Addresses of VTB 24 ATMs in Kaliningrad

Addresses of VTB 24 ATMs in Kaliningrad
Addresses of VTB 24 ATMs in Kaliningrad

More than 100 VTB 24 ATMs have been installed in the city of Kaliningrad. For the convenience of the bank's clients, terminals are being installed in frequented shopping and entertainment centers, grocery stores and government agencies. Terminals located at VTB 24 offices operate around the clock.

City of Kaliningrad
City of Kaliningrad

Installed in bank branches

The terminal with the serial number 388412 is installed in the additional office of the Mega Bank at ul. Lieutenant General Ozerov, house 17/B. ATM operating hours: around the clock. Services available to clients: acceptance of cash in rubles, $ and €, withdrawal of funds in rubles. It is worth noting that there are several ATMs in the branch.

Bank VTB 24
Bank VTB 24

Installed in malls

Address of the VTB 24 ATM in Kaliningrad, installed on the territory of the Spar supermarket: Alexander Nevsky street, 137/B. Customers can withdraw cash from the card account. Operates in the same mode as the supermarket.

ATM with serial number 381168 is installed at the address: Belanova street,house 85/A, on the territory of the shopping center "Family". Available services: cash withdrawal. Operates during the same opening hours as the mall.

VTB 24 ATM in Kaliningrad can also be found on the 1st floor of the Brusnichka shopping center at 133 Aksakov Street. Customers can deposit cash in rubles, € or $, as well as make cash and non-cash payments, withdraw cash in rubles.

VTB 24 ATM with serial number 392248 is installed on the 1st floor of the Deshevo shopping center. Exact address: st. Kuibyshev, house 91-91/A. According to the information provided by the official website of VTB, customers can use the cash withdrawal service.

At 46 Narvskaya Street - on the 1st floor of the Spar shopping center, you can also find a VTB 24 bank terminal. The terminal is available according to the shopping center's opening hours.

The City Center shopping center also has a VTB 24 terminal with serial number 398928. The exact address of the shopping center is 171 Moskovsky Prospekt.

With round the clock operation

VTB 24 ATM in Kaliningrad installed on the territory of the Vester shopping center. Exact address: Gorkogo street, 104. Works around the clock. Services include cash withdrawals and non-cash payments.


On the territory of the Epicenter shopping and entertainment center at 2 Gorkogo Street, a terminal with serial number 388489 has been installed. The ATM operates 24/7. Customers can both withdraw cash from the accountcards, and deposit, you can also pay utility bills, a loan or the Internet.
