Ball paint: description, characteristics, application

Ball paint: description, characteristics, application
Ball paint: description, characteristics, application

The names of paints in most cases come from their composition - acrylic, water dispersion, oil. Ball coatings from this rule are an exception. They got their name not by composition, but by color. Ball paints can be used both in everyday life and in painting or even the military field. One thing unites them - gray-smoky color.

Where did the name come from

Once upon a time the word "ball" in Russia meant "bright", "motley". Later, in the XVIII-XIX centuries. expression has changed significantly. Ball began to be called not too catchy cheap "wild" paint from chalk and soot. Such a tool in those days was used mainly only for applying primer under the main image.

Even later, compositions used to decorate and camouflage military ships began to be called ball compositions. Such funds had a bluish-smoky hue, which allowed warships to remain invisible to the enemy at a distance, merging with the waves and the sky. Paints of this type were used in the past (as, in principle, today) only formilitary courts. Civilian ships were more often painted black. Today, white, dark, blue, etc. paintwork is used for such ships.

Gray camouflage paint
Gray camouflage paint

In the past, the protective helmets of sailors serving on it were also painted in the gray color of the same shade that was used for a military vessel. Ship hulls, as you know, have been made of metal for a very long time. Wooden ships have long sunk into oblivion. And therefore, moisture-resistant gray ball paints for metal have been used for several centuries to decorate ships.

What are the varieties

Today, ball paint is called almost any paint that has a gray-smoky tint. On sale there are such products intended for finishing:

  • metal;
  • wood;
  • concrete.

If you wish, nowadays you can buy ball enamel or, for example, an acrylic product of this variety.


In this case, ball paint usually comes in range under No. 518. Many manufacturers produce such products. But the most popular among the population is alkyd ball enamel PF-115. This glossy material is made on a light varnish with the addition of pigments.

Enamel №528 gray
Enamel №528 gray

Suitable ball paint PF-115 for finishing various kinds of objects and structures both outdoors and indoors. It is allowed to use this enamel for finishing both metal and wood. Also, this tool can be used to treat previously painted enamels oroil coatings of surfaces.

The advantages of PF-115, including ball, consumers include:

  • high covering power;
  • colour fastness;
  • good degree of gloss.

The consumption of this paint is approximately 1 kg per 6-10 m2 depending on the original color of the surface.

Acrylic paint

Means of this variety are used mainly for the treatment of concrete and plasters of all types. The color of acrylic ball paint is gray, but it is used not only as a primer, but also as the main means of finishing such materials. You can use acrylic compounds, depending on the additives, indoors or outdoors.

ball paint
ball paint

Most often paintwork materials of this type are used in the construction industry. But acrylic paints can also be used in painting or when performing various kinds of design work. Often, with the use of such coatings, for example, drawings are applied to cars.

Acrylic ball paint AKR-42 is also very popular among the population, designed for finishing ship models. The advantages of this tool, among other things, include the fact that it does not produce harmful fumes. Children from 5 years old can process models of boats with a brush with such paint without harm to themselves. This high-quality coating is produced by the domestic company Zvezda.

Consumers refer to the advantages of AKR-42 paint:

  • wear resistant;
  • dense texture that allows you to paint boatsin one layer;
  • ease of application;
  • UV resistant.

The advantage of this tool is its relatively low cost. For 12 ml of ball paint AKR-42 "Star" you will need to pay only about 100 rubles.

Military paint

Of course, in our time, ships are most often painted using ball paints. In this case, for processing the hull of ships, the means of this variety of three basic shades can be used:

  • gray;
  • dark grey;
  • light grey.

It often even happens that one part of the ship is painted with ball paint of one shade, and the other - of another. But gray paints for the hull are chosen primarily taking into account the color of the water of that part of the ocean or sea where the ship is used most often.

Ship model
Ship model

In addition to ships, ball paint can also be used to process the hulls of other military equipment, for example, automotive. On ships, in the past, the entire surface part, as well as pipes, masts and superstructures, were painted with such means.

Recipes for Balloon Ship Paint

Today, coatings of this variety are manufactured using modern technologies using various additives that increase the wear and moisture resistance of coatings, as well as a special pigment. In the past, gray ball paints were made, of course, using less advanced techniques.

Recipes for mixing products intended fordecoration of the ship, in the past there were several. But the main components of such paint have always been lead or zinc white, paint drying oil, dry azure and soot.

Sometimes additional ingredients such as turpentine or dry milari could also be added to the dye. They often made ship paint on board.

Products made according to different recipes differed somewhat in shades and were used to color parts of the ship, according to the table placed in the standard. The most commonly used ball paint was made from 57.3% zinc white, 0.5% carbon black and 42.2% paint oil.

Alkyd enamel
Alkyd enamel

Nowadays, ball coatings are also often made directly on ships. But of course, sailors do not use any complex components when mixing such a product. In most cases, ball paint on ships today is made using ready-made paintwork materials. That is, the staff simply mixes the required amount of white, black and blue enamel in one container.
