Н1 - capital adequacy ratio. Standard H1: value

Н1 - capital adequacy ratio. Standard H1: value
Н1 - capital adequacy ratio. Standard H1: value

To create a bank, you need to form an authorized fund. This is the minimum amount of funds required to carry out the activity. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, its volume is 5 million euros in ruble terms. According to the volume of the organization's capital, the possibility of its growth and development is determined. To do this, there is a special indicator of the sufficiency of own funds. Read on to find out what the H1 standard is and how it is calculated.

Bank capital

It includes the amount of own and additional funds. This indicator is calculated using the following formula:

UK=OK + DC, where:

UK - bank capital, OK - the amount of own funds, DK - additional capital.

Sources of formation of MC for banks in the form of JSC:

  • nominal value of ordinary shares actually placed on the market;
  • share premium;
  • nominal value of preferred shares, provided that the founding documents stipulate that they are allowed non-payment of dividends, if this does not entail the formation of debt to the holders of securities;
  • funds that are formed at the request of the Central Bank;
  • profit of the current year, which is confirmed by the auditors;
  • difference between UK and UK, if after reorganization the amount of the bank's own funds decreases.

The source of the formation of the IC for banks in the form of LLC is the payment of the shares of the founders.

standard n1
standard n1

Economic regulations

The Central Bank regularly analyzes the amount of own funds of credit institutions. It must comply with the indicators specified in Instruction No. 1 "On the procedure for regulating the activities of banks." The most important of them is H1, the capital adequacy ratio. It regulates the risks of bank insolvency, shows the minimum amount of own funds needed to cover losses. The calculation of the H1 standard is carried out according to the following formula:

H1=SK / (SUM (Ai-Cree) + p. 8807 + p. 8957 + PK + CRV + p. 8992 + 10 x OR + PP), where:

  1. SK - bank capital;
  2. Cree - risk factor of AI-th asset;
  3. p. - line number in reporting;
  4. risks:
  • KRV - for contingent liabilities;
  • KRS - for urgent transactions;
  • OR - operational;
  • РР - market;
  • PC - increased coefficient.

H1 - capital adequacy ratio - for banks with equity over EUR 5 million should be 10%. If the AC is less, then the value of the coefficient should be 11% or more.

n1 capital adequacy ratio
n1 capital adequacy ratio

According to the methodology of the Basel Committee, the levelsufficiency is calculated separately for the capitals of the first and second levels. First, the volume of repurchased shares, the reserve fund and the profit of vulgar years are calculated. Tier 2 capital includes revaluation reserves, loss reserves and various hybrid securities.

Liquidity ratios

The H2 standard is determined by the ratio of highly liquid assets and the amount of demand liabilities:

H2=La / (Bv - 0.5 x Bv1), where:

Н2 – instant liquidity ratio;

La - highly liquid assets (cash, precious metals, foreign currency, nostro balance; balances on correspondent accounts with the Central Bank; investments in government securities);

Bv – 20% of demand account balance;

Bv1 – the minimum total balance of funds on demand accounts of individuals and legal entities.

bank capital adequacy ratio n1
bank capital adequacy ratio n1

The calculated value of H2 should be 15% or more.

Current liquidity ratio:

H3=La / (From - 0.5 x Bv1)


From - demand obligations with a term of up to 30 days: balances on current accounts, "loro", deposits and deposits; loans, guarantees and guarantees and other obligations;

Bv1 – the minimum total balance of funds on demand accounts of individuals and legal entities for up to one month.

The calculated value of the coefficient should be less than 50%.

Long-term liquidity ratio is calculated for liabilities and loans maturing more than 12 months:

H4=Kr / (SC + D + 0.5 x O), where:

Kr - loans provided by the bank in rubles and foreign currency. This figure should also include 50% of bank guarantees and guarantees with the same period of validity;

D - deposits and loans received;

O - the amount of the minimum total balance on accounts with a maturity of up to 1 year.

The calculated ratio must be less than 120%.

Rehabilitated banks did not comply with the H1 liability coverage ratio

This was shown by the results of the financial analysis of credit institutions. In particular, Mosoblbank did not comply with the H1 standard in February. The value of the coefficient of the credit institution was equal to 0%, with the required 10%. The organization also lacked basic, fixed capital, long-term liquid assets. Things are no better at Finance Business Bank. The current liquidity indicator exceeded the required value by 4.32%. Norms of basic and fixed capital adequacy were also violated. The third sanitized organization - "Inres" - did not comply with the requirements of the Central Bank for 19 days, and "BTA-Kazan" - 15 days in a row. In the NB "TRUST" the value of the adequacy ratios of the basic, fixed capital, the maximum level of large and the use of own funds and funds of other legal entities amounted to 0%.

calculation of norm n1
calculation of norm n1


This credit organization took the financial group "ROST" for reorganization last autumn. But problems arose for all participants in the process. "Rost Bank" at the end of January violated the H1 standard, did not scorea sufficient number of long-term assets and exceeded the level of risk per client. The credit organization "Kedr", which is also part of this financial group, did not have enough own funds throughout January to ensure its activities. In addition, the institution has exceeded the limit of major risks, guarantees and guarantees and the level of insider risks. On January 12, 2015, Bimbank also did not have enough fixed capital to support its activities. But later the situation improved.

standard n1 value
standard n1 value


The list of other organizations that violated the H1 standard includes: NPO "Petersburg Settlement Center", deprived of the license "Shipbuilding", "Tavrichesky", "Financial and Industrial" banks. Various measures of influence are not applied to credit institutions that are at the stage of financial recovery. But when the capital adequacy ratio of bank H1 was violated by Svyaznoy, questions began. According to the law, the Central Bank can revoke a license if the ratio drops to 2%. During the reporting year, this happens to banks quite often due to technical failures. But if, after correcting the problems, the value of the coefficient has not increased, then the Central Bank may request a financial rehabilitation plan or introduce its manager into the structure. For Svyaznoy, this coefficient fell to 9.19% for just one day due to the fact that the bank needed to increase deductions to reserves.

N1 norm for banks
N1 norm for banks

New market leader

The H1 standard for banks is legally set at 10%. FROMIn 2013, Tinkoff was the most capitalized. The value of the coefficient then reached 15.8% and remained high, despite the trends in the market. According to the results of the first quarter, this figure dropped to 15.22%. Russian Standard set a new record - 17.65%. Other credit institutions have a low indicator value: Home Credit - 13.9%, Renaissance - 12.89%, OTP - 12.34%.

liability coverage ratio n1
liability coverage ratio n1

Russian Standard restructured Eurobonds, extending their term until 2020, received additional capital in the amount of $350 mln and increased H1 by 4%. For this, the bank paid investors a premium of 5 percentage points. from the face value of the bond and increased the rate to 13% for one coupon. To date, the capital of "Russian Standard" is 64 billion rubles. Due to this, the organization can attract liabilities through tenders, lend to related companies in a larger volume. Losses are covered by Tier 1 capital. Its sufficiency level is low - 6.26%. But this is because it does not include subordinated bonds.

For the first quarter, the bank lost 6.5 billion rubles. At the end of 2014, the profit amounted to 1.4 billion rubles. If losses are not reduced, then the pressure of Tier 1 capital will only intensify. Competitors on the market have a higher value of this indicator: Home Credit - 8.42%, Tinkoff - 9.4%, Vostochny - 6.74%.

Sberbank does not want to stand out in the market yet

The organization received a subordinated loan from the Central Bank in the amount of 500 billion euros. This figure is currently included in equity.second level. If it is converted, then the H1 standard will increase by 1.2 percentage points from 12%. In comparison with competitors and the position of the organization in the market, the value of the coefficient is not high. But given the macroeconomics and the situation in Ukraine, the results are quite acceptable.


For the successful functioning of the market, the bank needs its own funds. Their volume should advise the established sufficiency standards. The Central Bank regularly checks the value of these coefficients. If the calculated indicator drops to 2%, then the license of the credit institution may be revoked.
