Tourism industry - what is it The concept, the order of classification of objects and development

Tourism industry - what is it The concept, the order of classification of objects and development
Tourism industry - what is it The concept, the order of classification of objects and development

The concept of tourism has French roots and is interpreted as one of the varieties of outdoor activities, travel in your spare time. In this article, we will consider tourism as an object of professional activity and a cultural phenomenon of society.

General provisions

tourism industry classification
tourism industry classification

It is interesting that the interweaving of demography, economics, psychology, sociology, history, law, he alth and other sciences, spheres of public life is more relevant in tourism than in any other human activity. Initially, tourism was determined by local, intrastate significance. He did not play a significant role in the life of society. However, since the second half of the twentieth century, the development of the tourism industry has reached global proportions. Thus, the tourism business has involved significant human resources (material, energy, intellectual, and so on) in its production and consumer processes. He touched on many aspects of public life and, of course, significantly influenced its social component.

The rise of tourism

It is important to note that many factors contributed to the development of tourism in a mass manner, as it has become the most developing phenomenon of our time. Among them are ethno-cultural, socio-demographic factors, as well as qualitative changes in terms of leisure activities, the development of the non-productive area of the economy, and an increase in the amount of people's free time. It could be firmly said that the tourism industry is a phenomenon that has become part of the daily, everyday life of hundreds of millions of people. It is a kind of activity, which is determined by the most important significance for modern society. Today, tourism has become the most important use of leisure time, as mentioned earlier, it has become a key tool for interpersonal relationships, as well as contacts in the field of economics, politics and culture.


classification of objects of the tourism industry
classification of objects of the tourism industry

The tourism industry is, firstly, one of the largest, dynamically developing and highly profitable areas of economic life in almost any country. It is considered the most active source of cash flow and, accordingly, has a positive effect on the country's balance of payments. It must be said that the inflow of income in the currency version in those countries that are mainly focused on the development of inbound tourism is often several times higher than the income from manufacturing enterprises. The tourism industry is a field of activity that has a positive impact not only on the country's economy, but also on others.areas of her life: culture, ecology, social component and so on. So, today tourism is one of the priority areas for the rather rapid development of the states of America, Europe, Asia, Oceania and Australia. Africa is less involved in this issue. At the same time, the field of tourism, being an integral part of the social system, has a strong impact on the life of an individual, creates the attitudes of different groups in society, and also changes society and the processes taking place in it as a whole.

Abundance of interpretations

tourism industry enterprises
tourism industry enterprises

The tourism industry is a sphere of human life and society as a whole, which today boasts various definitions. So, it is important to know that the following criteria are of particular importance when describing this aspect of the life of society:

  • Change of location. This criterion speaks of a tourist moving on foot or by transport to a place that is outside the boundaries of his usual, ordinary place of residence (environment). Nevertheless, tourists cannot include those who travel from home to work or study every day, as well as those who periodically go to the country. The fact is that trips of the type presented do not go beyond their usual environment.
  • Staying in another area. This criterion suggests that the tourist does not undertake to permanently or permanently reside in the place of stay, as well as to work, to carry out some professional activity there. It is worth noting thatthe behavior of an individual who is involved in work is vastly different from the behavior of an individual who has arrived on vacation. In addition, a tourist cannot stay in an unfamiliar territory for more than six months to be considered as such.
  • Activities that are paid for from one source or another at the place of stay should not be the purpose of the trip.

Summarizing the definition

tourism industry organization
tourism industry organization

So, the organization of the tourism industry and tourism in general is the organization of temporary trips (departure) of citizens of the Russian Federation, stateless persons and foreign citizens from their permanent place of residence for such purposes as recreational, he alth-improving, professional and business, physical education, sports, educational, religious and others. Moreover, in this case, activities that are associated with the receipt of funds as income from the sources of the host country are excluded. The presented definition is established by Federal Law No. 12FZ “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On the Basics of Tourism in the Russian Federation”.”

Tourism industry classification

It is important to note that today the classification of tourism is relevant in accordance with a number of criteria. Among them are types, functions, types and forms. So, the following tourist functions are currently known:

  • Economic (receipt of funds as income from tourism development).
  • Educational and educational (getting new information while traveling).
  • Communication (quite a wide range of tourist connections, both formal and informal).
  • Psychological (creating a certain emotional state of an individual who is a tourist).
  • Ecosystem (the manifestation of this function is relevant in ecological tourism; ecological travel cannot violate the integrity of complexes created by nature and called ecosystems).

Classification by types and species

tourism industry development
tourism industry development

In accordance with the currently known types of destinations in tourism, it is customary to single out:

  • Inland tourism (within the country).
  • Inbound tourism (travel within the country of those persons who do not reside there permanently).
  • Outbound tourism (travel to an unusual country).

By type, tourism is classified into the following categories:

  • Recreational (visiting and using objects of nature for good purposes).
  • Consumer (withdrawal of a natural component, for example, hunting or fishing).
  • Cultural and educational (with a pronounced excursion part).
  • Nostalgic and reconnective (visiting birthplaces, friends and family).
  • Professional and businesslike (travels to forums, conferences, negotiations, etc.).
  • Therapeutic and he alth-improving (the use of healing resources of a natural type in order to improve he alth).
  • Sports (it is divided into water, walking, mountain, cycling,ski, motorcycle, automobile, sailing, equestrian and so on).
  • Adventure (tourist getting new emotions and impressions).
  • Ecological (travel "inside nature").
  • Religious (visiting monasteries, temples, holy places, etc.).

Classification by forms

the procedure for classifying objects of the tourism industry
the procedure for classifying objects of the tourism industry

The tourism industry in Russia and a number of other countries has the following classification depending on the forms:

  • Organized tourism (in the case of the assistance of a travel company in organizing a trip).
  • Unorganized tourism (in other words, amateur).
  • Club and sanatorium tourism (stationary rest prevails here).

Classification of objects of the tourism industry

The procedure for separating tourism objects is implemented by special accredited structures. It was developed by Article 5 of the Federal Law of November 24, 1996 N 132-FZ "On the fundamentals of tourism activities in the Russian Federation". It is important to note that the enterprises of the tourism industry are currently beaches, ski slopes, hotels and other accommodation facilities. This is far from a complete list. The current order determines the organizational structure, goals, rules for the implementation by accredited institutions of the classification of tourism objects. The order of classification of objects of the tourism industry includes:

  • Classification of slopes for ski holidays.
  • Classification of beaches.
  • Classification of hotels andhotels. It is also advisable to include other accommodation facilities in the tourism industry.

Aspects of tourism object classification

accommodation facilities for the tourism industry
accommodation facilities for the tourism industry

It is important to note that information regarding tourism facilities is now freely available. In Russia - on the official resource of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. Classification of objects of the tourism industry is implemented on a voluntary basis. Among the main goals of this division, the following should be indicated:

  • Providing consumers with reliable and necessary information regarding the compliance of tourism facilities with the category provided for by the current Classification Procedure.
  • Maximizing the competitiveness of tourism plan services, as well as the attractiveness of tourism facilities. This is done to increase the overall flow and development of inbound and domestic tourism through the establishment of consumer confidence in the assessment of the conformity of tourist facilities.

In addition, it is important to add that the following entities are included in the organizational structure of the classification system:

  • Ministry of Culture of Russia.
  • Accredited structures.
  • Commission on Appeals of the Ministry of Culture of Russia.
  • Classification Council of the Ministry of Culture of Russia.
  • Applicants.

Development of tourism in Russia

Today more or less successfully operate more than 25,000 tourist structures on the territory of the Russian Federation. The general trend regarding the development of modern tourism can becharacterized by a steady increase in cases of departure of Russian citizens abroad, as well as an increase in the number of purchased and used tours of domestic importance. The number of tourists from foreign countries who stay on the territory of the Russian Federation has recently been noticeably declining. This can be explained by high tariffs in terms of transport and the underdevelopment of tourism infrastructure (the exceptions, of course, are St. Petersburg and Moscow).

In Russia, the Federal Law No. 26 “On natural healing resources, he alth-improving areas and resorts” is directly related to tourism activities, which fully regulates the use of resort areas, as well as the conditions for treatment and recreation of the population. It is also important to take into account that today individual subjects of the Russian Federation are adopting regional legislative acts and programs for the development of the tourism industry. This is done to form a competitive and highly efficient tourist complex that will satisfy the needs of both Russian and foreign citizens in terms of various tourist services.
