Castration of bulls: methods, necessary tools, algorithm for the procedure and recommendations from veterinarians

Castration of bulls: methods, necessary tools, algorithm for the procedure and recommendations from veterinarians
Castration of bulls: methods, necessary tools, algorithm for the procedure and recommendations from veterinarians

Farmers who breed bulls for meat often castrate them. This is done not only to improve the taste of animal meat. Bulls have an obstinate disposition, so the operation is carried out to pacify. A castrated animal ceases to experience sexual hunting and becomes calmer. This makes the farmer's job easier. What methods of castration of bulls exist? Find out in this article.

General information

Farmers strive to get a large amount of delicious juicy meat from cattle. Products obtained from castrated bulls contain more fat. Such meat has good nutritional qualities and is highly appreciated by consumers. The slaughter yield in individuals subjected to castration always increases by 10-15%. Animals after the operation develop more harmoniously, the amount of meat in the carcass increases.

At what age are bulls castrated? If the calf is to be fattened and slaughtered, the ideal time toprocedures - 3rd month of life. If they want to use the bull first to work on the farm, then they castrate animals that have reached the age of 1.5-2 years. It is advisable to plan the operation for autumn or spring. At this time, it is easier to care for the wound, there are no insects, the ambient temperature is quite comfortable.

Gobies are grazing
Gobies are grazing

Economic effect of castration

The procedure changes the animal's metabolism in such a way that it begins to gain weight better. The meat of castrated bulls is devoid of a characteristic specific smell, it is more tasty and nutritious. If the animal is planned to be used for long fattening, then it is better to castrate it after 8 months.

If it is not possible to separate animals on the farm, then the procedure is carried out at an earlier age. It is noticed that the quality of wool improves in castrated bulls. This is especially important for those farmers who are engaged in the delivery of cowhides for production. Castrated bulls used for work are more hardy and calm. They are much less likely to show aggression towards humans, so it is easier to care for them. Castration of a bull improves his character and allows him to be kept longer in the household.

Bulls on the run
Bulls on the run

Preparing the animal for surgery

Before the procedure, the veterinarian carefully examines the bull. Any disease is a reason to postpone the procedure for another time. If the animal does not feel well, then the castration of the bull is canceled. Before the procedure, measurements of temperature, pulse rate and respiration are mandatory. The bull's testicles are examined for diseases such as dropsy, cryptorchidism, hermaphroditism, inguinal hernia.

Before castration, he althy bulls are put on a starvation diet for up to 24 hours. During this time, the animal is given plenty of water, but before the operation itself, the water is taken away. The bull should be well walked, making sure that he empties his intestines and bladder. The animal is cleansed of impurities. The stall in which the bull is kept is thoroughly cleaned. The operation is usually scheduled for the morning.

doctor and bulls
doctor and bulls

Fixing the bull

Before starting the operation, it is important that the animal takes a position in which it cannot harm either the veterinarians or itself. To castrate a bull, it must either be knocked down or placed so that it does not move. It is very important to create conditions so that the veterinarian can freely manipulate the animal, the success of the operation depends on this.

To fix in a standing position, the bull is tied to a structure. In villages, a strong fence is usually used for this purpose. The rope is tied short, otherwise the bull will be able to move.

But more popular is the method in which the animal is fixed in a supine position. This method is also called Mikhailovsky or Russian. A strong long rope is tightened on the horns of a bull. This method requires the help of several people. With the help of a rope, the bull is laid on the ground and fixed well.

Ligature method

Open castration of bulls is very popular in farms. The animal is thrown onground and fixed on its side. The skin on the testicles is pulled back until it becomes smooth. Incisions are made with a scalpel, cutting through all layers of the skin on the scrotum.

After that, the testicles are pushed out. A ligature is applied to the cords. After that, the bull's testicles are removed. Experienced veterinarians recommend using another ligature, which is applied just below the first. This will prevent the superior spermatic cord from slipping away.

After the castration, the bull is taken to his pen. In the early days, the condition of the animal should be monitored. For faster healing, veterinarians recommend lubricating the wound surface with Lysol or Creolin-based ointments. On the next day after the operation, the animal is allowed out for walking, first for 30 minutes twice a day.

castrated bvk
castrated bvk

Twisted way

Many farmers prefer to perform bloodless castration of bulls. Previously, the hair on the scrotum is shaved or cut short. For this method, the testicular area is treated with an alcohol solution. A loop of ligature is applied to the neck of the scrotum. Some farmers use special castration bands for this purpose. The ligature loop is pulled very tightly with sticks tied to its ends.

In some cases forceps are placed on the neck of the scrotum beforehand. Usually a short exposure lasting no more than 5 minutes is sufficient. After that, a loop of ligature is applied to the neck of the scrotum. After that, the organ ceases to be supplied with blood, and itstissues gradually die. After some time, the scrotum completely dries up and falls off along with the testicles.

Castration with forceps

This method is most often used if the bull is very young. In older animals, this method is used less frequently. The veterinarian grasps the scrotum so that its skin is smoothed out and makes an incision. The testicles are pulled out through the wound.

Then the doctor applies the bull castration tongs for about 1 minute. Then the instrument is moved down 2 cm. At this point, the spermatic cord is crushed, and the veterinarian twists the testicles.

Castration tongs
Castration tongs

Open castration method

Veterinarians use several methods to castrate bulls. The choice of the method of the operation depends on the age of the animal, its state of he alth and the skills of the doctor. The fastest castration is considered an open method. Before the operation, the animal is well fixed, and then all layers of the scrotum and the vaginal membrane are cut. During the operation, the veterinarian uses a well-sharpened scalpel.

The testicle is pulled outward, followed by the spermatic cord. At this point, the thickened part of the transitional ligament is cut. A ligature is applied to the spermatic cord. Below it, 2 cm, the doctor cuts it. The stump is treated with an antiseptic and watered with iodine.

Pain relief

Young bulls are most often castrated without anesthesia. Older animals need anesthesia. For these purposes, veterinarians use chloral hydrate and ethyl alcohol. These drugshave a good analgesic effect on bulls. To prepare a solution for 100 kg of live weight, take 7 g of chloral hydrate and 50 ml of alcohol with a strength of 33%. The veterinarian should have a bull castration syringe with him. The injection is carried out intravenously.

After the solution is administered to the animal, it is observed. To test for loss of sensitivity, a needle is used to prick the bull. Usually, under the influence of anesthesia, the animal calms down and lies down on the ground.

The bull is resting
The bull is resting

Caring for a bull after surgery

The castrated animal is placed in a perfectly cleaned pen. The stall should be clean and dry. Under no circumstances should the operated animal be placed on a dirty wet bedding, it may develop complications after castration. It is undesirable to use sawdust, especially small ones, they can get into the wound. The farmer should prepare a bed of straw for the bull.

After castration, veterinarians observe the animal for several days. The wound surface is treated several times a day to avoid suppuration. The bull should be provided with good nutrition, but in a moderate dosage. If there are a lot of flies in the room, then the animal is treated with solutions that repel insects. Bulls after castration should be kept separately for 2-3 weeks. To avoid infection, they should not be grazed in wet pastures.


Possible Complications

The most common undesirable consequence of castration is bleeding from the stump of the spermatic cord. In this case, you needurgently call a veterinarian and ask him to apply a ligature. Another dangerous complication of castration in bulls is bleeding from the vessels of the scrotum. In this case, also invite a veterinarian. He applies a ligature to damaged vessels or sutures the tissues of the scrotum.

Vet advice

You can not castration in outwardly unhe althy animals. If the bull has a temperature or other signs of illness, then the operation is postponed for at least a few days. Before the procedure, the farmer should prepare a place for it and clean the corral well, in which the animal will be placed after castration.
