to the feeling of fullness during meals. They are required for normal intestinal functioning and excretion of metabolic products, and are also prebiotics that favorably affect the formation of the intestinal ecosystem, helping the growth of beneficial microflora and increasing the resistance of the human body to various infections.
Fat component
This component is represented by vegetable fats, which are a source of fatty polyunsaturated acids that are perfectly absorbed by the body and do not contain cholesterol.

Scope of application
Dry protein composite mixture is intended for sale to the population, for use by social service institutions for the disabled and the elderly, food units of medical organizations, sanatoriums, and other catering establishments as an ingredient in the manufacture of dishes for preventive dietary and therapeutic dietary nutrition for adults and children from three years of age, as well as workers who are engaged in activities in hazardous working conditions.
Do not use intravenously.
The mixture is produced in accordance with GOST R 53861 2010. These are products of therapeutic dietary and preventive dietary nutrition.
At concentratesfood GOST 19327-84.
Products fully comply with all the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "On food safety" 021/2011 No. 880, which was approved by the verdict of its commission dated 2011-09-12, and the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of certain types of specialized food products, including dietary therapeutic and dietary preventive nutrition” 027/2012, adopted by the Resolution of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission No. 34 of 2012-15-06.
The clinical effectiveness of the mixture is also confirmed by studies over two years at the Clinic for Clinical Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Nutrition Research Institute", which were conducted in accordance with the methods of evidence-based medicine among groups of patients representing a wide range of nosologies.
The innovative feature of the technology of using SBCS in diet therapy of a complex nature is confirmed by the decision of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences dated 01.12.2010. The high economic and social efficiency of the use of SBCS "Diso Nutrinor" in medical institutions and organizations of social protection of the population has been demonstrated in various studies conducted by the Federal State Budgetary Institution "National Research Institute of Public He alth" of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

Purpose of the mixture
Composite protein mixture is designed to optimize the chemical composition of individual dishes and diets. Thanks to its use, the protein content in the menu is corrected, the nutritional density in the diet increases, which has a positive effect onmaterial metabolism, the general resistance of the human body to infections, immunity, improves digestion, improves the quality of life and physical activity. That is, it is really he althy food.
Protein blend, created specifically for daily consumption, makes it possible to increase the nutritional value and density of the diet in general or a separate dish, without changing their taste characteristics.
In the production of the mixture, only modern production technologies are used, raw materials are used that meet existing safety and quality standards.
Composite protein dry mix for clinical nutrition is used as an ingredient in recipes for slimy soups, cereals, vegetable dishes, dough dishes, desserts, etc. It has a simple technology of use that does not need additional equipment and operations. The recommended amount of the mixture to be administered ranges from 9-42 grams per day, depending on the prescribed diet.
Composite Protein Blend sets the new standard for efficiency and excellence in nutritional therapy for standard diets as well as for personalized therapeutic nutrition.
Cooking method: instructions
Dry protein composite mixture is introduced as an integral element of the recipe of dishes (per serving from 9 to 28 grams) at the stage of their preparation approximately three to five minutes before readiness (slimy soups, cereals, desserts, vegetable dishes).

The need for protein is determined by age, degree of physical activity, gender, he alth status, body weight and ranges from 0.8-2 grams per kilogram of body weight per day.
Protein content in the menu of an adult is approximately 80 to 90 grams per day. It is important that the proteins entering the diet are complete in terms of amino acid composition and are well absorbed. Just the same, these characteristics affect the biological value of this substance. The protein of a composite formula can account for fifteen percent of the total protein requirement, which is ten to thirty grams of the mixture per day.
Measuring spoon for convenience
For ease of use, the Powdered Protein Composite Blend jar has a special scoop that holds eight grams of the mixture (without a slide), which corresponds to four grams of protein. One heaping scoop contains ten grams of the mixture, which is five grams of protein.
You can measure the required amount of the mixture with a teaspoon or a tablespoon. In this case, you need to know that one tablespoon contains ten grams of the mixture (with a slight slide), and a teaspoon contains five grams.
This is confirmed by the instructions for the dry composite protein mixture "Diso Nutrinor".
Does the formula improve lactation?
Breastfeeding is an important factor that affects the he alth of the baby, not only in infancy, but throughout his life in the future. The quantitative and qualitative properties of breast milk depend directly on the mother's diet. She isshould eat wholesome food.
All important nutrients come into the baby's body with mother's milk, so the female body needs to be adequately replenished.
A woman's diet is somewhat limited during lactation, as certain food groups are not consumed at all or in minimal quantities, which cannot but affect the nutritional value and diversity of nutrition.

The use of dry composite protein mixtures in the diet of a woman during the lactation period makes it possible to significantly optimize nutrition. This happens due to the enrichment of the diet with the right amount of protein of increased biological value.
The effectiveness of adding dry composite protein mixtures to the diet of lactating women was analyzed by the FSBSI "Federal Research Center for Nutrition and Biotechnology". Based on the studies carried out, some recommendations were given on the use of SBCS for the preparation of dietary dishes in order to enrich the menu with easily digestible protein.
Use in diet
Dry composite protein mixture "DISO" "Nutrinor" can be used in the daily diet of a breastfeeding mother to adequately saturate the body with protein, which will be complete in terms of amino acid composition. At the same time, the taste characteristics of cooked dishes and the diet are preserved at the rate of approximately 20% of the amount of total protein in the diet. Among other things, the technology for preparing dishes saturated with protein from a mixture is simple, it does not requirespecific culinary skills.
Why does the product have no taste?
Specificity of the protein dry composite mixture "DISO" "Nutrinor" lies in its neutral taste. Due to the absence of flavoring additives, the product becomes universal in use, since the mixture can be added to any dish to your taste (cereals, cereals, dishes from cottage cheese, eggs, vegetables, confectionery, drinks, desserts, pastries, etc.). The aroma and taste of the usual dishes in the diet will not change due to the addition of the mixture, while the menu will be enriched with protein of increased biological value.
How much does SBKS cost?

Expiration date and price
The mixture is stored for a year at a relative humidity of not more than 75%, a temperature of one to twenty degrees Celsius.
After the original packaging is opened, it is advisable to store the mixture for no longer than three weeks in a cool, dry place (not in the refrigerator).
The product is packed in a transport package of five kilograms (net) and consumer packaging - a net of four hundred grams. The mixture is an instant granular product. A five-kilogram package costs 400 rubles.

It is currently very difficult for an ordinary person to compose a diet in such a way that the body is provided with protein in the right amount. Protein nutrition is not a quantitative problem, but a qualitative one. The main qualitative characteristics of protein in foodare its bioavailability and value. To compensate for its deficiency, you can purchase a dry composite protein mixture "DISO" "Nutrinor", which will allow you to maintain a normal amount of food without additional stress on the gastrointestinal tract and overeating.
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