Potassium monophosphate: application, recommendations, fertilizer benefits

Potassium monophosphate: application, recommendations, fertilizer benefits
Potassium monophosphate: application, recommendations, fertilizer benefits
Potassium monophosphate application
Potassium monophosphate application

Potassium monophosphate, the use of which is very common today, is a very concentrated, but high-quality potash fertilizer. It is a water-soluble white powder, which has absolutely no chlorine in its composition, which allows it to be fearlessly used in agriculture for feeding many crops. Potassium monophosphate fertilizer is used both for foliar top dressing and for application to open or protected ground. It should be noted that the compound is part of a large number of substances actively used as concentrated fertilizers.

Scope of application of phosphorus-potassium fertilizer

The indisputable advantage of fertilizer is that all the nutrients in its composition are perfectly absorbed by plants. Potassium monophosphate, the use of which has a good effect on the quality of fruits and vegetables, significantly increases the yield. vitamins and sugarthey accumulate better in fruits, therefore, their sugar content and resistance to many ailments and fungal infections increase. Both amateur gardeners and owners of industrial farms widely use potassium monophosphate. Its use is also effective for feeding flower crops, which will quickly delight gardeners with bright buds. If it is necessary to accelerate the growth of shoots of trees or shrubs, then the fertilizer in question will be an excellent help.

potassium monophosphate fertilizer
potassium monophosphate fertilizer

Potassium monophosphate: uses and recommendations

If you intend to fertilize with water, then you should prepare a regular solution, the concentration of which does not exceed 0.05-0.15%. For flower and vegetable crops, the approximate consumption of the product is from 5 to 10 liters per square meter, and for shrubs or trees - approximately 10-20 liters. The solution for foliar feeding may have a concentration of 0.1-0.2%. If you combine this fertilizer with nitrogen compounds, then the development and growth of the root system improves. However, it should be remembered that in no case should it be combined with substances that have calcium or magnesium in their composition.

potassium monophosphate price
potassium monophosphate price

Composition and advantages of fertilizer

Potassium monophosphate, the price of which is completely acceptable and is approximately 80 rubles per kilogram, includes 33% of potassium and more than 50% of total phosphates. Monopotassium (that's what it is called in the common people) is one of the purest compounds. It contains absolutely nosodium, chlorine s alts and other heavy metals. Even if high concentrations of the solution have been used when spraying the crops, the risk of leaves curling or burning is minimal. The thing is that this fertilizer has a low electrical conductivity. And the stable Ph factor increases the effectiveness of the pesticide.

What else should I know?

When working with fertilizer, be sure to use rubber gloves to prevent contact of the solution with the skin. After the procedure, hands and face must be thoroughly washed with soap and water. If during the process an accidental ingestion of a substance occurs, it is necessary to drink 2-3 glasses of clean water, and then induce vomiting. Fertilizer should be stored in well-ventilated areas, away from medicines, food and animal feed.
