Cucumber variety "Sheer perfection F1": reviews, description, planting and care

Cucumber variety "Sheer perfection F1": reviews, description, planting and care
Cucumber variety "Sheer perfection F1": reviews, description, planting and care

According to reviews, cucumbers "Sheer Perfection F1" perform well both in the open field and in the greenhouse. Despite the numerous varieties, this hybrid is considered one of the best and is ideal for growing in different regions. A good harvest of dense greens is suitable for s alting, which makes the variety in demand among summer residents.

Cucumbers "Perfection itself", reviews
Cucumbers "Perfection itself", reviews

Variety description

According to reviews, cucumbers "Self-perfection F1" - one of the best achievements of our breeders - the agricultural company "Mars" of the Chelyabinsk region, but so far the variety is not included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements. The new hybrid belongs to the early ones and can be grown both in the open field and in the greenhouse.

Medium size plant with little branching. Flowers are predominantly female. According to the reviews, the F1 Self-Perfection cucumber was originally developed as a greenhouse crop, which is why breeders sought to obtain the speciesplants that do not require pollination.

The hybrid is characterized by a beam type of ovary. In each sinus, up to six greens up to ten centimeters long are formed. The skin of the gherkin is light green, with tubercles, dark green at the base. The thorns are not prickly, with light pubescence. According to numerous reviews, F1 Perfection Cucumbers have crispy, dense flesh with a pronounced aroma.

Growing cucumbers
Growing cucumbers

Variety Benefits

Cucumbers of this type have a lot of advantages, which include:

  • early ripening period - about 35 days pass from the moment of germination to the collection of the first greens;
  • the variety tolerates shading well;
  • zelentsy ripen together;
  • long fruiting;
  • yield up to 30 kg per square meter of plantings.

The variety has excellent resistance to high temperatures, to a sharp deterioration in weather conditions. Plants are rarely affected by powdery mildew, white mosaic, olive blotch.

According to reviews, cucumber gherkin "Sheer perfection F1" has flaws. It is very demanding on watering, and also has poor resistance to downy mildew. Another disadvantage is the high cost.

Cucumber "Perfection itself", cultivation
Cucumber "Perfection itself", cultivation


Reviews and photos of cucumbers "Sheer Perfection F1" prove that this variety is high-yielding.

You can grow a plant in two ways: seedling and seedless, by direct sowing of seeds in the ground.

Before sowing cucumbers by any methodseeds need to be germinated. For successful germination, it is necessary to select those that are suitable. To do this, the material is pre-soaked for twenty minutes in water. Those seeds that come up are of poor quality, they are removed. The material that has settled to the bottom is removed on a napkin, dried.

Prepared planting material is planted one seed at a time in a container with a volume of at least 0.5 liters. Sowing is carried out with the calculation of planting ready seedlings on the 23-25th day from the moment of germination. For greenhouse cultivation, cucumbers are planted from the second half of March, and for planting in open ground - from the second half of April. Dates may vary by region.

cucumber seedling
cucumber seedling

Processing and sowing seeds

Before growing cucumbers "Sheer Perfection F1" must be decontaminated. The easiest method is to soak the planting material in a solution of potassium permanganate for fifteen minutes, after which they should be washed with water.

The day before sowing, the planting material is soaked in water with the addition of a growth stimulator.

For sowing, use peat pots or disposable cups, any other container from which you can then extract seedlings along with an earthen clod.

Capacities are filled with soil for growing seedlings. In the center, a hole is made with a depth of no more than 2 cm and one or two seeds are placed there.

In the first few days it is necessary to maintain the temperature at 25-27 degrees. When sprouts appear, it is reduced by 2-3 degrees. Cucumbers are planted in a permanent place as soon as3-4 true leaves will appear.

Planting is carried out in compliance with the distance between the bushes of 60 cm, and between the rows - 20 cm. In the first days, it is recommended to cover the seedlings. This will help speed up rooting and also protect it from freezing.

Water the seedlings immediately after planting.

Sowing seeds in open ground is carried out from mid-May. The sowing scheme is the same as when planting seedlings. Seeds are laid in the holes for 2-3 pieces. Subsequently, all weak shoots are removed.

Support for cucumbers
Support for cucumbers

How to care

According to the description, Cucumber "Sheer perfection F1" requires the same care as other varieties. However, there are some peculiarities here.

During growth, bushes must be formed. Further development, as well as productivity, depends on this. It is recommended to keep the plant in two or one stem. The first 4-5 knots are blinded, and then the main shoot is fixed on the trellis. Support for the plant must be required. Otherwise, there will be barren flowers on it, the ovaries will begin to dry out and wither.

The height of the variety is small, which makes it easy to install the support. You can use a grid for it, build a structure to which plants will be tied.

The uniqueness of the plant

Feature of cucumbers "Perfection itself" - in the root system. It is shallow and small. Because of this, plants should be watered thoroughly and regularly, at least two to three times a week. Water for irrigation is used settled, warm. The number of waterings depends on the condition of the soil, while it should not be allowed to dry out and form crusts.

After watering, the soil is loosened, cleared of weeds. It can be mulched to retain moisture. In order to increase the yield, it is recommended to pinch the side shoots on the entire stem.

With proper care from one square meter, you can get up to thirty or more kilograms of delicious, juicy, fragrant cucumbers.
