Is a prospector a calling or hard work?

Is a prospector a calling or hard work?
Is a prospector a calling or hard work?

Our life is full of dangers that we don't even notice. If you think about it, many of our actions involve certain risks. Have you ever thought about how dangerous it is to drive a car? Driven by the force resulting from combustion in a confined space, essentially an explosion … However, we do not even think about the fact that this can be fraught with unpleasant consequences for us. At the same time, there are people who knowingly take risks associated with the performance of their duties.


Let's first turn to the explanatory dictionary and find out the meaning of the word "prospector". Ushakov's dictionary defines this concept as follows. A prospector is a person who conducts research in a particular area. It didn't get any clearer, did it? Then we turn to the next term - "research". All the same Ushakov defines this word as "the process of search, research." Thus, it turns out that prospectors are people who are engaged in search and research in various areas of human life.

prospector it
prospector it


Having decided on the terminology, let's get down to the "research" of the practical benefits of this profession. The first thingworth mentioning, this is construction work. In any decent and reputable construction company, there is a position of a prospector. This is a special person who visits the proposed construction site in order to check it for compliance with all requirements.

The works themselves are engineering surveys and are a necessary part of construction. They help determine the economic feasibility, increase the level of safety at the facility, and allow the development of accurate documentation and estimates for construction work.

engineering survey
engineering survey

In many cases, engineering surveys are vital for both the customer and the end user. With this type of work, the soil, underground communications, soil and many other aspects of the terrain are studied in sufficient detail. If survey work is neglected, this can not only lead to a sudden increase in construction estimates, but also lead to a number of accidents, as well as damage to the city's communications and infrastructure.

As you now understand, the profession of "prospector" is the responsibility for the lives of people, which falls on the shoulders of a specialist.


Geological surveys are needed not only in construction. Despite the fact that in most cases it is the study of the site that is meant, this type of work is necessary not only in settlements. A prospector is a person who searches. For example, mineral exploration. The largest quarries and resource deposits have long been explored, but the professionremains relevant to this day. As you understand, a prospector is a painstaking and difficult profession, which not everyone can do.

geological surveys
geological surveys

Another area of activity of prospectors, gradually fading into the shadows, is the laying of shipping channels. No matter how bitter it is to observe, but the decline in the field of peaceful shipbuilding and shipping is visible to the naked eye. However, you can still find vacancies for a prospector in a field called "geological surveys" in some government agencies.

Road of Life

Returning to the construction topic, it is necessary to mention such an area as the construction of roads, and first of all - railways. Engineering research in this area is even more indispensable than in urban planning. Remembering the Great Patriotic War, it should be noted that this work was sometimes more dangerous than directly from the military.

Railroad surveyors walked in the second rows, right after the sappers. Their task was to design and lay communication lines, as well as restore damaged roads and bridges. And the "Road of Life" to besieged Leningrad did not appear by itself. All work was carried out under enemy fire and bombardment.

the meaning of the word explorer
the meaning of the word explorer

But even now, in peacetime, prospectors in this area of construction bear a huge burden of responsibility for laying railroad tracks. After all, this is no longer money lost as a result of the design of the building, but thousands of deaths in the event of a train derailed.


In the military field, you can also meet the position of a prospector. Of course, it is called a little differently, but the essence remains the same. A military prospector is a scout. Interestingly, there is no such concept in English. Prospector translates as prospector. And the dictionary of synonyms gives us a hint that this is the same as scout.

Army intelligence units mean the well-known Stirlitz - a kind of spy in a suit. A scout is a person who is able to hide out of the blue in a forest, be able to survive in the most difficult conditions, and most importantly, remain invisible.

In the army, not only the infantry is engaged in research. Military and civil aviation pilots are people who regularly put themselves at risk. In addition to military intelligence, in peacetime they are forced to engage, for example, in the search for missing persons. A vivid example typical of Russia: every spring, fishermen are carried away to sea on an ice floe, and rescuers and the military are looking for them.
