Ayaz Shabutdinov: company reviews, biography

Ayaz Shabutdinov: company reviews, biography
Ayaz Shabutdinov: company reviews, biography

The world is rapidly transforming. Outdated rules are being replaced by new ones, some technologies are replacing others. Metamorphoses occur not only in the field of technological progress, but also in the minds, thoughts and attitudes of people. A generation of young people is born, thinking differently, keeping up with the times.

Who is he, the man of the future?

Ayaz Shabutdinov, whose photo can be seen on the pages of youth and business magazines, many Internet resources and social networks, is just from the category of progressive youth.

Ayaz Shabutdinov, photo
Ayaz Shabutdinov, photo

This representative of the new generation is a prime example of how to properly use the opportunities provided by progress. A man who, at the age of 23, is the author and owner of several successful business areas, delivering in-demand lectures that motivate people to start their own business, launching new projects. Starting to earn money with zero capital, selling franchises in incredible quantities, boldly entering new markets - Ayaz Shabutdinov does not stop at anything. Forbes, the world famoustabloid, glorified his name thanks to the contest of young billionaires.

Biographical crumbs

This is not an alien from another, more highly developed planet, but an ordinary earthly child named Ayaz Shabutdinov.

Ayaz Shabutdinov, Forbes
Ayaz Shabutdinov, Forbes

The guy's parents are natives of Kazan, so Ayaz has Tatar roots. The family moved to the Perm region. The father of the future businessman, Rifat, has shares in several projects: nine product firms. But the main income comes from the lemonade plant. Ayaz Shabutdinov himself played an important role in family affairs, whose business youth began, among other things, with the revival of some of the fading branches of the family non-alcoholic business. Attracting new clients, he discovered in himself the gift of persuasion, entrepreneurial courage and the desire to work for himself. A remarkable story took place during this period. It was difficult to interest customers in commodity items. But if a witty move had not been found, then we would not be talking about a man called Ayaz Shabutdinov. The "divorce" of clients, more precisely, the original business approach, looked like this: a skillfully simulated love story of a fictional character who is looking for a girl who bought lemonade produced by this company.

First steps

Whatever the ambitious and purposeful guy Ayaz Shabutdinov did! The biography of the future billionaire, if you read carefully, says that the first ideas for earning money came to the boy at the age of 14. While visiting one large city, Ayaz noticed the goods in the prank shop. In his native village of Kuidathere was no such thing, so the guy began to implement the business plan, returning to his native land. For this, the boy did not attend school for several days. Ayaz Shabutdinov conceived the deception of teachers not by chance: during this time he intensively studied the range of playful gifts and ordered them on the Internet.

Ayaz Shabutdinov, business youth
Ayaz Shabutdinov, business youth

The enterprising guy borrowed money for this adventure from his parents. True, we must pay tribute, after two weeks the family returned their money, and young Shabutdinov made a profit. A non-new, but interesting option for getting a quick income was invented by Ayaz Shabutdinov. Divorce customers was the high cost of goods. The implementation took place in the department of the nearest store, where the guy made a triple mark-up on cool gizmos, taking advantage of the fact that such pranks were new in Kuida.

Poetic trail

After a year of profitable sales, Ayaz decides to start an independent life, and with the consent of his parents, at the age of 15, he moves to Izhevsk. Reluctantly, the relatives let the teenager go free swimming and supported him with a small amount. Ayaz goes to school and, in order to increase the amount of money for life, creates his own website, specializing in congratulatory poetic texts. This was the second step that Ayaz Shabutdinov took towards self-realization. Reviews of his work have made him famous as a sought-after poet.

Find yourself

Later, Ayaz started playing in the KVN school team, writing scripts and going to festivals. For a person with a calm type of temperament to force himselfit is quite difficult to loosen up and go on stage, but the guy overcame himself.

Ayaz Shabutdinov. Divorce
Ayaz Shabutdinov. Divorce

As a result, he continued his cheerful and resourceful activity already in a management university. After this experience, Ayaz began to lead public events and club parties. This brought decent dividends, using which the guy bought himself, albeit on credit, the first Chevrolet car.

Leaving the comfort zone

But after some time, the future businessman realized that a well-fed, stormy party life sucks and makes it impossible to develop further.

Ayaz Shabutdinov. Biography
Ayaz Shabutdinov. Biography

This frightened a strong-willed man named Ayaz Shabutdinov. The biography of the guy says that the restless nature did not allow him to stay in one place. Unexpectedly, Ayaz makes a bold attack: he decides to take up logging. Taking with him a few friends, a novice businessman began to develop a dangerous business. Living in the forest and selling wood to semi-criminal elements turned out to be not so fun, but this life stage brought valuable experience, taught the guy decisiveness and business acumen.

Hostels as a successful startup

After open stories on the Internet about his achievements and successes, Alexander Dolgov appeared in the life of a guy.

Ayaz Shabutdinov, reviews
Ayaz Shabutdinov, reviews

Ayaz Shabutdinov (reviews about him were diverse) nevertheless interested the entrepreneur in his determination and obsession. Having met Ayaz through blogging, the businessman spent personal meetings with the guy.negotiation. But at that time, Ayaz remembered not them, but the hostel in which he settled. This led the ambitious young man to a productive idea: to open his first hostel. After discussing important legal aspects with a lawyer friend, the guy rented a multi-room apartment and organized a hotel room in it. An old acquaintance of Ayaz invested money in the project. The first profit went to the purchase of furniture and advertising purposes.

Promotion online

The business associated with hostels was generally promoted on Internet resources. Not all users knew who Ayaz Shabutdinov was, therefore, the reviews varied, but thanks to the guy's gift of persuasion and confidence in the success of the guy, the proposed franchises were actively sold out.

Ayaz Shabutdinov. Parents
Ayaz Shabutdinov. Parents

Collegial discussion of working moments in the network contributed to the moral readiness of potential partners. Maybe someone thinks that Ayaz Shabutdinov is a deceiver, but this is not true, since all the necessary information was provided to the person who bought the business idea. And there are pitfalls in any business, so the willingness to take risks is a determining factor for running a successful business. Moreover, the cost of the franchise was relatively low. Investors reached out, the business began to develop, but the organizer suddenly lost interest in it, providing work for numerous franchisees.

Coffee dumping

Ekaterinburg entrepreneur Dolgov offered a new business to the Tatar nugget: coffee to go. Ayaz was attracted by the low cost of the project: without requiring large investments, the business promisedsignificant profits. Next, the guy with partners used a knurled scheme: the sale of franchises, which have now increased in price. But in the pursuit of quick profits, there were punctures: Ayaz Shabutdinov (reviews about coffee houses were not always encouraging), after analyzing the created network, he realized that the required rules were not followed everywhere, the quality side of the products was lame.

Ayaz Shabutdinov deceiver
Ayaz Shabutdinov deceiver

The second problem is business plagiarism. Many owners shamelessly used the stylistic decisions of the Like empire. I had to deal with the misunderstandings that had arisen, sacrifice something, but still restore the necessary order.

Ambitious projects

The addicted guy infects more and more people with youthful maximalism, the network is actively growing. Photo schools, pizza on wheels, brutal stylistic salons for men were added to it. Whatever Ayaz undertakes, he knows how to infect people with his enthusiasm, confidence both online and at his own lectures and conferences. His plans include the conquest of new markets. For example, the guy decided to make a sharp turn towards Chinese catering. In this industry, Shabutdinov was not afraid of even the wildest competition. As a result, one line of catering establishments is already operating in China.

Talking about it

Reviews about Ayaz's companies, as well as about their owner, are rather contradictory. Many consider him a PR man on the grounds that the companies of Shabutdinov Sr. are rarely mentioned in the official biography. Suspicions that it was the next of kin who sponsored the start of business activitiesson, they say not in favor of Ayaz. There are accusations that the carefully crafted story of a young millionaire who became rich solely due to the tenacity and talent of a businessman is designed to captivate the largest number of people, prompting them to buy franchises.

Ayaz Shabutdinov, reviews
Ayaz Shabutdinov, reviews

At the same time, the companies created by Shabutdinov work for people. Convenience, accessibility and comfort of visitors in coffee shops, hairdressers and hostels are in the first place. For example, visitors to his coffee establishments respond mostly positively. They note a large selection of drinks, a relaxing, positive atmosphere, affordable prices for goods and services, and excellent service.

People remember the Like hostels with delight: excellent staff, cleanliness, everything a traveler needs (shower, comfortable bed, kitchen, washing machine, iron). The only wish that some clients express is to diversify the overly laconic interior.

Like Bro hairdressing salons surprise male visitors with their originality, appropriate brutality and, most importantly, delight with the absence of fussy female conversations and discussions. In such establishments, a masculine, calm atmosphere prevails, and the work of the masters is of the same quality.

Is there life after business?

It's safe to say that Ayaz is an enthusiastic person not only with regards to creating new business ideas. The search for adrenaline continues in sports. A young businessman is fond of skydiving, bunging. If the activity loses its sharpnesssensations, then it should be replaced by another, more dynamic one.

Ayaz Shabutdinov, cheating
Ayaz Shabutdinov, cheating

In his personal life, the guy is still calm, although he does not put forward special requirements for the future chosen one. The only wish is a bright mind. The guy is absolutely not tied to centimeters at the waist and hips.

Life Principles

Ayaz Shabutdinov - a deceiver? Of course not. It's just that he is the person who gives those who want to develop their own business that very bait. Therefore, his trainings are always a success. The main rules for achieving prosperity, according to the belief of the Tatar billionaire:

  • striving for new knowledge;
  • risk-taking;
  • lack of fear of defeat;
  • professional team;
  • responsibility for your decisions.

His sincere openness to the whole world contributes to increasing popularity. At the author's lectures, Ayaz shares a list of the main books that taught him such a worldview. For example, Sherwood's work prompted a businessman to calculate the situation, like a chess game. Austin Kleon taught to take the quintessence of world experience and transform it according to his goals. And Ray teaches you to thank the people who gave you a chance to change your life situation for the better.

Shabutdinov's favorite literature motivates, inspires confidence, relieves the fear of defeat. It is thanks to his ability to learn that an unknown guy has achieved such a meteoric rise.
