How to exchange rubles for bitcoins and vice versa?

How to exchange rubles for bitcoins and vice versa?
How to exchange rubles for bitcoins and vice versa?

Predictions are circulating on the web that bitcoins will soon sink into oblivion, although in fact it is a very liquid commodity, and it is in demand. Having bought bitcoin today, in a year or two you can make good money, so many users want to know how to exchange rubles for bitcoins. We note right away that there is nothing complicated about this. With the development of modern technology, this is done within a dozen minutes.

how to exchange rubles for bitcoins
how to exchange rubles for bitcoins

Where and how to exchange rubles for bitcoins?

The most obvious place to exchange is bitcoin exchanges. There are special cryptocurrency exchanges on the Web, where the process of buying bitcoins is simple. And if you are interested in how to exchange bitcoins for rubles in Russia, then this can be done there. True, the cryptocurrency exchange will be carried out to your WebMoney wallet. Well, money can be easily withdrawn from a wallet to a bank card, but this is not about that now.

Exchange on stock exchanges

The most popular and oldest exchange is BTC-E. She works withrubles and is trusted by many users. It is BTC-E that has the largest trading volumes, and after the exchange was hacked in 2012, all the stolen money was returned to affected users, so you can trust the BTC-E exchange.

Registration here is fast:

  • enter email;
  • login;
  • password;
  • confirm mail.

Before you exchange rubles for bitcoins, study the systems with which the exchange works. You can deposit rubles through Yandex Money, OKPAY and services. You can also make a deposit in dollars, but only through the Qiwi, Epese, MoneyPolo, Moneta, Ecoin exchanges. After depositing money and exchanging it for bitcoins, you can withdraw the latter only after 72 hours.

Automatic exchangers

You can also exchange bitcoins for rubles profitably using automatic exchangers. One of the most popular exchangers is Baksman, which works all the time. Can he be trusted? Undoubtedly. If you have an account with Sberbank, you can exchange rubles for bitcoins using Baksman.

where to exchange bitcoins for rubles
where to exchange bitcoins for rubles

The second most popular and convenient exchanger is Xchange. It also works around the clock and allows you to exchange money using the systems "Yandex Money", "VTB24", "Alfa Bank", "Gazprom Bank".

Less popular is the ProstoCash service, where you can buy and sell bitcoins. The service cooperates with Perfect Money, Qiwi, ADVCash, Bitcoin, Payeer payment systems. For exchangeyou will need a minimum of data.

There are a lot of other small exchangers, but we won't name them here. Firstly, the mentioned services are more than enough for the exchange of large and small amounts. Secondly, there is no confidence in the reliability of little-known services for exchanging money for bitcoins.

exchange rubles for bitcoins
exchange rubles for bitcoins

Is it legal to use exchangers?

There is a Law of the Russian Federation, according to which all settlements between business entities must be made in rubles. But how then is the purchase of the same bitcoins for dollars carried out? The fact is that when making a payment in an online store, rubles are converted into dollars and vice versa. Therefore, currency exchange is carried out on the territory of the Russian Federation, and the calculation is carried out in rubles. The foreign seller thus receives currency. From the point of view of the legislation of the Russian Federation, the buyer simply exchanges rubles for dollars, and the dollars themselves are taken outside the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation. Bitcoins are just a commodity that can be bought in this way.

And if you do not know where to exchange bitcoins for rubles, then, based on the above, you can use any exchanger that meets the following requirements:

  1. Not located in or.rf domain zone.
  2. Physically, the site is not located in FI.
exchanging bitcoins for rubles profitably
exchanging bitcoins for rubles profitably

How to exchange bitcoins for rubles

Depending on which mining system you are using, the withdrawal can be done in different ways. One of the most popularcryptocurrency projects is Minergate. Most users use this system for cloud mining, and when a certain amount accumulates, the question of withdrawal arises.

One of the most common withdrawal methods is not quite standard. You don't even need to use exchangers. The bottom line is to replenish the account of a Forex broker with bitcoins. Many brokers support this "currency". After replenishment, bitcoins will be converted. You can later withdraw them from the broker's account to your bank card. In this case, you will have to pay a certain percentage, but often it is lower than the percentage in exchangers.

Alternatively, you can use automatic exchangers. The Bankomat exchange system is one of the most popular and reliable. To exchange bitcoins for rubles and withdraw them, for example, to a Qiwi wallet, it is enough to indicate the amount for the exchange in the exchanger, select the direction and indicate the e-mail address of the Qiwi wallet. After the application is confirmed, bitcoins will be debited from the Minergate account (or other cryptocurrency project), and you will receive rubles to your Qiwi wallet. Well, from this system they are easily sent to a bank card.

Note that gradually some banks are trying to introduce a support system for this cryptocurrency. This idea of banks to improve is well received by users, so it is possible that soon banks will be able to provide miners with convenient tools for working with cryptocurrency.

how to exchange bitcoins for rubles in russia
how to exchange bitcoins for rubles in russia

Withdrawal to Webmoney

Poanalogy with a Qiwi wallet, you can also use a Webmoney wallet. To do this, you need to register in the system, get a formal passport (confirm your data according to your passport) and open a WMX wallet. From cloud mining systems, bitcoins can be sent directly to WMX wallets of the Webmoney system. After that, they are exchanged for rubles directly in the system itself and sent to a bank card. By the way, by analogy, you can do the opposite. That is, to change rubles for bitcoins.

Now you know how to exchange rubles for bitcoins and vice versa. Use it and earn money from it.
