Aristov Alexander Mikhailovich (Chelyabinsk): biography, photo

Aristov Alexander Mikhailovich (Chelyabinsk): biography, photo
Aristov Alexander Mikhailovich (Chelyabinsk): biography, photo

Knows well and respects a man named Aristov Alexander Mikhailovich Chelyabinsk! The biography of a production worker, politician and public figure is closely connected with this city; Aristov did a lot for its residents, who should be grateful to Alexander Mikhailovich for at least the thousands of jobs he created.

Childhood and youth

Aristov Alexander was born on August 6, 1949 in the small town of Plast, in the Chelyabinsk region. The city was a mining town, and Alexander's father Mikhail Vasilyevich (formerly a front-line soldier) also worked underground, holding the position of a mine foreman. The mother of the future deputy, Polina Ivanovna, worked in a bookstore. Their only son took the best from his parents: love for work and books, discipline and responsibility.

Finances in the family were very tight, and Sasha went to work at the age of fourteen. During the day he worked as a carpenter, and in the evening he went to school. Despite such a workload, the guy also managed to play football as part of the local Gornyak team.

BIn 1967, Alexander Aristov, whose biography differed little from the biographies of most guys of that time, joined the army. I had a chance to serve in the strategic missile troops stationed in the vicinity of Nizhny Tagil. Two years later, a stronger and matured young man returned to the "citizen" with the rank of sergeant.

aristov alexander
aristov alexander

Find yourself

Aristov Alexander started his way to the top from the bottom, he earned his fortune honestly. After the army, the young man did not return to his native Plast, but settled in Chelyabinsk. Here he got a job as a mechanic at a local tractor factory.

Soon he had a wife and then a daughter. The family had to be fed, and besides, the parents needed the help of their son. And he so wanted to continue his education! And Alexander still enters - first at the workers' faculty (in 1971), then (in 1972) at the Chelyabinsk Polytechnic University at the Faculty of Mechanics and Engineering. But at the same time, he combines his studies with work, moving from the factory to the fire department, where the character of the future big businessman was seriously tempered. Who knows, perhaps it was the work of the rescuer that made Aristov such a strong-willed, stubborn and unbending person who managed to achieve a lot in life …

But success was still far away. After receiving a diploma, Alexander Aristov devoted ten years to the Yuzhnoye OPH, where he was engaged in the construction of various facilities: granaries, grain stocks, etc.

Aristov Alexander Mikhailovich
Aristov Alexander Mikhailovich

Student years

Aristov's student years deserve special attention. They also contributeda significant contribution to his future successful career. In addition to knowledge, at the Polytechnic University Alexander also received invaluable skills as an organizer and leader, leading an active social and labor activity. The student fraternity took part in various construction projects, and Alexander Aristov was elected foreman. They say that the farms built under his leadership are still standing - the guys did their job so well.

Study was also good for a talented young man, who, by the way, later received the degree of candidate of technical sciences and doctor of economics.


But let's get back to the work path of Alexander Mikhailovich. In 1985, when the country began to transfer the economy to a new track, he did not stand aside and took up production. Having an engineering degree, the young specialist created a number of enterprises in just a few years. One of them was the Energia cooperative, which first produced consumer goods, and then retrained into a meat processing plant. Chelyabinsk residents still remember the sausage of the same name.

alexander aristov biography
alexander aristov biography

The talented guide managed to set up the production process perfectly. The products manufactured at its enterprises, first pressed the state-owned, and then imported cheeses and sausages, on the shelves of stores. In the food industry of the early nineties, Aristov had no equal in the region. And this despite the fact that local officials constantly put spokes in the wheels of the new-style production worker.

In 1995, Aristov Alexander Mikhailovich saved Chelyabinskelectrometallurgical plant from being bought out on the cheap by overseas capitalists, leading this enterprise and leading it out of a deep crisis.

In 1996, he became the chairman of the board of directors of another of his offspring - OJSC Chelyabinsk Trade Center, and at the same time established CJSC JV Food Industry Center Italiano-Ural International. But the largest project of Aristov in those years was the Ariant food industry center, which grew up on the territory of an abandoned construction site and successfully functions to this day. There were no enterprises of this scale and there are none in the post-Soviet space, moreover, Ariant is known in the EU countries, and its products often turn out to be better than famous foreign brands.

Aristov Alexander Mikhailovich biography
Aristov Alexander Mikhailovich biography

Alexander Aristov's business activities today

Today, many Russians know a man named Alexander Aristov (Chelyabinsk). Photos of him periodically appear in the press - after all, he is a big businessman, and not only in the food industry. According to experts, Aristov controls 90% of Russian production of ferroalloys, in addition, he is engaged in mining and agriculture.

All millionaire businesses run like clockwork. The taxes deducted by them form the budget of Chelyabinsk by seventy percent, and employees receive a decent salary and have an attractive social package.

Political activities

Alexander Mikhailovich successfully combined his entrepreneurial activity with political activity, starting from 1996, when he was first electedMember of the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk Region. In this position, Aristov de alt with issues of social and information policy, as well as natural resources and ecology.

In 1999, the businessman became a member of the Legislative Assembly for the second time, and in 2003 he ran for the State Duma of the fourth convocation from the United Russia party and won the election. In the central legislative body, he oversaw the problems of the sphere of minerals and environmental protection.

Aristov Alexander Mikhailovich Chelyabinsk biography
Aristov Alexander Mikhailovich Chelyabinsk biography


Alexander Aristov, whose photos do not leave the front pages of local newspapers, is known to Chelyabinsk residents as a philanthropist. So, in particular, he organized the Charitable Foundation "Children of the World"; he took part in the creation of a fund to combat child drug addiction; provided patronage assistance to the city puppet theater and Chelyabinsk State University. In addition, the businessman takes care of veterans living in the Leninsky district and supports the local school for diabetics.

Complaining biography facts

But not only in a positive light is presented by journalists Aristov Alexander Mikhailovich. His biography, alas, is not exemplary, and media workers like to remind citizens of this from time to time.

And in 2010, Alexander Mikhailovich, already a respectable man of age, behaved like a young hooligan, beating activist Abinsky in his office, who was trying to prove Aristov's involvement in corruption schemes and illegal logging.

alexander aristov family
alexander aristov family

Aristov's condition

The state of an entrepreneur who has risen from the bottom is estimated by experts at 650 million US dollars. In the list of the richest businessmen in Russia several years ago, according to Forbes, he was on the 167th step.

Aristov owns the most expensive Maybach car in Chelyabinsk, the cost of which is more than twenty million rubles.

Alexander Aristov: family and hobbies

Having married at an early age, Alexander and Lyudmila Aristov managed to save their marriage. The wife of a businessman is a mechanical engineer by profession. The couple has a daughter, Elena, who gave her parents two granddaughters.

Alexander Mikhailovich tries to devote his free time from work to his loved ones, and he is also seriously interested in football, and even once played for the local Lokomotiv. A businessman has this passion since childhood!

alexander aristov photo
alexander aristov photo

Interesting facts

  • Convicted in November 1978 of fraud and forgery.
  • Served time in the 80s for illegal business activities.
  • In the 90s, he was accused of illegal operations for the purchase and sale of metals. He was in jail on charges of extortion.
  • In 2010, he beat E. Mamulu, an activist of the Environmental Watch, right in his office. The reason was the activities of the latter, concerning the clarification of facts of corruption in the local forestry.

Today Aristov controls the production of 90 percent of ferroalloys in Russia. Until 2006, he was the owner of the Abrau-Dyurso production enterprise. Thensold it to Boris Titov.

Alexander from alcoholic drinks prefers a whiskey cocktail with Coca-Cola, loves cars. The first "Mesedes-600" in Chelyabinsk appeared with him. He prefers to spend his holidays in hot countries: Taiwan, Singapore, India, etc. There you can not only sunbathe on the beach, but also visit interesting excursions.


  • Medal "For Services to the Fatherland", 2nd Class.
  • Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh third degree;
  • Order of Honor.
  • Awarded with a commemorative badge "Knight of Science and Art".

In 1997, for the regular replenishment of the pension fund, he received personal gratitude from the governor of the region P. I. Sumin.
