How can I find out the FSS registration number by TIN?

How can I find out the FSS registration number by TIN?
How can I find out the FSS registration number by TIN?

To officially register as a legal entity, business entities send a request to the tax service. The tax office, after registering a new enterprise, transfers the data to the Social Insurance Fund. This happens automatically.

This fund is non-budgetary. Does the following:

  • pays sickness benefits;
  • provides payment for birth certificates;
  • pays child support;
  • provides citizens with benefits;
  • pays childbirth benefits;
  • makes payments to people with disabilities.

Who can get an FSS policy number?

find out the FSS registration number by TIN
find out the FSS registration number by TIN

The policyholder number is available only for those entities that are going to employ workers. You can find out the FSS number only from this category.

It is important to remember that if an individual entrepreneur wants to temporarily hire a seasonal worker, he must register with the FSS no later than the tenth day after the start of the employee's employment.

If this is not done or done at the wrong time,the situation may lead to fines. Fines are now quite tangible, amounting to several minimum wages.

Deregistration in the FSS

An economic entity is obliged to notify the off-budget fund of the termination of its activities. To do this, you must submit orders for the dismissal of employees, a document confirming the termination of activities from the Federal Tax Service, and a certificate of no debt.

If the subject needs to find out the FSS registration number by TIN, then you need to decide for what purposes it is needed.

What is the number for?

The registration code is required in order to control the subject at the time of fulfillment of duties to the employees and temporarily unemployed employees of the organization.

Registration with the Social Insurance Fund is needed for the payment of mandatory contributions, which are directly provided for by the legislation of the country, and for reporting.

Also, a registration code is assigned to provide it to government authorities for control.

What does the number mean?

registration in fss
registration in fss

This number consists of a set of numbers, where the initial four indicate the code of the Fund's branch, and the next six - the personal number of the insured, which is entered in the register of the FSS. This code does not change even if the business moves to another location.

For example, an employee of an organization is injured or ill. In this case, a document on temporary disability is drawn up, where one of the main points will be the registration number of the insured. The woman whogoing on maternity leave, a certificate of incapacity for work is also provided indicating the number of the insured.

If there is some kind of dispute between the insurer and the insured, the task is to find out the FSS number. It is also needed to fill out reports.

How to find out the FSS registration number by TIN

find fss number
find fss number

It is possible to find out the policyholder number in several ways:

  • when personally contacting the FSS;
  • by calling the FSS (in this case, you will need to give the TIN);
  • by requesting an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or EGRIP at the tax service;
  • via the Internet by TIN.

To get the registration code, you need to have personal documents on hand. With them you need to go to the FSS. You can also submit a request to the tax service for an extract from the unified register. This document will indicate the required number.

But this is the case if written confirmation of the registration number is required, and if such confirmation is not required, you can contact a specially registered online service that gives you the right to find out the FSS registration number by TIN.

To do this, you need to go to the main website of the FSS monitoring system. Follow the help link at the top of the page. When the page opens, you need to enter the TIN in the field and start the search. This method is the most affordable and fastest.

Now the ability to carry out all transactions via the Internet is gaining more and more popularity. This is very convenient - you do not need to leave your home, stand in lines andspend your energy on personal communication with employees.

Online registration of any services or obtaining the required information is available to everyone. All you need is internet access and a few minutes to spare.

An economic entity that has been registered with off-budget funds will immediately receive its FSS insured number by TIN.

But there are cases when the number is not displayed during the search, while the system says that such a number was not found in the database.

What could be the reason for the refusal? How to find the FSS number in this case?

Possible reasons for search engine failure

find fss number
find fss number

It is possible that at this moment the data in the database is being updated or the registration with the Foundation is not fully completed and the number has not been assigned, but such a case is extremely rare.

There is no number if there are no employees for an individual entrepreneur. An individual entrepreneur can find out the FSS registration number by TIN only in two cases:

  • if the entrepreneur is an employer and officially employed workers;
  • if the entrepreneur needed to apply for maternity leave or disability benefits and was assigned an insured number.

If an entrepreneur has hired workers, then he needs to register with the FSS within a certain time from the moment the contract was concluded.

number of the insured FSS by TIN
number of the insured FSS by TIN

An entrepreneur using a registration number will be able to pay insurance premiums for his employees,thanks to which, in the event of an accident at the enterprise, the employee will be financially protected.

When an individual entrepreneur is registered as an employer, he will be able to find out the FSS registration number by TIN at any time.
