How to sell a car correctly: new, beaten, used

How to sell a car correctly: new, beaten, used
How to sell a car correctly: new, beaten, used

Purchase and sale transactions are the most common in the Russian Federation. And so citizens are often interested in them. You can sell everything - products, things, property. The latter option is becoming more and more common. The property is sold both immovable and movable. For example, vehicles. This type of agreement provides for a number of features. Such operations are slightly different from the implementation of an immovable object. Therefore, today we will find out how to properly sell a car. What should the owner remember about this task? What documents are needed? And how long will the process take? To answer all this and not only will be sure to succeed further. With proper preparation, the owner will not have significant troubles.

Machine selection
Machine selection

Legal Regulations

First, a few words about the legal framework of the procedure. When thinking about how to properly sell a car, the owner must understand what he agrees to.

The point is that the sale of vehicles is a legally significant transaction. Thus, the old owner transfers the rights to property of a movable type for a certainfee.

When making the studied transactions, it is important to follow a certain algorithm of actions. We will meet him later. Car sales instructions depend on the situation as a whole.

How to sell a car? According to the new rules in force in Russia, transactions for the purchase of vehicles do not require additional registration. Moreover, such operations can be carried out without the support of lawyers or notaries. This greatly simplifies the process.

Methods of implementation

How to sell a car? The answer to this question is not as simple as it seems.

This is due to the fact that the mentioned type of deals can be different. For example, the owner can put up for sale:

  • new car without mileage;
  • wrecked car;
  • used vehicle.

Depending on the situation, the further algorithm of actions will change. Not too strong, but the moves are not identical.

Registration of purchase and sale
Registration of purchase and sale

In addition, it is important to understand that it is proposed to deal with the implementation of the sale of the vehicle:

  • on my own;
  • accompanied by intermediaries (lawyers, notaries);
  • through special intermediary firms (agencies, car pawnshops).

Next, we will consider all the listed options for the development of events. At the end, there will be tips for quickly selling vehicles.

New car and deal

How to legally sell a car? You will have to conclude a purchase agreement and sign it. Next, the vehicle is deregistered (this can be done inany traffic police) and then registered to the new owner.

Start with new vehicle deals. This is not the most common arrangement. After all, few people will resell a new car.

Vehicle purchase and sale agreement
Vehicle purchase and sale agreement

Nevertheless, if you want to sell such property, you will need:

  1. Register the car. Not necessarily, rather desirable.
  2. Create a package of documents for further operation.
  3. Draw up a contract in the prescribed form. The document clearly spells out the features of the vehicle, as well as the transfer of money.
  4. Find buyers and show them the product.
  5. Sign the purchase agreement.
  6. Get money for the operation. In return, the seller issues a receipt of the established form to the new owner of the vehicle.
  7. Hand over the car keys.

That's it. Now you don't have to worry. That's how easy it is to sell a new car correctly. There will be fewer problems if the seller has already registered the vehicle and issued a license plate for the contract.

Wrecked cars and how to sell

How to sell a broken car? This issue should be taken very seriously. After all, owners often try to get rid of a vehicle that has been in an accident.

The sale of movable property in broken form can be carried out:

  • through sale to car pawnshops or other citizens in parts;
  • after complete vehicle repair (regular property sale).

In addition, a citizen can find a reseller who will buy a broken vehiclewithout repair. As a rule, this is a huge rarity. But if you try, you can cope with such a task.

Sell by piece

It is worth paying attention to the fact that broken cars are often sold in parts. What will it take?

How to sell a car
How to sell a car

In general, when thinking about how to properly sell a car, owners must decide how to act. You can sell a broken car in parts or hand it over for disassembly.

In any case, such operations provide for a preliminary appeal to the traffic police and the deregistration of a beaten car. After that, the registration authority will issue a certificate of the established form. Only then can the owner easily sell spare parts.

Some people act like this:

  1. Take pictures of parts.
  2. Put up ads for sale on bulletin boards.
  3. Transfer components for cars without documents for a fee.

This option cannot be considered legal. In fact, this is a concealment of income. Accordingly, you will have to consider a legal way.

How to sell a car in parts? You can act like this:

  1. Find buyers.
  2. Prepare car paperwork and ID.
  3. Create a contract for the sale and purchase of a specific spare part.
  4. Sign an agreement with the buyer.
  5. Take money for the process and issue a receipt.

Such a solution would be the most correct. But how else can you sell cars?

Search for a car to buy
Search for a car to buy


Dealers often buy broken vehicles in order to repair them later and put them up for sale again at a better price. Often, people like this take away cars that are not in working condition.

How to sell a car to resellers? If you act officially, the algorithm of actions will not differ in any way from the usual sale and purchase of a vehicle. The main thing is to indicate all damage to the machine in the agreement of the established form. Otherwise, the reseller may apply to the court to declare the transaction invalid.

In case of unofficial repurchase, the owners simply issue a deed of gift to the buyer, and then secretly receive the money. This alignment not only violates applicable laws, but also does not give any guarantees to sellers to receive funds for the transaction. The reseller can simply pick up the car and not pay. After all, gifts in Russia do not provide for any compensation.


How to sell a car? Sometimes it happens that a broken vehicle is no longer recoverable. Or it can't be sold at auto parts. Then you can just hand over the car to the traffic police under the recycling program.

The action algorithm includes the following steps:

  1. Collection of documentation for the machine.
  2. Applying to the traffic police with a request for recycling.
  3. Sending the machine under the appropriate program for destruction.
  4. Obtaining certificates from the traffic police about the successful disposal of property.

According to the current rules, there are no compensations for participation in the "scrap" program. But the owner of the vehicle receivesa certain discount when buying a new car. Such compensation varies from 50 to 350 thousand rubles. The exact amount of the discount directly depends on the type of car.

Important: The recycling program is only available to those who have owned a car for more than six months. Therefore, a recently purchased car cannot be sent to the "scrap".

Used sale

How to properly sell a car under a sales contract? This is not the most difficult task. Especially if a person decides to sell a used car. Even a broken car after restoration can be quite profitable to sell.

Sample advertisement for the sale of a car
Sample advertisement for the sale of a car

It is advisable to act according to this principle:

  1. Prepare the car for sale. The vehicle is recommended to be removed, washed and repaired to the maximum.
  2. Take photos of the property. Preferably from all angles.
  3. Conduct a property appraisal. This is done by specialized firms.
  4. Post ads for sale and find buyers.
  5. Arrange a demonstration of the car. At this moment, the owner can discuss all the nuances of the transaction face-to-face. For example, make a bargain.
  6. Prepare documents for the sale of the car. It is recommended to do this in advance, even before searching for clients.
  7. Draw up a contract of sale. The document must indicate the full characteristics of the object, as well as its cost and the procedure for transferring money.
  8. Conclude an agreement to sell cars. It is best to do this in the presence of a notary or an authorized person. So dealit will be possible to secure everything 100%.
  9. Receive money under the contract, issue a receipt in writing.
  10. Give the keys to the car to the new owner and draw up an act of acceptance and transfer of property.
  11. Contact the traffic police to remove the vehicle from registration. This step is optional, but it will make life much easier in the future. For example, if the new owner does not register the car with the traffic police in his name and violates traffic rules.

It's done. How to sell a car in installments? In general, the algorithm of actions remains the same. The main thing is to change the terms of the sale agreement. The text of the paper indicates that the vehicle is sold in installments. Next, you will have to prescribe the procedure for transferring funds for the car. As a rule, such transactions are made through intermediary firms or accompanied by an experienced lawyer.

Documents for sale

How to sell a used car and not only? To do this, it is important to prepare certain packages of documents.

Owners are most often required to:

  • identity card;
  • certificate of ownership of the car (any title document);
  • PTS;
  • STS;
  • OSAGO policy;
  • contract of sale;
  • certificate from the traffic police about the absence of fines;
  • conclusion on the valuation of the vehicle (desirable).

In some cases may require:

  • spouse's consent to surgery;
  • certificate of ownership;
  • marriage contract (if any).

It's really not as hard asseems. If a new car is being sold, then it is mandatory to attach a certificate of purchase of the vehicle for the first time to the agreement being concluded.

Documents for disposal

In order to send a car to the "scrap", a package of documents is also required. But in this case, there is much less paperwork.

Applicant submits:

  • passport;
  • STS;
  • PTS;
  • application for the recycling program.

In addition, you will have to remove the state numbers from the car and attach them to the package of documents. It's so simple, quick and easy.

Buying a car
Buying a car

After sale

There is one more nuance that is important to remember. We figured out how to sell a car the right way. What to do after that?

Transactions of purchase and sale of property provide for the payment of taxes. Citizens of the Russian Federation are charged 13% of the income under the contract, foreigners - 30%. Therefore, the former owner must submit a declaration of income and transfer part of the proceeds to the state treasury.

No tax if:

  • the owner sold the car he owned for at least 3 years;
  • car sold for less than it was originally bought;
  • the amount of funds transferred under the agreement does not exceed 250,000 rubles.

No more benefits. It is necessary to submit a declaration of income and pay tax for the year following the period of the transaction. Documents are submitted to the Federal Tax Service until April 30, and tax payment is deferred until July 15.

Important:you will have to pay transport tax for a car for another year after the vehicle has been sold. This phenomenon is due to the fact that taxes are charged for the previous period of ownership. That is, if the car was sold in 2018, in 2019 you will have to transfer the transport tax only for the months of owning the car in 2018.

Sales Tips

How to quickly and correctly sell a car? To do this, it is recommended:

  1. Pre-assess and repair the vehicle. Prepare the documents listed above.
  2. Set the price slightly higher than desired and offer a bargain.
  3. Do not refuse to show cars. And attach photos of the "product" from all angles to the ad.
  4. Post ads on various bulletin boards. It is better to use both newspapers and Internet portals.
  5. Do not hide from buyers the reasons for the sale of property.
  6. Describe the subject matter of the deal in detail while writing the ad.
