2025 Author: Howard Calhoun | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:10
Cucumbers after tomatoes and potatoes are the most popular culture among domestic gardeners. The seeds of this plant are sold by many companies, including Russian ones. Varieties of this crop are bred annually, several dozen pieces. For example, not so long ago, the planting material of this plant from the Gavrish company, well-known to domestic gardeners, came on sale - Uncle Fedor cucumbers. This variety has earned relatively good reviews from gardeners.
Reviews about the manufacturer
Seeds supplied to the market by Gavrish enjoy well-deserved popularity among summer residents. This company has earned a very good reputation for several decades of existence on the market. The advantages of the planting material supplied by this company, including Uncle Fedor cucumber seeds, gardeners include:
- pretty good germination;
- low cost;
- exact correspondence of the information provided on the packaging to reality;
- convenience of the packaging itself.

Helpful advice
Seeds, thus, this company supplies to the market vigorous and quite similar. But sometimes on the shelves of shops there are, unfortunately, defective batches of Gavrish planting material. Such seeds in the garden, unfortunately, may simply not sprout. Therefore, planting material from this manufacturer, including Uncle Fyodor, should still be purchased with a small margin.
Cucumbers Uncle Fedor: general variety description
The gardeners have a good opinion about this hybrid. And this is explained not only by the good quality of seeds supplied by Gavrish to the market. Gardeners have a good opinion about this hybrid because of its very good consumer qualities.
Uncle Fedor belongs to the group of mid-ripening varieties of cucumbers. Unfortunately, it is not suitable for growing in greenhouses. The variety is bee pollinated. The type of flowering in the cucumber Uncle Fedor is mixed. But as many summer residents note, there are usually a lot of female flowers on his lashes.

The Uncle Fyodor's cucumber bush itself (and you can see it in the photo presented on the page) does not differ in too much splendor. The length of the whip of this variety is also medium. The yield of this cucumber, according to the developer, is 5-6 kg/m2. And judging by the reviews of gardeners, this information is more or less true. With proper care of the greens from the bushes of Uncle Fyodor, collectyou can really do a lot.
Cucumbers Uncle Fedor: fruit reviews and descriptions
Flowering variety Uncle Fedor bouquet. The ovaries on its lashes are formed in bunches of about three pieces. The advantage of bouquet varieties of cucumbers, including Uncle Fyodor, in comparison with ordinary ones, is primarily high yield. After all, even if one ovary in the bouquet dies, the rest will still develop into greens. According to many summer residents, instead of 3-4 lashes of ordinary cucumbers, it is quite possible to plant 1-2 bushes of Uncle Fyodor on the site. In this case, the harvest can be obtained the same.
Also, Uncle Fedor F1 cucumbers deserve good reviews for their even cylindrical-oval shape. Gardeners refer to the advantages of this hybrid and its excellent taste. The aroma of these cucumbers, according to gardeners, is also very pleasant. The versatility of its greens is also considered a plus of this variety. The pulp of Uncle Fedor hybrid cucumbers is very dense and crispy. Therefore, they can be used for preparing both salads and pickling or pickling.

Uncle Fyodor's winter preparations are actually very tasty. This is explained, among other things, by the fact that these cucumbers have, among other things, neat brown spikes. During pickling, when washing greens, they are peeled off from the skin. As a result, pores form in the tissues of the cucumber, through which the brine easily penetrates in the future. Thanks to this, Uncle Fyodor's pickles acquire a very pleasant and rich taste.
The size of greens of this varietyare relatively small. They can weigh up to 80-100 grams. This makes them, among other things, very convenient for pickling or marinating.
Biological features: reviews
Gardeners have a good opinion about cucumbers Uncle Fedor has developed not only due to the excellent taste of the fruit. There are good reviews about this hybrid on the net because of the ease of care for it. One of the features of the variety is, for example, resistance to the main diseases of cucumbers. This also applies to powdery mildew. At a time when ordinary cucumbers are already affected by this disease, lashes of Uncle Fyodor, judging by the reviews of summer residents, like many other bouquet varieties, are absolutely green.

To the advantages of the hybrid Uncle Fedor, many summer residents include, among other things, its early ripeness. The fruits of this variety ripen much earlier than many other varieties. Summer residents growing Uncle Fyodor get the opportunity to start making delicious vitamin salads in early - mid-July.
For planting in which regions is suitable
Frost resistance is also what the cucumber Uncle Fedor deserves very good reviews from gardeners. Although this hybrid requires shelter in the spring, it tolerates low temperatures, as gardeners note, somewhat better than many other varieties. If desired, cucumbers of this hybrid can be grown both in central Russia, and in the Urals or in Siberia. The only condition that gardeners in cold regions must comply with when planting is that the earth, when introduced into itseeds of Uncle Fedor should be warmed up to at least 25 ° C.
Features of sowing
So, the reviews of cucumbers Uncle Fedor from the company "Gavrish" from gardeners deserve just excellent. This hybrid is productive, resistant to diseases and relatively unpretentious. However, care for Uncle Fedor, like any other variety, should, of course, be correct.
These cucumbers are usually sown for seedlings in April-early May. The seedlings are transferred to open ground immediately after 3-4 leaves appear on them. Like most other varieties of cucumbers, the root system of Uncle Fedor is quite capricious. Therefore, it is better to plant seedlings of this variety not in boxes, but in peat pots. The latter can be easily purchased at any specialized store today. When carrying from the box, the roots of the cucumbers will certainly be damaged. And this will have an extremely negative impact on the further development of plants.

In the open ground, the seeds of Uncle Fedor in the middle lane are usually planted in late May - early June. Planting material is distributed over the bed in such a way that between individual plants and subsequent rows there is approximately 40 cm of free space. Such a planting scheme will allow the summer resident to get the maximum yield.
How to care?
Growing cucumber varieties Uncle Fedor is nothing complicated. To get a good harvest, the beds with this hybrid should simply be watered and weeded on time. Moisten the soil under these cucumbers, as well as under almost any other, once every 5-6days. In drought, the period between waterings is reduced to 1-2 days. Weeding is carried out as weeds appear.
Water for watering Uncle Fyodor should be used exclusively warm. The use of cold will necessarily negatively affect the yield of this variety. Also, the use of low temperature water can lead to the development of any diseases on plants. After each watering under this hybrid, as well as under any other, you should definitely loosen the soil well. This will favorably affect the root system of plants.

Like any other bouquet varieties, Uncle Fyodor's cucumber variety needs, among other things, to be properly formed. The lowest four nodes of each bush should be freed from flowers and side shoots. In no case should you skip this manipulation. Otherwise, the hybrid will reduce the yield. The next two nodes from the ground need to be freed only from shoots.
All overripe cucumbers after the start of fruiting from the lashes, of course, should be removed. Otherwise, new ovaries will no longer form on the shoot. For this, the plant simply does not have enough nutrients. All of them will go to the ripening of seeds in overripe fruits.
Instead of a conclusion
Thus, we found out what Uncle Fedor cucumbers are (reviews, photo, description). The opinion of summer residents about this hybrid is actually just great. The variety is unpretentious and very productive. Its fruits are distinguished by versatility and, moreover, have a simpleexcellent taste.

Gardeners who have already managed to test this hybrid, unconditionally advise other gardeners to plant cucumbers on Uncle Fedor's plot. In any case, a summer resident who has chosen this modern strong and unpretentious variety for cultivation will not be left without a harvest.
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