What is soil mulching and what materials can be used as mulch?

What is soil mulching and what materials can be used as mulch?
What is soil mulching and what materials can be used as mulch?

Perhaps many of you have heard of such an agrochemical technique as mulching. It is widely used in a variety of climatic zones, and various covering materials can be used. About what soil mulching is, is described in this article. You will also learn what types of mulch are used and what technologies are used during this process.

what is soil mulching
what is soil mulching

So what is soil mulching? This is the shelter of the surface of a bed or flower bed with organic or inorganic material, and only row-spacings can be covered, or maybe the entire surface of the area allocated for the bed. Man "peeped" the technology of mulching in nature. The soil under shrubs and trees is always covered with fallen leaves, needles and dry grass. This natural mulch protects it from drying out, and plants from pests and low temperatures. Rains cannot wash away the soil under natural mulch, at the same time, a hard crust does not form on the surface, and moisture is retained in the ground longer.

Mulching in nature has been sorted out a bit. And what is soil mulching in a garden plot and what benefits can it bring? Closing aislesor by planting the plants in an area protected by mulch, you can significantly reduce the amount of watering, as moisture will be retained much longer. In addition, you will almost completely get rid of the tedious loosening of the soil, because a hard crust will not form on its surface, and you will not spend so much time weeding, since the covering material will not allow weeds to develop.

soil mulching with black film
soil mulching with black film

What materials can be used for mulching? There are two types of mulch: organic and artificial. If we talk about inorganic materials, soil mulching with a black film is most often used, although only roofing material or lutrasil can be used. The entire bed is covered with a film, then holes are cut in it, into which plants will be planted. Thanks to mulching, the soil temperature will rise by 1.5-2 ° C, weeds will stop growing, and moisture evaporation will decrease. Transparent film does not get rid of weeds, so it is not used.

Organic mulch, unlike artificial materials, also nourishes the soil, so before covering the bed with a film, the ground is often mulched with humus. Over time, it decomposes, forming a new fertile layer that feeds the plants. In addition to humus, soil mulching with sawdust, grass clippings (slightly dry), compost (ideal), straw (especially under tomatoes), newsprint, bark, needles and fallen leaves can be used.

soil mulching with sawdust
soil mulching with sawdust

Sawdust and wood chipsrot for more than a year, so they are used in poorly cultivated places that are not dug up, on garden paths, for example. You can also fill them with raspberries or add sawdust to the beds with garlic or tulips (for the winter). The only condition is that the sawdust must be well dried, not caked. With other materials, the soil can be mulched before planting or for winter.

Now you have learned what soil mulching is and what it is used for. Every culture loves its own version of mulch, so it's hard to tell which one is best.
