2025 Author: Howard Calhoun | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:10
In most cases, Russian farmers keep dairy cows of productivity. Over the centuries, a huge number of cattle breeds of this group have been bred. One of the oldest and most productive is the Jersey. This rather unusual breed has recently become very popular, including in Russia.
Jersey cattle history
This breed was bred in England in the 16th century by selecting local British cattle for fat content. The Jersey Cattle Stud Book was opened in 1866. At the same time, the breed became widely known as one of the most productive. In the 19th century, these cows began to be exported to the United States, and somewhat later to Africa, Australia and New Zealand. Currently, Jersey cattle are bred in many countries of the world and are used, among other things, to improve the milk-fat qualities of other breeds.

At the end of the 19th century, the Jersey cow was brought to Russia. However, unfortunately, then these animals in our country are nothave taken root. The second time such cattle was brought to the USSR in 1947.
Cultivation of the Jersey breed of cows in Russia since that time has become more or less massive. It is mainly used to improve black-and-white cattle in the Moscow, Ryazan, Leningrad and Novgorod regions. The hybrids obtained then have a slightly lower weight and milk yield, but at the same time an increased fat content of milk. This quality is still preserved to some extent in the motley Siberian cows.
General Description
The main distinguishing feature of Jersey cows is their small stature. The height at the withers of these animals is only 120-125 cm. In addition, the characteristic features of the exterior of the Jersey cow are:
- highly developed eye sockets;
- wide sunken forehead;
- sharp and high withers;
- oblique ribs;
- delicate constitution;
- long waist;
- wide ass.
Cows of this breed usually have a light or darkish sand color. Sometimes there are individuals with white marks on the legs and in the lower part of the body. The chest in animals is usually darker than the rest of the body. Gobies sometimes have a black stripe along their backs. The udder of Jersey cows is voluminous, bowl-shaped.

Jersey cattle are not very productive in terms of meat production. The weight of a cow of this breed is only 350-400 kg, a bull - 600 kg. Moreover, these animalsdistinguished by flat ribs and a rather narrow chest. That is, the yield of meat during their slaughter is extremely low.
For milk, the average productivity of Jersey cows is 4,000 liters per year. Of course, this is not too much. In some domestic breeds, this figure can reach up to 10,000 or more. However, in terms of milk fat content, Jersey cattle are significantly superior to most other varieties of cattle. Ideally, this figure is 6%. At the same time, protein in milk contains 3.7-3.9%. The fat content may vary depending on the place where the cows are raised and the quality of the feed. In Russia, the productivity of Jeyser cows in this regard is at an average level.

Content benefits
Thus keeping Jersey cattle can be quite profitable. How much milk a cow gives, we found out. In general, a little, but it is very fat. Among other things, keeping this KRS provides the following benefits:
Economy. Jersey cows and bulls consume 20% less feed than, for example, the same popular Holstein.
- No hassle associated with diseases. These cows rarely get any infections. They are also less likely to develop hoof problems than other breeds due to their light weight.

Character and habits
One of the advantages of these cows is the complete absence of aggressiveness towards humans and other domesticlivestock. The temperament of the cattle of this breed is very quiet, rather docile and calm. Some individuals may even be a little shy. It is rather difficult for a bull or a cow of the Jersey breed to get used to new owners. When transferred to another farm, they may even lose a little in productivity at first. However, after a couple of months, heifers and bulls fully adapt, get used to new conditions and become very attached to their owners.
Features of breeding
The advantages of cattle of this breed, among other things, many farmers attribute ease of reproduction. Jersey cows in our country are quite expensive because of their rarity. The price of a bull, for example, can reach up to 70 thousand rubles. Cash cows, of course, are even more expensive. However, since these animals breed quickly, many farmers already have entire herds of such cattle on their farms. Jersey cows are not only easy to inseminate, but usually do not experience any problems during childbirth. This is explained primarily by the fact that the calves of this breed are very small. Newborn babies weigh only about 20-22 kg.
The advantage of the Jersey cattle is considered, among other things, precocity. For the first time such a cow can calve at the age of one year. The newborn is placed under the muzzle of the mother so that she licks him. If the cow does not do this, the baby should simply be wiped with straw. In the first half hour after birth, the calf must definitely drink mother's milk. If for some reason he cannot do this on his own, you should bottle feed him.

A calf is fed only milk for a week. From the age of seven days, hay, lightly sprinkled with chalk, is gradually added to the diet. As soon as the calf is one month old, you can start giving him vegetables: rutabaga, potatoes, beets. After some time, compound feed is introduced into the diet, and milk is gradually diluted with water until it is completely replaced. At the age of two months, the calf is fully transferred to an adult diet.
What you need to know
The answer to the question of how much milk a cow gives depends largely on how well the farm owners behave after calving. Milking the animal during this period should be given maximum attention. With the wrong approach, a calving cow can greatly reduce productivity. Milking jeyser after childbirth according to the following scheme:
- in the first four days - 5 times a day;
- next 8 days - 4 times;
- next - 3 times.
Gradually reduce the number of milkings to 2 per day.
Feeding Features
The productivity of Jersey cows, unlike most other breeds, depends very much on the quality of feeding. Thus, an average of 4,000 l/g on a very protein-rich diet can be increased by dairy cows to as much as 11,000 l/g. They feed dzheyserok quality young hay, silage, potatoes, beets, rutabaga. Compound feed is given at the rate of approximately 300 g per liter of milk. The Jersey cow needs about 12-16 kg of hay per day. Lump s alt is necessarily laid out in the barn. This will replenish in the body of animalsmicronutrient deficiencies.
Immediately after calving, a Jersey cow should receive only compound feed, to which some nitrates are added. The animal is transferred to a normal diet after three weeks. Water for a calving cow should be given twice a day. This will promote good lactation. Reduce the amount of fluid only if the animal's udder looks swollen.

Some faults of the breed
In addition to the advantages, of course, these animals also have some disadvantages. These farmers include:
- light cow weight;
- need for a fairly warm shed, absolutely no drafts;
- appearance from time to time of calves with signs of degeneration.
Calfs with the "wrong" conformation of Jersey cows are rarely born. But sometimes it does happen. Such offspring usually have incorrectly spaced hind legs. Some of the disadvantages of this livestock also include the impossibility of obtaining a large amount of meat. Of course, fearfulness is also considered a minus.
Jersey breed of cows: reviews of farmers
Russian farmers have a positive opinion about this cattle. Many users of specialized forums on the Internet declare their desire to have Jersey animals on their farm or in their homestead.
At the same time, many cattle breeders ask where they can buy a Jersey cow. Buy in Russia suchanimals because of their rarity is difficult. But sometimes they are still imported to Russia. For example, in the Moscow region. At the same time, farmers buy up heifers and bulls literally instantly. Sell these animals and private owners. Some farmers, including those in the outback, as already mentioned, have entire herds of these animals.

The popularity of the Jersey cow among Russian farmers is not in vain. Of course, these cows have some disadvantages. However, they also have many advantages. This is a high fat content of milk, and good productivity, and unpretentiousness.
With proper care and - most importantly - feeding, these cows can be very productive, including here in Russia. Especially good is the Jersey breed of cows, the pros and cons of which we examined in the article, suitable for those farms that, in addition to milk itself, specialize in the production of butter and cheese.
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