2025 Author: Howard Calhoun | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:10
Out of the available number of banking organizations, everyone is trying to make their choice in favor of the one that is able to offer profitable products and the most comfortable conditions for cooperation. Equally important is the impeccable reputation of the institution, positive customer reviews. Bank Vozrozhdenie occupies a special position among numerous financial institutions. It has a wide network and offers interesting lending and deposit programs. However, this organization, like any other, has not only supporters.
What kind of organization is this
Vozrozhdenie was founded in 1991. To date, the bank is in the top 50 Russian credit institutions. The worthy positions of the company are confirmed by high international ratings and far from the last places in all-Russian ratings.
If we take the data for the current year 2018, then this commercial bank is assigned the 38thplace in the list of the largest domestic financial institutions. The company's assets exceed 260 billion rubles. Judging by these indicators, there is no doubt about the reliability of Vozrozhdenie Bank.
Reviews about this organization are mixed. Many customers are satisfied with cooperation with the company. The attention of most people is attracted by a wide line of offers for loans and deposits for both individuals and legal entities. In reviews of Vozrozhdenie Bank, they often express gratitude to its employees and recommend using advantageous services. But you can also often find other comments in which deceived Vozrozhdeniye customers are advised not to contact this company.
The bank was created on the basis of the capital department of Agroprombank of the USSR. Vozrozhdenie was one of those institutions that managed to receive a stabilization subsidy from the Central Bank in 1998 due to its competitiveness and demand among the population.
At the moment, the company's shares are in the hands of about 7 thousand holders, most of them belong to Russian firms, individuals. The largest shareholder is the Chairman of the Board D. Orlov. He owns 30% of the securities listed on the stock markets. Bank Vozrozhdenie boasts numerous offices and representative offices throughout the Russian Federation. The predominant part of the company's branches is located in Moscow and the Moscow region. The list of banking services provided is also impressive: from conducting simple settlement and cash operations and servicing client cards tomortgage and consumer lending. In Vozrozhdenie Bank, according to reviews, they often take car loans at a relatively low interest rate.

Lending directions
Thanks to the opportunity to get a bank loan, citizens solve a lot of their financial difficulties that have arisen in a short time. Vozrozhdenie lends funds to clients for any purpose, including medical treatment, buying a car, housing, household appliances, repairs, etc.
Each of the lending programs of this financial institution has a number of features, so customers of any category will be able to find the most suitable solution for themselves. The main types of loans from Vozrozhdenie Bank:
- non-target consumer cash loan;
- mortgage for the purchase of an apartment in the primary or secondary market, a private house, apartments, etc.;
- refinancing and servicing loans received from other organizations.
The basic conditions under which the bank is ready to provide a loan do not differ fundamentally, depending on the specific program. An important difference between the loans is the source of guarantees, the chosen currency. So, for example, when using collateral, money can be borrowed both in the national currency of the Russian Federation and in conventional units, but the interest rate in this case will also be different.
Mortgage lending programs offered by the bank are also diverse. Vozrozhdenie does not lag behind the leading credit institutions of the countryand allows the possibility of obtaining a loan for the purchase of various real estate objects. In addition to a loan for residential premises, here you can get funds for the purchase of a land plot and a parking space, as well as participate in shared construction on suitable conditions.
According to customer reviews of Vozrozhdenie Bank, it is not easy to get approval for refinancing a loan. This service is used by clients who would like to soften the conditions for the repayment of existing debts. The decision depends on the balance of unpaid interest, the purity of the credit history and the client's consent to join the collective insurance contract.
Procedure for obtaining a consumer loan
To choose a convenient loan program, now you do not need to come to a bank branch for a manager's advice. You can get acquainted with the available banking products on the official website of the company. There is a special online calculator for calculating the loan. In reviews of Bank Vozrozhdenie, customers often praise the successful and accessible interface of the site, as well as the absence of difficulties when using the calculator. With it, you can make a preliminary calculation and find out the amount of the monthly payment, depending on the initial data.

Having chosen the loan conditions suitable for you, you must submit an electronic application for a particular banking product. Each of the clients can assess their chances of approval in advance by reviewing the list of requirements for borrowers presented by the bank. Citizens of the Russian Federation aged no older than 65 and no younger than 21 can apply for a cash loan. The chances of your application being approved are minimal if you have a bad credit history. The solvency of the borrower is also of great importance for the bank, therefore Vozrozhdenie does not accept applications from persons who do not have official employment. For employees, six months of continuous service at the last place of work is enough, and for those clients who also receive a salary on a bank card, three months is enough.
From every rule, as you know, there is an exception. In this case, it is worth citing a program for lending to pensioners as an example. The reviews on Vozrozhdenie Bank confirm the information available on the organization's website: a loan is issued to pensioners with a positive credit history and permanent registration in the region of circulation.
A preliminary application for a loan is considered within a few minutes, but this does not at all guarantee that upon presentation of a complete package of documents at a bank branch, the applicant will be issued a loan. If you believe the reviews about Vozrozhdenie Bank, there are many cases of refusal due to the inaccuracy of the information provided. It takes from 2 to 15 working days to review the application and make a decision on approval or refusal of a loan.
How to pay off debt
All current programs of the bank provide for the repayment of debt by the borrower under an annuity scheme, which involves making monthly payments in equal amounts throughout the entire term of the loan. Pay interest onthe use of the loan and the return of money for the credit body is necessary according to the schedule approved at the time of signing the agreement. The required amount can be deposited in various ways:
- transfer from a card of another bank through an ATM or terminal;
- cash at the bank office;
- direct transfer from the borrower's employer by deducting the required amount from the latter's salary.
In case of late payment of the next payment, the bank charges a pen alty in the amount of 20% of the amount of the monthly debt. In addition, the bank provides for the possibility of collecting funds in the amount of 2% of the total loan debt in case of loss of the guarantor. As in any other credit institution, the debt here can also be repaid ahead of schedule - no pen alty or commission is provided for this.
What people say about Vozrozhdenie bank loans
Judging by customer reviews of Vozrozhdenie bank loans, not everyone is satisfied after cooperating with this financial institution. Since it is non-targeted consumer lending that is most in demand among Russian citizens, most of the responses are devoted to this issue.

First of all, people note that bank employees are too obsessively offering to insure life, he alth, collateral against personal risks. Moreover, when insurance is cancelled, managers automatically increase the interest rate. By such actions, employees of a banking organization violate the requirementsof the law, since the decision on insurance should be made solely by the individual borrower.
The second reason for the negative reviews of the loan in the bank "Vozrozhdenie" is the delay by the company's employees of information about the repayment of the debt. In fact, this is a serious and very important point, if it is not observed, the borrower's credit history can be damaged. It turns out that each bank transmits information about loans issued to credit bureaus, including those data that relate to the current repayment of the debt. In the event of a delay in updating information on the payment of the debt, another bank will be forced to refuse to issue a loan or mortgage to the client.
Based on other user comments, it is easy to conclude that bank employees do not always cope with their official duties, they allow themselves to be irresponsible, rude and impudent towards borrowers. It is not uncommon for a bank to not even notify the client about the decision taken in case of refusal to issue a loan.
There are also positive reviews about the employees of Vozrozhdeniye Bank. Most of them are thank-you letters with words of appreciation addressed to specialists who helped clients solve various problems. Also, many users note a large selection of loan products, favorable annual rates, comfortable payment methods.
Deposits for the public: conditions, rates
Today Vozrozhdenie Bank can offer more than ten types of deposits for individuals. You can open an account for savings and capitalizationin national or foreign currency. For the convenience of users, a special form is presented on the official website of the company, filling in which allows you to see a list of products that meet the specified criteria. Let's note the main types of deposits in Vozrozhdenie Bank.
The My Opportunities program involves opening a dollar or ruble deposit account. Deposit conditions are set depending on the chosen currency. To open an account, you will need 10 thousand rubles, 300 $ or 300 €. At the same time, the maximum annual rate in the first case can be 5.55%, in the second - 2% and in the third - no more than 0.3%. The deposit is made for at least 6 months, and the client will be able to receive his interest only after this period has expired. The My Opportunities program allows both partial withdrawals and deposits.

The "Maximum income" deposit can be opened in any of the three currencies. Clients who invest in Russian rubles can apply for the maximum rate (up to 7.45%). A minimum of 50 thousand rubles is required. To open an account in dollar terms, you need $ 1,500, while the client can count on an annual rate that does not exceed 2.8%. In both cases, the deposit is opened for one calendar year, and interest on it can only be received at the end of the deposit term.
"My piggy bank" is a standard solution for customers. In reviews of deposits from Vozrozhdenie Bank, one can often find mention of this deposit program. She isallows opening a deposit both in domestic and foreign currencies. The minimum contribution is 10 thousand rubles, 300 $ or 300 €. Interest, at the request of the client, can be accrued to any account opened with a bank, or capitalized. The maximum annual rate is 6.3%.
Documents for making a deposit
In customer reviews of Vozrozhdenie bank deposits, many are happy to share about loyal conditions and the minimum requirements for opening a depositary account. In comparison with the process of processing loan products, in order to conclude an agreement on servicing a deposit, the client needs:
- be a resident of the Russian Federation or any other state;
- write an application with a request to open a depository account;
- submit identification documents.
Foreigners who also have the right to be depositors will be required to submit documents confirming the fact of legal stay in Russia. Each owner of a deposit account has the opportunity to withdraw money before the allotted time, but for this you will have to apply in advance to terminate the agreement and pay a pen alty.
As for the list of documents required to open a deposit account, it looks like this:
- passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or a foreign citizen;
- second document confirming a person's identity (SNILS, driver's license, military ID, etc.);
- pension card (if available).
What nuances will you have to face
A wide range of deposit programs will help each client, regardless of the available amount, to choose the most profitable solution. In reviews of Vozrozhdenie Bank in Voronezh, users note the responsiveness of employees. Specialists explain everything in an accessible way and help you choose a deposit that best meets your expectations about the interest rate.

To get the most profit, it is not worth withdrawing interest money from a deposit account. Instead, it is better to connect the interest capitalization service. In addition, you should be more careful if you plan to periodically replenish the deposit - some programs do not provide for the possibility of depositing additional funds.
To open a depositary account, the client will have to come personally to Vozrozhdeniye Bank. Reviews of the branches of the credit institution can be found on the company's website. Those involved in the preparation of various documents in electronic form note: this is a great opportunity to carefully study each proposal, understand the nuances and choose the most beneficial for yourself. If you need clarification, you can visit a bank branch and seek advice from specialists.
Opinion of clients about deposits
Many responses about the deposit programs of Vozrozhdeniye Bank are negative. Basically, people's negative comments are caused by the fact that in some cases the profit on a bank deposit turns out to be much less than expected. When concluding a contract, it is necessary to carefully study it.terms. Of particular importance are the terms of the deposit and the amount of investments. Often, the provisions governing the terms of depository savings are written in the agreement in small print.
Positive reviews about Vozrozhdenie Bank in Moscow and other cities of Russia are not difficult to meet. They are associated with an expression of gratitude to the bank employees. For the most part, clients are satisfied with the quality of services provided, consulting support and satisfactory conditions for servicing depositary accounts. Despite the fact that Bank Vozrozhdenie does not offer the highest interest rates, customers express a significant degree of confidence in it, turning here again.
Peculiarities of mortgage registration
After analyzing all the mortgage lending programs operating in this financial institution, we can highlight the main conditions and requirements for potential borrowers. Most applicants succeed in obtaining approval for a loan from Vozrozhdenie Bank, according to customer reviews of mortgages. The thing is that the interest rates at which the institution issues loans to the population are slightly higher than the average. At the same time, the basic conditions for obtaining a loan for the purchase of housing are considered very loyal. This is confirmed by the reviews of legal entities.
Bank Vozrozhdenie offers several mortgage products. Summarizing their conditions, we get this:
- loan term - from 1 to 30 years;
- maximum loan size - up to 30 million rubles, minimum - from 300 thousand rubles;
- down payment - from 10%;
- usecollateral;
- life and property insurance.

Depending on the chosen mortgage lending program, conditions such as initial payment, loan amount, repayment period, etc. may differ. At the moment, the average mortgage rate is equal to 10.4%. The employees of Vozrozhdenie themselves, in their reviews of the bank, call the offered conditions the most loyal in comparison with other credit organizations. The requirements for obtaining a mortgage here can be called standard:
- age from 21 to 65 years old (at the time of debt repayment, the borrower should not be over 65 years old);
- mortgage borrowers can only be citizens of the Russian Federation with permanent or temporary registration in the country;
- official employment and at least six months of experience at the last job;
- sufficient level of stable income.
The borrower can borrow the missing amount for the purpose of purchasing:
- apartments in a new building;
- Resale property;
- country house, cottage, cottage, townhouse;
- car spaces.
Despite the absence of state participation, Bank Vozrozhdenie offers a social mortgage, for the approval of which a potential borrower needs to obtain relevant documents from the municipal authorities. Military personnel, young families, socially unprotected people can count on the provision of subsidies from the statecategories of citizens.
Mortgage Feedback
If you believe the reviews about the bank "Vozrozhdenie", in Krasnodar this institution is the least popular among the population. Those who nevertheless made a choice in favor of this company leave ambiguous comments. On the one hand, there are many more positive reviews than negative ones. Customers love that:
- applications for mortgage loans are processed in a short time;
- Bank administration promptly responds to requests from borrowers;
- employees advise at any stage and accompany the transaction up to the moment the seller transfers the property to the buyer.
As for the negative reviews about Vozrozhdeniye Bank, a common reason here is the imposition of insurance products, in case of refusal of which the annual rate will be significantly increased, and the mortgage itself becomes unprofitable. In addition, there are often complaints from clients about calls from collectors regarding already paid or non-existent debt. Thus, the errors in the technical work of the employees of Vozrozhdeniye Bank become clear. In reviews of the work of this institution, people also complain about the insufficient number of ATMs in cities and the low level of their functionality.
Is it worth it to get a job at Vozrozhdeniye Bank
If legal entities consider this credit institution solely as a financial partner, then ordinary citizens often think about working at Vozrozhdeniye Bank. Reviews aboutThere are plenty of jobs for this company. Moreover, employees of this organization leave both negative and approving comments.

In general, reviews of the Vozrozhdeniye bank employer show that most consultants and managers consider employment in the company to be the right decision. Among the main points that allow you to make a choice in favor of this bank, they note:
- high and stable wages;
- friendly team and corporate spirit;
- prospect for career advancement;
- bonus system for employees when the plan is fulfilled.
Also, bank employees note that their management is strict, but at the same time always makes fair decisions. Judging by the comments, Vozrozhdenie, as an employer, fully meets the expectations of employees, provides the most comfortable and decent working conditions. But in order to get a position in Moscow, according to the employees of Vozrozhdenie Bank, they had to go through a difficult interview. Rigid selection of personnel is aimed at forming a truly professional and efficient working team. The personal qualities of a potential subordinate, his level of education, seniority and actual work experience are also taken into account.
At the same time, there are also negative responses, which should also be listened to by those who would like to join the team of bank managers. What some employees consider a strict and fair attitude of management, others call"tyranny" and "neglect of the interests of ordinary employees." Many write that the bank has too strict disciplinary requirements for each employee, failure to comply with which is fraught with salary cuts and lack of bonuses. In case of violation of labor discipline, pen alties are applied to employees: part of the salary is collected from the employee for the violation.
Dissatisfaction is also expressed because of the protracted trial period. The salary of an intern at Vozrozhdeniye Bank is usually 1.5-2 times less than an employee with some experience in this bank.
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