The mission of an organization is the philosophy of its work

The mission of an organization is the philosophy of its work
The mission of an organization is the philosophy of its work

The effectiveness of any organization depends on the qualifications of the staff, on the technologies used in the work, but most importantly, on the presence of a goal, a vector of development. The mission of an organization is a common goal that unites individual work elements into one strong structure and encourages them to move in the same direction. When we know where we are going, the probability that we will end up in the wrong place is practically zero.

the organization's mission is
the organization's mission is

The mission of an organization is, in fact, the purpose of the organization in society, the philosophy of its activities, its raison d'être. It determines the direction and prospects for the development of the company, guidelines for the formation of intermediate goals. Is it enough for the head of the enterprise to formulate it orally? The answer is negative. The mission and strategy of an organization should be in writing for several reasons.

Firstly, recorded information is always more organized and meaningful. Secondly, a written statement of goals during the formation of the company will be necessary for its registration ingovernment agencies. Thirdly, customers, partners and employees should also be aware of what goals the company sets for itself, how it positions itself and why, in fact, it exists.

It is necessary to determine the mission of the organization taking into account the following criteria:

strategic mission of the organization
strategic mission of the organization
  1. The mission of an organization is a realistic goal that can be achieved. It should be ambitious, motivate for development, but also take into account the company's capabilities, the availability of the necessary resources and the level of qualification of the staff.
  2. The main goal of the organization should be aimed at solving a specific need of society, to benefit people.
  3. The mission of an organization is a powerful incentive for the effective work of its employees. It determines the importance of the existence of the company and the solution of its tasks and goals.
  4. The availability of the mission for understanding and agreement with it by all members of the company is one of the main criteria for the organization's strategy. If the mission is not clearly formulated or not everyone agrees with it, there is a big risk of chaotic work and disagreements within the team.

    mission and strategy of the organization
    mission and strategy of the organization
  5. Uniqueness is an important criterion of the philosophy of the organization's work and a factor in the speed of its development. The company should try to do what others do not, and solve those problems that no one has solved before. But in order to determine what the company will be unique in, it is necessary to analyze the needs of society in that niche,which she plans to take. It may turn out that there is already a strong competitor in the market that fully satisfies the demand. Then it makes sense to pay attention to other urgent needs.
  6. The strategic mission of the organization should contain a guide to action, that is, to determine the guidelines for the development of the company today and tomorrow. What does it mean? Creating an organization is often a very laborious and lengthy process. Many spend years on gaining the trust of customers, developing a database, debugging all technical processes, so the company's mission must be formulated for several years (or even decades) ahead. Confidence is needed that the motivating force of the mission will last for the planned period of its existence.

The focus of the actions of all members of the team, strict adherence to the set goals is the key to the successful development of the company.
