2025 Author: Howard Calhoun | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:10
In 2013, Russia became the leader in Europe in terms of the number of cases of fraudulent transactions with bank cards. People are trying to find real help in case of illegal withdrawal of funds. In Russia, this issue is regulated by Federal Law No. 161 “On the National Payment System”. It has been operating since 2011. But the most important points came into force only in 2014. The law describes the algorithm of actions in case money was withdrawn from the card (Sberbank). What to do first and who to contact for help?
Types of fraudulent transactions
To briefly describe the essence of the law, banks must increase the level of protection of customer funds. For a long time, this issue was not given due attention. Banks entered into contracts a phrase stating that the client is responsible for transactions made using a PIN code. Such cases still occur. Many people keepa piece of paper with a PIN code in the wallet along with the card itself. This is a gross violation of security measures. And if money was withdrawn from the Sberbank card, then in such a situation it will not be possible to return it back.

But scammers can turn their operations around without even having a plastic carrier on hand. It is enough to find out all the details of the card and calmly withdraw money. To date, there are such types of fraudulent transactions:
- Skimming. Attackers read data from the magnetic stripe of the card and make its analogue. They recognize the PIN code using overlays on the keyboard or mini-cameras. Then they make a duplicate and cash out.
- Phishing. A type of fraud, as a result of which fraudsters learn the username and password of users. Criminals send emails or SMS with a link to a malicious site. By clicking on it, users provide attackers with all the data to access their personal account on the bank's website.
This is how money is deducted from the card.
Banks are still taking security measures to protect customer funds. Over the past year, the number of issued cards with chips has significantly increased. They are more secure. It is more difficult to find a duplicate for them. ATMs are equipped with special devices that prevent the possibility of installing reading devices. And customers are constantly warned that bank employees under no circumstances try to find out PIN or CVV. But there are still many cases of fraud.
Removedmoney from the card (Sberbank). What to do?
First of all, calm down and don't panic. Try to remember the last time you made a withdrawal. Perhaps the notification arrived late. Or the transferred amount corresponds to the annual maintenance of the card or payment for SMS informing services. If it turns out that money was stolen from the card, then you should be patient. The refund procedure is very long and painstaking, but still effective.

Step One
So, money was withdrawn from the client's card (Sberbank). What to do first? Block plastic. To do this, you need to call the bank's call center number. It is indicated on the back of the card or in the contract. In theory, the operator can find out the amount of the account balance, as well as the latest transactions. As practice shows, such data appear only 2-3 days after the operation. You can also block the card at the bank branch. But then you have to spend time on the road and sitting in line.
Step two
If it turns out from a conversation with an employee that money was withdrawn from the card, then you should immediately go to the branch and write a statement challenging the transaction. It should state in detail all the circumstances, attach an account statement, as well as other documents confirming the client's non-involvement in the withdrawal of funds. Before drawing up an application, it is worth reading the agreement with the bank. It should contain a clause on disputing payments, an algorithm of actions and a procedure for resolving issues.

Step three
If money disappears from the card, lawyers recommend writing a statement to the police. Such actions should stir up the security service of the bank. In theory, the police should open a criminal case and, on the basis of the received application, remove the video from the ATM registrar. If the identity of the tenant could not be established, then this is evidence that a third party took possession of the funds. In practice, police officers must first send a request to the recipient of the funds. This process can be complicated if the recipient does not have a registration address. Law enforcement agencies do not carry out requests by email.
Step four
Be patient and wait. If during the period of consideration of the paper additional facts are revealed that may affect the result, then it is worth writing another statement. In this case, the credit institution will have to send a turnaround request to the beneficiary bank for a refund.

Step Five
So, money was withdrawn from your card (Sberbank). What should I do if the bank refuses to refund funds? Lawyers advise in this case to go to court. If strong evidence is provided (for example, the client was in Moscow, and the money was withdrawn from the card from an ATM in St. Petersburg), then the victim can count on a refund.
The client lost his Sberbank card: what to do?
The algorithm is the same as in the case of illegal withdrawal of funds. First you need to block the card and contactbranch for the release of a new one. The client can receive unused money in cash through the bank's cash desk or transfer it to another account. Theft is dangerous because attackers can use the CVV code and pay for services via the Internet. On the reverse side of almost all types of plastic cards there is a white strip for the owner's signature and 7 digits. The first 4 are part of the number, and the next 3 are the CVV (CVV2) code. It is a kind of PIN code for transactions carried out via the Internet. This code may not be indicated only on Visa Electron and MasterCard Maestro. These are the cheapest plastic cards that circulate only within one country. So, the client lost the Sberbank card. What to do next? It will be useful to write a statement to the police. Perhaps the loss will be found and returned to the owner.

The situation when the Sberbank card is demagnetized is fraught with no less problems. What to do in this case? Block the old one immediately. The card can become demagnetized only if the client constantly uses it: often takes it out and puts it in his pocket, purse or bag. Withdrawing funds from an ATM using such a plastic carrier will not work. But in case of its loss or theft, the fraudster will be able to pay for goods via the Internet. In such situations, banks do not send SMS with a payment password, but only inform the client about the fact of debiting funds.
The law comes to the rescue
The amendments to Federal Law No. 161 that have entered into force oblige credit institutions to return stolen funds, provided that the bank cannot provethat the client violated the rules for using a bank card. Here you need to pay attention to such a nuance. The credit institution is obliged to refund the funds if the client reports that they have withdrawn money from the Sberbank card no later than the next day after receiving a notification from the transaction from the operator. In case of violation of the specified period, the bank is not responsible for the transfer. From this point of view, the client should also use the evidence base. After talking with the operator by phone, you should send an email to the bank, indicating in it the reason for the appeal, the exact amount of debited funds, the fact that the operator was notified in advance.
The percentage of ungodly cardholders is high. Banks perceive the new law with hostility. Institutions are forced to expand the staff of security personnel. Paying for the services of qualified IT specialists is expensive. Banks are sounding the alarm, suffering losses and trying to find a way out.

The law says that the credit institution is obliged to notify the client about the write-off of funds. But it is not specified exactly how, and how much this service should cost. That is, even an email message from the bank about the fact of a transaction can become such a notification. Using this trick, many banks have raised the cost of SMS messages, which are the fastest way to find out about the fact of debiting funds.
One more point worth paying attention to. If the transfer of funds was carried out without the participation of the client, and the bank did notnotified the cardholder about it, then he is obliged to reimburse the entire amount spent.
At the same time, there is a wording in the law that can be interpreted in two ways. It says that the bank is not responsible for the transactions carried out if it proves that the client has violated the rules for using an electronic means of payment. This can include anything, up to storing the card in the refrigerator.
Nine ways to secure money
- Withdraw cash only at bank offices. There are cameras everywhere. Attackers will not be able to discreetly install a reader on an ATM.
- Record the phone number of the bank's call center on your mobile. If you lose your card, call this number right away.
- If you can't remember your PIN code, store it in your phone's memory under a code name.
- Set up an SMS alert to instantly learn about all the movements of funds on the card.
- Pay for services only through trusted sites. Their browser line should start like this:
- Never share your card PIN and CVV code with anyone.
- The login and password from the personal account on the bank's website should not be stored electronically.
- For all questions about illegal withdrawal of funds from the card, call the number indicated on the card, and not in SMS.
- Keep fixed assets in a separate account, and transfer only money to the card for current expenses.

Although banks are taking steps to protect customer funds, scammers still haveseveral ways to withdraw money from the card. In recent years, such type of operations as phishing has become very popular - sending messages with a link to a malicious site. By clicking on it, the client provides the scammers with a password and login from the account on the bank's website. Having received these details, the attacker will be able to use other people's means. It is quite difficult to prove the illegality of operations. No less problems arise if a Sberbank card is stolen. What to do in this case? Block the payment instrument, order the issuance of a new one and file an application to protest the last transaction.
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