Arksbank: reviews, history, products and rating

Arksbank: reviews, history, products and rating
Arksbank: reviews, history, products and rating

Arksbank is a rather small credit institution registered in Moscow. Despite its modest size, it has its own network of territorial offices in Russia. The company's business is mainly aimed at attracting deposits from the population and issuing loans to corporate clients.


A credit institution was registered for the first time in 1992 and was called "Bastion". Initially, it was created as a bank on a share basis. Already in 1993, the form of ownership changed to a closed joint-stock company.

Arksbank reviews
Arksbank reviews

In 1996, the owners of the bank changed its form of ownership again and slightly corrected the name, now it received the name Joint Stock Social Bank "Bastion". The bank worked under this brand until 2009, when the name was changed to Vkladbank again. However, this name was used for only about a year and in 2010 it was replaced by the modern name. From that moment, a new round in the development of the financial institution began, and Arksbank began to receive feedback from an ever-increasing number of customers.


From the moment of foundation and until the beginning of 2014, the head office of the creditinstitution was in Voronezh, but then it was decided to re-register Arksbank in Moscow. Since then, the credit institution has turned from a regional into a metropolitan one.

Despite its relatively small size, Arksbank operates not only in the capital, but also in such cities as Voronezh, Vologda, Belgorod, Chelyabinsk. Previously, the branch network was somewhat wider.

arksbank deposits
arksbank deposits

The credit institution does not have its own networks of ATMs and terminals. But since cards are not issued, Arksbank does not receive bad reviews for this.

Indicators and rankings

Relatively small "Arksbank" rating on financial indicators is also quite low and is in the third hundred of Russian credit institutions. However, some of its products are quite interesting. "Arksbank" until recently offered deposits at fairly high interest rates, thanks to which it gained wide popularity among individuals.

arcsbank rating
arcsbank rating

Despite its small size, the credit institution constantly shows profit and is in development. Deposits of individuals accepted by "Arksbank" have additional reliability due to the participation of a financial institution in the insurance system.

Services for corporate clients

The main direction of the credit institution is the service of legal entities and their lending. It is for this that Arksbank most often receives positive reviews. Corporate clients, in addition to maintaining an account and loans, can also use the bank's services such as deposits, lease of cells, bank guarantees.

Deposits for private clients

Arksbank actively attracts deposits from individuals. In the activities of a credit institution, this is the main source of financing. Until recently, the interest offered by the bank was at a fairly high level, but with a change in the economic situation, it also lowered the rates. "Arksbank" reviews of customers who decided to use the services of deposits deserved quite different, but most of them are still positive.

Arksbank reliability
Arksbank reliability

Note that the company does not accept deposits from individuals at its head office. Only legal entities are served there and currency exchange takes place. This was done to optimize the speed of work.

Deposit "Profitable"

"Arksbank" for clients wishing to deposit from 100 thousand rubles or 10 thousand dollars or euros for 1 year, offers a deposit "Profitable". You can open it for 360 or 367 days. In this case, the rate in rubles will be 9% in the first case, and 10.5% in the second. Interest on foreign currency deposits under the program also depends on the region of opening. In Moscow, by placing a deposit for 360 days in dollars or euros, you can get 4%, and with a period of 367 days - 4.5%. Branches located in other cities offer a 1% lower rate of foreign currency deposits.

You can replenish the deposit at any time, except for the last 30 days. Income is paid orcapitalized every 3 months.

Deposit "Permanent"

For customers who want to receive monthly payments, "Arksbank" offers the "Permanent" deposit program. These deposits are allowed to be replenished, in addition, the client can independently choose the required term and currency of the account. The rate in rubles is the same for all the bank's offices and amounts to 1.8-10.5% depending on the chosen term of keeping the funds. In foreign currency rates will also depend on the region. The maximum rate - 4.25% - can be obtained at Moscow offices.

Arksbank in Moscow
Arksbank in Moscow

Deposit "Real"

Those who prefer to have the possibility of partial withdrawal of funds, deposits under the "Real" program are suitable. They are opened for a period of 1 month to 1 year and allow partial withdrawal and replenishment of the account. The rate in rubles depends only on the placement period and can reach up to 9.8% per annum. In dollars, you can get a maximum of 4% when opening a deposit in Moscow offices.

Deposit "Pension"

Specially for pensioners, "Arksbank" has an offer for "Pension" deposits. It is characterized by a reduction in the minimum down payment to 100 dollars / euros or 3,000 rubles, the possibility of replenishing and spending funds. At the same time, the client can get quite interesting rates - up to 10.8% in rubles and up to 4.25% in dollars. When opening a foreign currency deposit in offices outside of Moscow, you need to be prepared for the fact that the rate on them will be reduced by 1%.

Other services for individuals

Not only deposits readyto offer "Arksbank" to its clients - individuals. Consumer loans, safe boxes, transfers and current accounts are also available for them.
