Benchmarking is everything

Benchmarking is everything
Benchmarking is everything

If we translate the word "benchmarking" from English, it turns out: bench - place, marking - mark. That is, “make a notch”, “mark a place”. The meaning of this term will help to understand the Russian folk saying: "A smart person learns from the mistakes of others, a fool learns from his own." Well, benchmarking is the first part of the saying.

benchmarking is
benchmarking is

Seriously, this is a comparison of its activities with those of the most successful competitors. This analysis is carried out not for the sake of sports interest, but in order to draw appropriate conclusions about our own developments, to detect errors and shortcomings. And then, after correcting them, move forward.

To illustrate the idea, let's remember one more proverb, now European. “Business is a bicycle: you pedal, you move fast; if you stop pedaling, you fall.” It will not work to stand still - a decline will begin. Therefore, the most disastrous thing for a business is to stop at the success achieved. Do not invest in development and marketing.

competitive benchmarking
competitive benchmarking

Specialists distinguish fourtype of process of this economic phenomenon:

  • general benchmarking is comparing your own performance and product sales with those of several of the most successful competitors;
  • functional - comparison of individual parameters and indicators with those of the industry leader (research conducted by a group of specialists);
  • competitive benchmarking - analysis of data on enterprises of the same industry as a researcher;
  • internal - analysis of the activities of departments within the organization according to parameters that lend themselves to analogy.

For example, Hewlett-Packard once conducted functional benchmarking to catch up with its Japanese competitors. The studied indicator was the payback period of the project. As a result of the study, a strategy for further product development was developed. Its results can be judged by the abundance of office equipment with the HP logo in every office.

benchmarking goals
benchmarking goals

The main difficulty that defines benchmarking is that competitors are not inclined to share the secrets of their success. Commercial information is closed, and attempts to obtain it are classified as industrial espionage. Therefore, there is a certain amount of error in the results.

With some assumption, you can find common features with the international standards ISO-9000. The goals of benchmarking and ISO-9000 are to set a high standard not only for the end product, but for every step of the manufacturing process.

An illustrative example of a concernFord. By 1986, the company was in a serious decline. Managers of the industrial giant conducted a benchmarking study, which resulted in the release of the Ford Taurus, the concern's first front-wheel drive model. The decision to equip the car with front-wheel drive was the result of an analysis of the activities of successful competitors - Chrysler and General Motors. In addition to all-wheel drive, other factors behind the company's lagging behind its closest competitors were taken into account in the production of cars. The Taurus ended up being Car of the Year and was voted one of Ford's five best-selling cars in all-time sales.

benchmarking is
benchmarking is

It should be taken into account that benchmarking is a tool for constant impact on technological processes. In the case of a one-time use, success will be temporary, as happened with the same Taurus: in the next few years, the analysis was not carried out, flaws in the car caused complaints from car owners. This has drastically reduced sales of the said brand.
