Electronics Engineer Job Responsibilities

Electronics Engineer Job Responsibilities
Electronics Engineer Job Responsibilities

The main task of an electronics engineer is to develop, install, commission and start equipment. He must also ensure the continued uninterrupted operation of the equipment, ensure that it is used correctly. Any technical means needs to be serviced, tested, upgraded in order to increase efficiency and eliminate emerging malfunctions.

All this should be done by a professional in this field. The employee has the right to improve his level of qualification from the third to the first category. There is a good opportunity for career growth, in a large organization, an employee can make a career as a chief engineer.

Profession classification

In addition to the fact that there is a division into categories for this work, electronic engineers also differ in areas of activity, namely: systematic, schematic and design speci alties. The former suggest that the employee must be able to think broadly, take a systematic approach to solving various problems inelectronics.

electronic engineer job responsibilities
electronic engineer job responsibilities

Usually, workers in this area design the entire system of equipment, taking into account the given parameters, but without being interested in the structure of its individual elements. But circuit engineers, on the contrary, design subsystems, taking into account the structure of all elements of the circuit. In other words, their mission is to solve local problems without taking into account complex work. But the duties of an electronics engineer in the direction of the designer include optimizing ready-made devices, creating copies of them in a smaller format, as well as solving a technical approach to cooling equipment. In addition, they design unit housings and heat dissipation systems.

Pros and cons of the profession

According to experts, the main advantage of the profession is that it is in demand, and its relevance will not disappear as long as the world uses technical means for everyday use. In addition, the work of an electronics engineer is well paid and allows a person to constantly develop, moving up the career ladder. Probably, the only disadvantage of such a profession is that the employee needs to constantly monitor the development of modern technologies, and every year more and more new methods and devices appear.

Salary, training and place of work

Basically, you can get a job as an electronics engineer in specialized research institutes, service centers, research and production organizations and repair shops. You can learn this profession in college, but forgetting a good job will first have to get three years of experience.

electronics engineer
electronics engineer

But only having a higher education will allow you to get an engineer position. Wages are generally high, especially in big cities. In addition, the salary depends on the category of the employee, the scale of the organization where he is employed, the professionalism of the employee and what job duties the electronic engineer performs. The difference between the salary of a novice specialist and an experienced professional is about four times.

Personal qualities

Employers pay more attention to applicants with an analytical mindset, spatial imagination and a broad outlook. This work appreciates initiative people who strive to constantly develop their professional skills and level of knowledge, who are interested in advanced technologies, both in their country and abroad.

Also, the employee is required to be able to painstakingly, accurately and carefully perform tasks, to have patience, purposefulness. Responsible and organized applicants are most valued. In addition, it is very important to be able to work with specialized software.

General provisions

To obtain the position of an electronics engineer, you need specialized education and experience, depending on the category of employee. Thus, for the first category, it is necessary to obtain a higher technical education and work in the corresponding position of an engineer of the second stage for at least three years. For the second, the same education is important asfor higher, and work as an engineer of the third category or similar positions for at least three years.

electronics engineer manual
electronics engineer manual

For the third category, the same degree of education, but as for the length of service, it will be enough that the applicant passed during the training period. Or a person with a secondary vocational education can be hired for this job, but the minimum allowable length of service must be at least five years.


The instructions for an electronics engineer suggest that when applying for a job, he must have certain knowledge. The employee must study all the guidance, regulatory and methodological materials relating to the repair and operation of electronic equipment. In addition, he must know all its technical and operational characteristics, design features, what this equipment is intended for and in what modes it works. Also, his knowledge should include the technical rules of use, how automatic data processing is carried out, types of storage media and programming languages.

electronic engineer job
electronic engineer job

His knowledge should include number systems, codes, ciphers, commands, programs, and more. What methods are used to develop schedules, plans, and in what order should reports on their implementation be drawn up. An electronics engineer must know how repair services are carried out, in what order applications for equipment are drawn up, obtaining spare parts and other documentation. Always be aware of the best practices of your state and abroad inmatters relating to his work. In addition, he must know the basics of the economy, industrial and labor organization, as well as the norms and rules of labor protection.


The main function of an employee, according to the job description of an electronics engineer, is to ensure the correct technical operation and uninterrupted operation of equipment. He must take part in the development of plans and schedules regarding the operation, maintenance and repair of devices, as well as carry out work aimed at improving the efficiency of devices. This worker prepares electronic computers for use, performs technical inspections.

electronics engineer job description
electronics engineer job description

He is responsible for monitoring the parameters and reliability of devices, conducting inspections and testing in order to notice malfunctions in a timely manner and eliminate them. The employee must be engaged in setting up the equipment and its individual elements, organizing maintenance, ensuring operability, rationalizing operation, as well as carrying out scheduled and current repair work. In addition, he must ensure that all repair work is carried out in a timely manner.


An electronics engineer should also supervise testing, maintenance and repairs by employees with lower access. Job responsibilities of the employee include participation in checks of the condition of equipment, carrying out preventive examinations, acceptance of major repairs of devices, as well as the development of newequipment just put into service.

duty electronics engineer
duty electronics engineer

Checks equipment for the possibility of creating computing systems and its combination in order to increase work efficiency. He is engaged in the development of regulatory materials, keeps records of the use of equipment and analyzes the obtained indicators. The employee must deal with the preparation of applications, control the timely replacement of parts and organize the storage of equipment.


The employee has the right to receive any information and documents related to his activities. If necessary, he has the right to cooperate with employees of other divisions of the company or third-party specialists to resolve operational issues within his competence. In addition, he has the right to represent the interests of his company in other institutions. He has the right to the assistance of management, providing him with a workplace and all the necessary tools.


The employee is responsible for not doing his job properly, providing management with false information about the tasks done, for failing to comply with orders or instructions from superiors. He may be called to account if he found a violation of company rules and did not take measures to eliminate them. He is responsible for violating labor discipline or committing violations of the current legislation of the country. He is also financially responsible if his actions caused damage to the organization.


The job of an electronics engineer is very interestingand provides an opportunity to constantly develop in this area. But it is not suitable for everyone, because it requires perseverance, attentiveness and painstaking work. Naturally, the duties of an employee may vary depending on the category he received, the scale of the company where he is employed, and the direction of its activities. The same applies to the remuneration of employees. Before choosing this profession, you need to seriously evaluate it and find out if it is interesting for a person to do this all his life.

category electronics engineer
category electronics engineer

When getting a job, you need to seriously study the job description, coordinate it with your superiors and clarify all points before starting work. If an employee proves himself to be a true professional in his field, you can expect not only an increase in salary, but also a good career growth in the company. The main advantage of such a profession is that it is relevant in our time and there will be no problems with employment even in a small town. There is also a wide range of organizations where such a specialist can be hired.
