Company "Amway": addresses of stores in Moscow, description of the company, type of activity

Company "Amway": addresses of stores in Moscow, description of the company, type of activity
Company "Amway": addresses of stores in Moscow, description of the company, type of activity

The Amvay company is familiar to almost everyone, many probably even purchased goods of this brand. Amway is a very large manufacturer of household chemicals, care products and cosmetics. The company was founded in the USA, and today has many factories scattered around the world. The products are distributed through network marketing, that is, they are sold by "independent businesses", but there are also retail stores where customers can view the products, choose and purchase what they like. From this article you can find out the addresses of Amway stores in Moscow.


What Amway offers consumers

Amway offers high quality products. The products of this brand do not contain harmful additives and are completely biodegradable. Millions of people have already stopped buying household chemicals in ordinary supermarkets and stores, and have completely switched to products from Amway. On the official website of the company you can see the entire rangeoffered goods. We list only a few of them.

In retail stores or from Amway distributors you can purchase: laundry and dishwashing detergents, body care cosmetics, toothpastes, shampoos, cleaning products for any surfaces, baby care products and much more.

A sign at an Amway store
A sign at an Amway store

"Amway": store addresses in Moscow

In fact, there are quite a few of them. One of the most famous Amway stores in Moscow is near the Tulskaya metro station at the address: Dukhovskoy lane, house 12. According to customer reviews, shopping there is a pleasure. Cashiers are polite, assortment is rich. Loyal customers receive discounts on products.

We bring to your attention other addresses of Amway stores in Moscow:

  • st. Aircraft designer Mikoyan, house 12;
  • Zvenigorodskoe highway, house 4;
  • Sushchevsky Val, building 18.

Customers note that all the company's stores are very clean and beautiful. There is no huge hype there, which, apparently, is due to the high cost of products, but many people choose this particular brand, despite the prices. Amway Corporation constantly invites distributors to work, holds various meetings, seminars and gatherings for them.

At the Amway store
At the Amway store


Products of the company "Amway", of course, deserves attention. All products have unique properties, are hypoallergenic and biodegradable. Washing powders do not containphosphates, which means they do not cause skin irritation and do not have a negative effect on the human body. From the article, you learned the addresses of Amway stores in Moscow, so you can personally try and evaluate the company's products.
