Suburban area: how to feed a cucumber

Suburban area: how to feed a cucumber
Suburban area: how to feed a cucumber

Video: Suburban area: how to feed a cucumber

Video: Suburban area: how to feed a cucumber
Video: Dmitry Itskov on the Philosophy of Immortality 2024, April

Cucumbers are one of the most favorite plants of our summer residents. The technology of their cultivation is not particularly difficult. However, cucumbers are very demanding on the quality of the soil. This plant of the pumpkin family needs periodic top dressing. If such measures are neglected, the leaves of cucumbers may begin to turn yellow, and the yield will decrease accordingly. Further in the article, we will consider how to feed the cucumber in such a way as to get he althy and strong plants.

how to feed a cucumber
how to feed a cucumber

The bushes are fertilized for the first time about two weeks after they sprout. For this, manure is usually used. This is the most preferred remedy for cucumbers. Pre-prepare a mixture of one bucket of manure and two buckets of water. It will need to be put in a warm place for fermentation. After the fertilizer has been infused for 6 days, it will be ready for use.

To feed he althy green cucumbers, take half a liter of this mixture and dilute it in a bucket of water. With this composition, water the soil under the plants, trying not to fall on the leaves. For yellowed bushes, use a liter of the mixture per bucket. So,the answer to the question: "How to feed the cucumber at the initial stage of development?" - received. What to do next?

The second feeding is best done using chicken manure. Do this after the first flowers appear on the plants. Fertilizer is prepared in the same way as in the first case. However, it will take a little longer to insist - 8 days.

how to properly feed cucumbers
how to properly feed cucumbers

It is also necessary to dilute the finished mixture in a slightly different way. The fact is that chicken manure is a much stronger remedy than ordinary manure. Not observing the correct proportions, you can easily burn the roots of plants. Therefore, you can not take more than one glass of infusion prepared from chicken manure per bucket of water. Thus, it becomes clear how to feed the cucumber at the flowering stage. You can add some ash to the solution.

Ash is generally a very good remedy. Not only does it contain a huge amount of useful trace elements, it also reduces the acidity of the soil, which is very relevant for plants of the pumpkin family. Therefore, it can sometimes be used for top dressing and as an independent fertilizer.

what is the best way to feed cucumbers
what is the best way to feed cucumbers

Now let's look at how to properly feed cucumbers during the fruiting period. At this time, plants require special attention. Fertilizers will have to be applied every 10 days. In this case, the same two mixtures that were discussed above can be used. Chicken manure and manure must be alternated. After each feeding at any stage of development, do not forgetwell shed the soil under the plants with water.

As a fertilizer for cucumbers, dry manure is also allowed. However, it is impossible to use not rotted. It is necessary that he at least a few months, and even better - a year, aged in heaps. In this case, you can apply fertilizer (both in the garden before planting, or simply mulch the soil under the cucumbers with a layer of 2 cm).

As for store products, in this regard, for many summer residents, "the better to feed cucumbers" is also not a question. Many advise using any peat-humic fertilizer. Very positively, some also speak of a product containing trace elements - "Kemira Lux". Well, of course, ordinary urea also does not hurt. A tablespoon of this product can be added to the manure solution at the first top dressing.

Thus, the question "how to feed the cucumber" is not before you now. The best remedy is ordinary manure. Cucumbers are very sensitive to changes in the composition of the soil and, with proper care, will please the owner of the cottage with an excellent harvest.
