2025 Author: Howard Calhoun | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:10
Repair and maintenance of their apartments and houses Russians traditionally take upon themselves, only in extreme cases using the services of specialists. This attitude to the maintenance of one's own housing is in conflict with the new law, in force since 2015, on the mandatory payment of services for major repairs. Of course, it does not apply to the direct living space of the owner of the apartment and extends to the public service sector and, at first glance, it is quite objective and aimed at the good.

However, the need to pay for the good intentions of the authorities with their own finances makes us delve into the intricacies of the innovation in detail, as well as look for an answer to the question: what will happen if you don’t pay for overhaul? For some, it seems rhetorical, for others - an occasion to think about the possible consequences after making such a decision.
How much will it cost?
Inaccurate tariff data for new utility bills is not uncommon. The same can be said about payments for capital repairs. Mediumthe tariffs at which it is established how much to pay for overhauls vary from 5 to 15 rubles. per sq. m. That is, the regions independently set the amount of contributions, based on the state in which the local housing stock is located. The highest rates were noted back in 2014, when the figures were 20-50 rubles. At the moment, experts still note the possibility of using modern technologies and materials, as well as the likelihood of an increase in overhaul periods.

Presumably, these factors, even in the most neglected subjects, will not allow raising the minimum reasonable price above 20 rubles. per sq. m. The unpleasant moments in this part include the fact that many citizens have already faced a high commission when paying by mail and through savings banks. On average, it is 30-50 rubles.
Who should pay?
According to the law, the owners of apartment buildings are required to pay for major repairs. Now it’s worth figuring out whether all apartment owners need to pay for overhaul? According to the authors of the law, the poor should not suffer. In this regard, the benefits for payments for overhaul will be received by the same citizens who currently have them for all utility bills.
In other words, veterans of labor and the Second World War, as well as a number of citizens who are included in social support programs, are not among those who have to pay for major repairs and related services. Payment of benefits will be carried out according to the old scheme: in case of excess of expenses forpayment of real estate after the inclusion of major repairs at 10%, the family will be eligible for subsidies.
What is included in the overhaul?
To assess the feasibility of contributions for the overhaul of houses, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the list of works included in this public service item. It includes the following:
- repair of roofing and load-bearing structures;
- restoration and restoration of facades;
- basement repairs;
- tidying up foundations;
- updating or repairing engineering systems (sewage, water supply);
- replacement or installation of elevators.

Also, in some regions, it is planned to revise smoke removal and fire extinguishing systems, carry out technical measures to save energy, etc. But these are still isolated cases, since the cost of overhaul increases significantly against the background of its expansion. One way or another, the works described make us consider the question in a new way: if you do not pay for overhaul, what will happen? In this context, it means what will happen to the house, because it was the number of emergency and in dire need of repair apartment buildings that motivated the authorities to take such drastic measures.
Repair Warranty
There are quite a few people who are positively considering a home renovation. To pay or not - for them such a question is not worth it, but at the same time there should be guarantees. In any case, many want to be sure that the money will not be stolen, but will be used in accordance with the directappointment. Regional operators will take responsibility for this. In their departments, departments are being formed, among the tasks of which is the overhaul with the funds received by the regional funds according to the plan. All apartment buildings are included in special lists with registers, access to which will be provided to any payer. Thus, you can track the expenditure of funds and the implementation of repairs for each object.
Arguments against contributions

Claims to the amendment from the date of its adoption come not only from ordinary citizens, but also from experts. In particular, the expediency of the innovation is called into question due to the fact that apartment owners do not own common house property. It is this aspect that justifies the very formulation of the question: to pay for the overhaul of housing or not? The fact is that the municipality transfers ownership of only a certain area of the house, but the staircase, attic, roofing, engineering networks and the basement are not owned by a particular tenant. A typical example illustrating the unfairness of this approach is the obligation of the owners of apartments on the ground floor to invest in the replacement of the elevator.
In addition to everything, the timing is unknown when the planned plan to improve the state of the housing stock will be implemented. For this reason, many owners deliberately refused to pay for the overhaul, since at the time of its implementation they will completely change their place of residence. For reference: in some regions, the implementation of repairs is extended for decades- and this is only according to the documents.
If you don't pay?
It is difficult to predict what the practical consequences will be for those who refuse such cooperation with the municipality. In theory, the owner of the apartment has the right not to pay in full all the columns in the utility bill. Nevertheless, the question remains: if you do not pay for the overhaul, what will happen? The capital funds note that people who become indebted under this item will receive notifications. After that, as in the case of other utilities, you should wait for a trial. In accordance with the law, interest will also be added to the amount owed every month. However, from the moment the house is included in the list of those subject to major repairs, its owners have the right to independently determine the format for collecting money for the “repair fund”.
There are also rumors about the abolition of monthly compensation for citizens who are in the category of socially protected. This primarily applies to pensioners. That is, if the owner of this group does not pay for the overhaul, then the benefit in the form of an EBC will be canceled for him. In fact, such a measure has no grounds, since monetary compensation does not apply to major repairs.
How not to pay legally?
The most rational way to get rid of new obligations may be one of the options proposed by the authorities: the use of rental savings from the delivery of non-residential premises in the house and the independent implementation of repairs at the expense of residents. Of course, in this case, too, the collection of money cannot be avoided, for which there will also beoverhaul completed. To pay or not to pay according to the receipt - such a question will disappear and will be transferred to the responsibility of the homeowners meeting.
Major repairs at the expense of the house

This alternative option is convenient for those who do not want to pay utilities and are planning to do repairs themselves. The scheme is quite understandable and has been worked out in other areas of public utilities: the owners at the general meeting decide to open a house account from which maintenance activities will be financed. In this case, a legal suspension of payments is allowed and it is possible not to pay for overhaul to regional funds. However, it is important to consider that the amount on the account of the house must correspond to the minimum set by the regional authorities for major repairs. That is, self-raised money must match the amount of total payments for a particular house.
Financing from rent and advertising
Almost every apartment building has non-residential premises. Since the mandatory payment of contributions for overhaul assumes that all the property of the building is in the possession of the tenants, they can dispose of it at their discretion. So, for example, at the expense of rental income, you can make up for the cost of overhaul. To pay or not to pay - in this case, such a question does not arise. Moreover, the owner of the apartment may not invest a penny at all from his personal pocket.
But again, the main thing is that the amount from the rental of non-residential areas is enough to coverrepair costs. In addition to this method, the possibility of providing a facade as an advertising platform can be noted. By the way, the new law may become an occasion to check how this financial potential is used in the house. The most active members of self-government often receive income from leased premises. Perhaps they should be redirected to directly improve the condition of the home?
Emergency homes - do I have to pay?

At the moment, this is the most pressing issue that affects not only the overhaul program, but also the procedures for resettling residents. The law clearly states whether it is necessary to pay for major repairs in emergency housing - no, until it is excluded from the program. Nevertheless, in many regions there are cases when the owners of apartments in non-repairable buildings complain about receipts with points on payment for major repairs. A building recognized as unsafe should be excluded from the list of objects for the restoration of which funds are collected.
Such inconsistencies arise from other problems. In this case, these are delays in resettlement. People complain that while they are waiting in line, they have to pay the cost of maintaining a potentially uninhabitable house. In this regard, the question is interesting: if you do not pay for major repairs, what will happen in the case of housing that has received the status of emergency? Authorities indicate that all funds raised for such houses will be used to demolish them and implement a resettlement program.
As you know, many laws in the early stagesimplementations reveal significant shortcomings and are corrected accordingly. Most likely, this is also waiting for the mandatory overhaul of houses, since its flaws have a very noticeable effect on the financial well-being of citizens. At the same time, it is important to note the alternative opportunities that were left to people who want to put their houses in order on their own. True, even in such cases it will not be possible to avoid the hassle of organizing a major overhaul. Indeed, in addition to the general collection of money from the owners, it is necessary to look for and hire a contractor.

One way or another, today in Russia millions of houses are in need of repair. To take responsibility for the maintenance of the house into their own hands or to lay it on the state - each house management decides privately. But one thing is clear: the costs of major repairs are borne by the citizens themselves, and this is perhaps the main drawback of the new amendment.
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