Cement Novotroitsky plant: history, production, products

Cement Novotroitsky plant: history, production, products
Cement Novotroitsky plant: history, production, products

JSC "NTsZ Novotroitsky Cement Plant" is a major manufacturer of Portland cement of various grades and building materials based on it. It is located in the city of Novotroitsk in the southeast of the Orenburg region. The productivity of the enterprise is 1,300,000 tons per year.

cement Novotroitsky plant
cement Novotroitsky plant


The Novotroitsk cement plant was founded on 1954-21-10 to provide building materials for the Orsk-Novotroitsk industrial region. The first stage consisted of two production lines and a rotary kiln with a design capacity of 450,000 tons of cement. In 1956, productivity was increased to 600,000 tons of cement by increasing the furnace diameter and introducing a raw mill. Two years later, a new rotary kiln was put into operation.

1960 was a year of great renewal. A large raw material workshop, equipped with three mills, was put into operation. Thanks to its capacity, the volume of cement produced amounted to 930,000 tons. Until the end of the 60s, all furnaces were modernized, their diameter was increased to 3.6 m, and a system for supplying ground slag from the hot end of the furnace was introduced. These activities have made it possible tocapacity up to 1,300,000 tons of Portland cement.

In 1972, NTsZ was awarded the Badge of Honor, and Portland cement M-500 was awarded the Quality Mark. During the following five-year plans, the team regularly overfulfilled production plans. Its products were used for the development of enterprises in the Orenburg, Chelyabinsk regions, Bashkiria, Kazakhstan, housing, military and other facilities were built.

In 1986, factory specialists developed a unique product - clinker-free binder cement M-150, obtained from industrial waste. On November 12, 1992, the state-owned enterprise was transformed into Novotroitsk Cement Plant JSC.

OJSC Novotroitsk Cement Plant
OJSC Novotroitsk Cement Plant


The annual scheduled capacity of NCZ is 1,297,000 tons of Portland cement annually in the manufacture of low-grade cement. The production cycle is organized according to the so-called wet method, which allows fine-tuning the mineral composition of raw materials by introducing corrective additives.

Cement Novotroitsky plant consists of a complex of auxiliary, main workshops and infrastructure facilities. Each specialized workshop has its own technological process:

  • preparation of feedstock;
  • grinding;
  • roasting;
  • product packaging;
  • shipping it.

All lines are connected into a single flow system.

Resource base

Cement Novotroitsk plant uses as raw material clay mined by its own forces and means from a cement clay quarry located nearterritory of the industrial base of the enterprise. Limestone is supplied from the Akkermanovsky mine (YuUGPK, Novotroitsk) and OAO Gaisky GOK (Gai). Gypsum is brought from Kumertau (Bashkortostan). Blast-furnace slag from OAO Ural Steel is delivered to the NTsZ via a specially constructed overhead road VKD (aerial cableway).

JSC Novotroitsk Cement Plant
JSC Novotroitsk Cement Plant


JSC Novotroitsk Cement Plant offers the following types of Portland cement:

  • M-500 without mineral additives;
  • M-400 with mineral additives;
  • M-400 without mint additives;
  • M-400 with mint additives sulfate-resistant;
  • M-400 without mint additives sulfate resistant;
  • additive-free plugging for moderate temperature environments;
  • additive-free plugging for normal and low temperature environments;
  • plugging with mint additives for a moderate temperature environment;
  • additive-free grouting with high sulfate resistance;
  • additive-free grouting with moderate sulphate resistance.

NCP also produces slag cement grades M-300 and M-400, mineral powder for organomineral, asph alt concrete mixtures.


According to the adopted marketing policy, Novotroitsky Cement Plant is focused on two major target markets: the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan. Since the cost of delivery in the total price of products is high, the company seeks to serve the nearby territories of the Southern Urals and north-west of Kazakhstan. Following market trends, NCZ increases shipmentssulfate-resistant Portland cement.

As part of industrial cooperation, the Novotroitsk plant has established stable economic ties with the Akkermanovsky mine, enterprises: Sandin LLC of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Ural Steel OJSC (Novotroitsk), Gaisky GOK OJSC (Gai).

OAO NTsZ Novotroitsky Cement Plant
OAO NTsZ Novotroitsky Cement Plant


One of the important strategic tasks of the enterprise is the replacement of obsolete and worn-out equipment. Despite the consequences of the financial crisis, the top priority is given by the management of the enterprise to the modernization and reconstruction of production facilities. To do this, the specialists of the plant solve the problems of improving production technology in order to reduce costs, increase profitability, and produce competitive products.

In recent years, a large amount of work has been carried out to improve and reconstruct the existing technological equipment. In particular, the modernization of rotary kilns, cement and raw mills was carried out. Works on overhaul and current repairs of drying drums, crushers SM 170, crushers D-16, technological equipment of cement silos No. 1-16 were carried out. Improved operation of technological lines for transporting dry slag to the joint warehouse for storage and packaging of finished cement products (Process lines Roto-Paker, Big-Beg, Aspiration loading system).

Novotroitsk plant continues to develop. Its products are in demand in private housing construction, construction organizations of the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan.
