2025 Author: Howard Calhoun | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:10
Raising poultry is a good help. And if there is an opportunity to engage in this profitable business, you should not hesitate for a long time. Breeding chickens will provide the family with dietary meat and an equally valuable product - eggs.
Poultry grows fast and, importantly, breeds easily. Broilers are suitable for obtaining dietary meat. Chickens obtained from crossing meat-egg and meat breeds are quite productive. They gain weight very quickly.
Owners of personal plots can grow poultry not only for their own family, but also for sale. Homemade chicken and eggs are always in demand. Therefore, this small business will be profitable. Apart from the fact that households will always be provided with good food.

But in order to engage in poultry farming, it is not necessary to have a private household. In a small summer cottage, a broiler chicken feels great and is gaining weight.
Growing begins with the acquisition of day-old chicks. They are purchased at the market or at the poultry farm. Broilers are chickens that require special care. Into avoid infection, young animals are grown separately from other birds, in specially designated areas.
The first week of life is a crucial period. To prevent the death of a bird, it should be treated with special attention. First of all, it is necessary to provide temperature and light conditions. If chickens are raised in the summer, this task will be easier to handle. It is recommended to provide round-the-clock lighting and heating. During this period, the air temperature is maintained within 33 degrees Celsius.
Also, to get a good weight gain, you should provide a special diet. Broilers are chickens for which food must be available at any time of the day. The diet of chickens includes: millet, crushed corn, as well as semolina and finely chopped hard-boiled eggs. Vitamins must be present in the diet of young animals. To do this, you can use the greens of young nettles, dandelions and finely chopped green onions.

The room in which broilers (chickens) are kept should have a sufficient number of drinkers, which are arranged in such a way that unintelligent chickens do not get wet. As a preventive measure, once a week, drinkers are filled with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. At the age of 1.5 months, the chicks are gradually transferred to the general diet for adult birds.
Broilers are chickens that should not be restricted in nutrition. For good development and weight gain, special compound feeds are prepared from grain waste with the addition of small shells and crushed chalk,cake, as well as whey, cottage cheese, fish and meat waste and grass. Food is made on its own or purchased ready-made. In the presence of walking areas, grown-up chickens are released for a walk, since sunlight is needed for the normal development of young animals.
With normal care and balanced special feeding, a 1.5 month old chick will weigh 800 grams.

Broilers are unimportant laying hens. This is a hybrid of poultry for meat purposes. They start laying eggs at 7 months of age. Therefore, they are used only for dietary meat.
For breeding broilers at home, you must have chickens of meat and egg breeds and a beef breed cockerel. When crossing, hybrid testicles will be obtained, suitable for producing young broilers. They are laid under a hen or in a home incubator. But the easiest way is to purchase hatching eggs or day-old chicks in specialized poultry farms.
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