Pensions for federal civil servants: terms of appointment, calculation, size. Types of pensions

Pensions for federal civil servants: terms of appointment, calculation, size. Types of pensions
Pensions for federal civil servants: terms of appointment, calculation, size. Types of pensions

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, certain categories of citizens, due to the implementation of particularly important state functions, are en titled to receive financial support immediately upon retirement in accordance with special grounds. How are federal civil servants' pensions calculated? Are they indexed? How? These and other issues, no less important for society, are discussed in the materials of this article.

federal government employee pensions
federal government employee pensions

Who is a federal civil servant?

Before considering various aspects of the pension issue, it would be appropriate to define the category under study. So, pensions for federal civil servants are nothing more than payments that are sent to members of society as a result of their long-term employment exclusively in positions,associated with the state federal service. It is important to add that the value of this kind of pension provision depends on the duration of the relevant work in the public service. In another way, this category is called experience.

Assignment of pensions to federal civil servants takes place when all circumstances can be correlated with three legislative acts. Among them are the following laws:

  • FZ “Concerning the Civil Service”.
  • FZ “On insurance pensions.”
  • FZ "On State Pension Provision".

Who should be classified as state federal employees? So, under the federal civil servant, it is necessary to consider a citizen who carries out professional activities in the position of the federal civil service and receives a monetary reward for this from the federal budget.

What are the conditions for granting a pension to federal civil servants? You need to know that not every public sector employee is considered a civil servant. These are those who perform managerial and power-administrative functions. In addition, pensions for federal state civil servants are also assigned to employees of the executive authorities of the state.

types of pensions
types of pensions

Pension conditions

To begin with, it should be noted that absolutely all the features and characteristics of the federal service are determined by the main legislative acts. As noted, we are talking about the Federal Law Onstate pension provision” and the Federal Law “Concerning the civil service of the Russian Federation”. What are the specific factors for the appointment of the pension category in question?

To begin with, it should be noted that the opportunity to provide a pension character for citizens appears only under certain circumstances, including the onset of old age, disability or death. As you can see, these conditions do not depend on the will of the citizen. Seniority pensions for federal civil servants are established when the following factors are present simultaneously:

  • The seniority of the state federal service, one way or another, must equal or exceed fifteen years.
  • The dismissal of a civil servant must occur for certain reasons.

Why can a civil servant be fired? Pensions for federal civil servants after dismissal are assigned when the above circumstances are accompanied by one of the following reasons:

  • Reduction of state employees or liquidation of state federal authorities.
  • Dismissal from public office due to the termination of a person's own powers.
  • Achievement of the maximum possible professional age for civil servants (it is important to recall that the length of service for a federal civil servant is twelve years).
  • The dismissal of a public official due to ill he alth, which, one way or another, is an obstacle to his continued service in public office.
  • The voluntary dismissal of a government employee, usually due to retirement.

It is important to note that pensions for federal civil servants are assigned only if the following condition is met: a person is obliged to work in a particular position related to the federal civil service for at least twelve months before retiring. By the way, this rule does not apply to those dismissed due to the liquidation of a public authority or staff reduction.

pensions for federal civil servants are indexed
pensions for federal civil servants are indexed

Pension Policy 2017

How is the 2017 federal government pension calculated? It is important to note that on May 11, 2016, the State Duma of Russia adopted a law in the process of the third reading. Under the new legislation, the retirement age for civil servants has been raised to 63 for women and 65 for men.

It is interesting that the increase in the age of pension provision by the state is carried out gradually. Thus, starting from 2017, it increases by six months annually. This will continue until the final result is achieved. It is assumed that the maximum rates will take place in 2026 for men, and for women only in 2032. In addition, receiving a pension for federal civil servants for long service is possible only after working out a period of twenty years (previously it was establishedfifteen year plank). What advantages does the Government of Russia see in raising the age of pension provision? Among them are the following items:

  • Saving qualified personnel. The fact is that today it is extremely difficult to find them due to the annual decrease in the number of able-bodied people.
  • Significant cash savings.

Ex-Minister of Finance of Russia, Alexei Kudrin, has repeatedly stated that this innovation will be followed by an increase in the age of retirement of an insurance nature for ordinary people (at the moment it is 55 and 60 years old). However, the specific level of implementation of the increase and the issue of equalizing the retirement age between women and men is currently unknown.

These issues have been discussed in the Government for a long time. Thus, the adoption of the above measures is expected from 2019, that is, after the presidential elections scheduled for March 2018.

class rank of a federal state civil servant
class rank of a federal state civil servant

Pension value

The amount of pensions for federal civil servants today is established by means of article fourteen of the Federal Legislative Act "On State Provision of Pensions in Russia" dated December 15, 2001. Thus, for the categories of citizens considered in the article, a state allowance is established for the production of years, taking into account the length of service of 15 years, which was relevant in 2016. Howit turned out that this bar has increased to 20 years since 2017.

It should be noted that pension provision depends on what the salaries of federal civil servants were. Thus, the accrual of pensions is carried out in the amount of 45 percent of the average salary of a federal employee per month. Naturally, in this case, there are deductions for insurance coverage due to old age or disability, basic (fixed) payments to the insurance (labor) pension, as well as certain increases that are established in accordance with the Federal Legislative Act "On Insurance Pensions". It is important to note that the pension increase for federal civil servants is carried out for each subsequent year of service in relation to service in a public position for more than fifteen years by three percent.

How is seniority calculated?

The Federal Law “On Pensions of Civil Servants” states that the length of service in a public position is nothing more than the total duration of the stages of implementation of labor activity. By the way, this also includes other types of activities that, one way or another, are taken into account when determining the possibility in terms of pension provision for civil servants, as well as when calculating the amount of pension payments.

Thus, in the case of awarding pension payments for the number of years of service, the length of service in a public position must include the stages of work activity in civil service positions and other positions determined by the President of Russia. For example, the class rank of the federal state civilemployee.

If, when determining a pension payment, which is provided for by the Federal Legislative Act “On State Provision of Citizens with Pensions”, a work experience of a specific duration is required, it, one way or another, includes the stages of labor, as well as other useful for certain social categories and society as a whole activities that are counted in the length of service of an insurance nature. The latter is necessary for the appointment of a pension, which is provided for by the Federal Legislative Act “On Insurance Pensions.”

salaries of federal civil servants
salaries of federal civil servants

Calculation of the amount of pension provision

All types of pensions are endowed with the appropriate procedure for calculating the value for federal civil servants for long service. This procedure is established by the Federal Legislative Act "On State Pension Provision in Russia". So, the formula corresponding to the above law is defined as follows: P \u003d (45% SZ - SP) + 3% SZ × St. It contains the following indicators:

  • P - a specific amount of pension payments for the production of the number of years.
  • SZ - average wage.
  • SP - a specific amount of insurance coverage due to old age (disability), as well as a fixed pension payment.
  • St - work experience exceeding fifteen years.

It is important to note that the total amount of the pension provision and the insurance pension due to old age (disability), the fixed payment to the pension and its increases cannotexceed 75 percent of the average monthly salary for a civil servant. This provision is defined by article twenty-one of the Federal Legislative Act number 166. It must be added: when the generation of years is enough to assign a state pension benefit, then it is calculated on the basis of the average salary for the last twelve months of service.

Calculation example

For example, a certain citizen works as a federal employee. So, in April 2015, he is assigned an insurance (labor) pension payment in connection with the onset of old age. Its size is 7,197 rubles. The length of service in this case is equal to twenty-six years. The average monthly salary of a citizen is 16,706 rubles. It is necessary to determine the amount of state pension payments for the production years that an employee is en titled to.

So, the size of the state subsidy of a state federal employee is equal to 45 percent of the average monthly salary in the case of at least fifteen years of service. In addition, it increases by three percent with each year of employment, which exceeds the required, but not more than 75 percent. So:

  • Number of full years of labor activity above the norm: St=26-15=11.
  • Average salary: SZ=16,706.
  • The amount of the insurance (labor) pension payment: SP=7 197.

It is necessary to calculate the amount of pension provisionfrom the state for the development of the years of a certain citizen according to the formula given in the previous chapters: P \u003d (0.45 × 16706 - 7197) + 0.03 × 16706 × 11 \u003d 5833.68. Thus, such a civil servant is assigned monthly pension payments from federal state budget in the amount of 5,833.68 rubles.

pension increase for federal civil servants
pension increase for federal civil servants

Pension raise question

It is important to note that some categories of citizens are given the opportunity by the state to award an insurance pension in connection with the onset of old age ahead of schedule. These include people living in the regions of the Far North and in the territory equated to the North, as well as citizens who previously worked in the areas presented. It should be added that in relation to these persons, an increase in the fixed pension payment is being made, which serves as an addition to the insurance pension in accordance with the regional coefficient established by the Russian Government, depending on the place of residence (for the entire period of stay in this territory).

If a citizen leaves the above areas for another place of residence, the amount of state pension provision is calculated without taking into account the coefficient.

calculation of pensions for federal civil servants
calculation of pensions for federal civil servants

Indexation of pension payments

Federal civil servants' pensions are indexed in special cases. Thus, the award of pensions by the state for long serviceyears, the recalculation of its value and the transition from one type of pension to another are made in accordance with the application of the citizen. These operations are carried out regardless of the time period after the possibility of the procedure. The only exception in this case is pension social payments from the state for disability. Thus, the recalculation of the amount of the state subsidy in connection with the length of service is carried out in the following cases:

  • Change in the amount of labor (insurance) benefits for old age (disability).
  • Increasing the length of service in the civil service.
  • Centralized increase in remuneration of civil servants in monetary terms.

In other cases, there is a transition from one type of subsidy to another in accordance with the state pension provision. In addition, state pension payments for long service are indexed by a centralized increase in the maintenance of federal civil servants in terms of money in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Types of pensions and the right to receive them

As it turned out, the following species are distinguished today:

  • For long service.
  • Disability.
  • Old age.
  • Social Pension.

Who is en titled to receive the pension category considered in the article? Civil servants with 15.5 years of work experience (innovation in 2017), who are provided by the state with pension payments for long service, according toon their own application and upon reaching a specific age, they have the right to receive a part of the insurance (labor) pension for old age, established for pension payments for production, based on the total system of individual coefficients of a pension nature for at least 12 months of labor activity after determining the subsidy in connection with the production of years.

It was previously mentioned that after the establishment of a new legislative act from 2017, in order to receive pension payments for men, the age category must be 60.5 years, and for women - 55.5 years. The following items are included in the insurance (work) experience:

  • Temporary periods of labor activity, which are provided for in article eleven of the legislative act "On insurance pensions".
  • This also includes labor activity, taken into account in the process of calculating the length of service in the civil service for awarding one or another subsidy for the production of years under article nineteen of the Federal Legislative Act of December 15, 2001 “On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation.”
  • Stages of labor activity taken into account for the appointment of insurance (labor) pension provision by age at which the payment for long service is established.

Question of registration of pension

It is important to note that a citizen of the Russian Federation without a time frame has the right to apply for the appointment (awarding) of pension payments immediately after the right to them arises. An application for the award of a pension must be submitted to the Multifunctional Center orPension Fund of the Russian Federation. It must be added that the document can be submitted independently, as well as by mail or through a legal representative. By the way, in the case of sending an application by mail, the day of applying for pension payments is the date on the postal stamp directly from the place of departure. An application for a pension, one way or another, is transferred to the personnel department at the place of work of a citizen. In addition, the Chairman of the Board of the Foundation in this case is listed by the name of the recipient.

It should be noted that the period for consideration of an application for the provision of pension payments should not exceed ten days from the date of submission of the application or the missing documentation provided to the above state bodies after submission.

It is important to know that the payment in accordance with the state pension provision is established from the 1st day of the month in which the citizen applied for it, but not earlier than from the day when the right to receive it appears. To establish a pension benefit for years worked, the following documentation must be collected:

  • Passport (original and copy).
  • Reference on the average monthly income of a civil servant.
  • Certificate on the specific position of a citizen in a public office.
  • Certificate on the assigned old-age (disability) labor pension, where a specific amount is indicated.
  • Copy of employment record of a civil servant.
  • Copy of the order regarding the dismissal of the state federalemployee.
  • Copy of military ID.
