Stair steps: types, characteristics

Stair steps: types, characteristics
Stair steps: types, characteristics

One of the decisive factors in the design of stairs is the type of steps. They are made from various materials in a variety of forms. The choice of components is quite large, but it must be carried out with the necessary knowledge and in compliance with standards. The main rule is the selection of stairs depending on the features.

Types of steps and features of their implementation

There are a lot of criteria for classifications. They are diverse and help to select the appropriate option in more detail.

dimensions of stairs
dimensions of stairs

The first classification varies depending on the shape of the tread. Tread - the upper part of the step, which is located horizontally. She can be:

  • Straight.
  • Arc.
  • Zabezhnaya.
  • Rotary.

Rotary steps are used in those houses where a small amount of space is allocated for the stairs. In this case, you can use the running option.

Streetthe version of the stairs is made with rotary stairs. They can be different in design, which is carried out in accordance with regulatory documentation. One of the inconveniences that may arise during design is the calculation of parameters. All steps will be different.

By the number of flights of stairs can be:

  • With one march.
  • With several.

Any staircase starts with the starting step, and ends with the output step. All other constructions are called intermediate.

The height between the steps is called the riser, which can be open or closed. The risers can also be of different shapes:

  1. Rectangular.
  2. Round.
  3. Triangular.
  4. Wedge-shaped.

Some design considerations

All parameters in the stairs are selected only taking into account standards. This will ensure the necessary safety and comfort.

The width of the step should be between 250 and 400 millimeters. When the staircase is made with a spiral type, then the size will have to be changed.

stairway height
stairway height

Steps of a flight of stairs in width should be 900-1000 millimeters. It can also be modified if a massive porch is built in. Increasing the width is not recommended because you will lose usable area.

The number of structures should be equal to what is indicated in the regulatory document.

Variations by material

The following materials are used for finishing steps:

  1. Stone.
  2. Tile.
  3. Glass.
  4. Wood.
  5. Brick.

Stair steps made of wood are short-lived. All parts are treated with protective agents, which allows to increase the service life. In the event that there is a possibility of the appearance of a fungus, antiseptic agents should be used.

Glass steps may seem fragile at first glance. But in terms of reliability, in fact, they are not inferior to other components. Reinforced glass is used here, and metal grating is used for the frame.

Concrete stairs are usually tiled. In this case, you can resort to the use of various components that mimic a variety of options. One of the commonly used methods is porcelain stoneware finishing. The structure is similar to natural wood. Such material has been known for a long time and is used to create interior decor.

stair height
stair height

Another material is ceramic concrete, which is developed in many series. It is durable and long lasting.

Steps for stairs can be faced with bricks. It is available to absolutely anyone in the price category and is applicable for both outdoor and indoor use.

Finishing bricks are sold in special collections and include sets of various parts.

How to calculate?

Before calculating the correct design of the stairs, it is necessary to draw up a plan of the entire building. Thanks to this, you will be able to choose the right size of the stairs.steps according to architectural features.

Today, there are many programs for computers that will allow you to more carefully carry out the process.

The best option is an angle of 30 degrees. Any deviation will affect comfort and safety. For a classic staircase, you can use the 45 ° option. In public buildings, the parameter varies between 20-30 °. Outdoors, the slope decreases to 5-15°.

flight of stairs
flight of stairs

The rise step is another characteristic that depends on the height of the step of the flight of stairs and the width. For the calculation, it is necessary to divide the entire height of the structure into equal parts. According to the norms, they should be within the limit of 15 to 25 centimeters.

For convenience, it is best to use drawings. There you can graphically show all the calculations that will remain until the end of construction. The following data is displayed here:

  • Height of stairs.
  • Number of designs.
  • Height of all risers.

Production of porcelain stoneware stair steps

The most relevant option for the manufacture of steps is porcelain stoneware. Such structures can be prefabricated and monolithic. One-piece step options can be formed from standard sheets measuring 300 x 300 mm. Riser dimensions - 300 x 100 mm. This method will be optimal in terms of quality, strength and durability.

If we talk about a prefabricated porcelain stoneware staircase, then it is made from separate parts. This is where seams form.docking method. Many experienced designers resort to combining various types of porcelain stoneware.

It can be of several types:

  • Polished.
  • No polishing.
  • Glazed.
steps of a flight of stairs
steps of a flight of stairs

Tread, riser and baseboard are usually included as standard. If the option is monolithic, then the whole structure is a complete model from a single component.

Production of stairs from wood

The second material for the manufacture of steps and their decoration is wood. For such a procedure, various grades of materials are usually used. This includes maple, ash and oak. In the event that you want to carry out the processes yourself, but you do not have work experience, you should resort to acquiring processed raw materials. Oak is considered one of the leaders.

Wood is widely used due to a number of significant advantages. It has an attractive beauty and a long service life. In addition, beech is used. It is inferior in strength, but cost-effective. Therefore, in most cases, it will be more relevant.

stair step height
stair step height

Ash and maple are also attractive and feature a more distinct texture. They have a choice of tint palette.

If we talk about other types of wood, then there are differences in all respects. Do not forget that the better the component, the longer it will last. When buying, it is best to stock up immediatelyvarious means to improve quality characteristics.

Installing finished stairs

Today, stairs can be fastened in a variety of ways. Some of them require special skills and knowledge, while others can be mounted by anyone. Installation is carried out with the following devices:

  • Kosour.
  • Bowstring.
  • Bolza.

If the first two methods are suitable for absolutely everyone, then the latter is preferred only by professionals. Commonly used for commits:

  1. Wooden bars.
  2. Metal corners.
  3. Mounting in grooves.

Finishing and design of stairs

Here, various options for finishing stair steps can be used. In the case when you work with wood, you should take care of patterns, drawings and engraving.

stair step height
stair step height

If porcelain stoneware is used, interesting design solutions can be found here. You can just pick up some steps that will match the color of the baseboard.


If you decide to make a ladder, then special attention should be paid to the requirements of the regulations. This will ensure the necessary safety and comfort during use. Also, do not forget about the characteristics of the finishing components, which also play a paramount role in ensuring durability. This will allow you to make flights of stairs once and without making additional funds for restoration.
