Forms of advanced training. Institute for Retraining and Advanced Training

Forms of advanced training. Institute for Retraining and Advanced Training
Forms of advanced training. Institute for Retraining and Advanced Training

Any company or enterprise, whether private or public, is always interested in improving the skills of their own employees. Usually, one of the three main programs is carried out with the staff. This may be one of the forms of advanced training or initial training and retraining of personnel. Each of the options has a specific goal.

Retraining and advanced training

Many people do not see any difference between these processes at all. Indeed, the methods of training for retraining and advanced training in a center that specializes in this, you can find a lot of common points. Both processes, one way or another, are aimed at improving and developing the skills of employees. However, during retraining, a person can also receive a new profession or speci alty.

While improving qualifications, staff will improve certainknowledge and skills already possessed. The level of certain skills increases, which allows a person to better correspond to his position or move to a higher position, that is, climb the career ladder. Another difference is observed in the standard terms for training. So, for retraining, the usual number of academic hours is from 500 to 1000, and for advanced training, the range is reduced to 72-100 academic hours.

Forms of advanced training
Forms of advanced training

Choosing the right school

In total, there are three types of educational institutions that provide such services. These primarily include regional and sectoral institutions. You can get training in centers or schools for advanced training, as well as in special academies. The latter include those that do not issue diplomas of higher education. In addition, each of the above types of educational institutions must have a valid license, which gives the right to conduct advanced training courses. The form can be both full-time and evening, which mainly depends on the requirements of the company's management and the capabilities of the institute.

However, in some cases, an educational institution may not have the appropriate license at all. Further training of personnel in this way is allowed during one-time seminars, lectures or internships. It should be noted that upon their completion, participants do not receive any diplomas, certificates or other extracts. If there are any, they are purely symbolic. Also, staff can be trained by a specialist who can confirm their experience and length of service with the necessary papers.

Institute for Retraining and Advanced Training
Institute for Retraining and Advanced Training

Main forms of advanced training

Differences between the different forms may lie in certain criteria, such as the level of connection with real practice, the specific target group or the method of organizing the learning process. In total, there are four main types listed in the list below.

  1. If necessary, the separation of the employee from the workplace. The most fruitful preparation occurs when both options are combined.
  2. By priority target groups of employees. The program is conducted for the management department or the entire staff of the company. Sometimes there are so-called open courses where even families of employees can acquire certain knowledge and skills.
  3. According to the degree of organization of the process. In this case, it is understood that the form of training for advanced training can be independent, individual or group.
  4. At the place of stay. Training is divided into internal and external outside the company. Management often prefers the first option, because due to this, it is possible to reduce the corresponding items of expenditure and increase the overall corporate spirit of the staff.
Forms of advanced training of teaching staff
Forms of advanced training of teaching staff

Institute for Senior Managers

An example of such an institution isRussian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation. The educational process can be aimed at professional retraining or advanced training. In the first case, civil servants with secondary or higher education are enrolled in the courses. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation contains a clause stating that such providing specialists and managers have the right to professional retraining. Among the main courses, it should be noted basic, functional and special.

The forms of advanced training for managers at RANEPA are generally similar to programs at other institutions that provide the same services for senior managers. The general nature of the courses depends on the specific speci alties of the target audience: it can be short-term or long-term, scientific or practical. Full-time, part-time, evening and distance learning formats are allowed. The company's management can agree with lecturers from the institute on the most convenient time for visiting in order to successfully combine the chosen form with the main activity.

Forms of advanced training for managers
Forms of advanced training for managers

Actual forms for teachers

In general, there are two main options, the use of which allows you to raise the level of competence of teachers, teachers and other employees in this industry. These forms of advanced training for teaching staff include self-education and external organized vocational training. The essence of the first is the independent improvement of skills and competencies. Processself-education occurs throughout the entire period of practical activity of the teacher.

External organized vocational training has several main elements as follows:

  • internship and course retraining;
  • long-term courses over 72 hours;
  • accumulative advanced training system;
  • drawing up a plan of individual lessons for self-development in the industry;
  • short-term courses with a maximum duration of 72 hours;
  • professional skill competitions, scientific and practical conferences, master classes;
  • remote courses to improve the general level of qualifications.
Forms of advanced training for teachers
Forms of advanced training for teachers

Further education in medicine

If we consider the practical part of this area, then the question of the need to improve the skills of doctors in one form or another is regulated at the state level. A recently repealed law in 2012 required regular completion of certain courses once every five years. Now, after receiving a diploma, students are already working as first-line doctors. Only after three years as a pediatrician or internist can they apply for a residency and become more specialized.

Self-training as part of continuing education courses for physicians is provided at various centres. The organization of the educational programs themselves is done taking into account all the requirements for specialists with higher or secondary education. Graduates after successfully completing the courses are usually provided with the appropriate certificates and certificates.

Refresher courses for doctors
Refresher courses for doctors

Which documents can be issued

First of all, this moment depends on where the process of advanced training or retraining took place. Institutes can issue various diplomas, certificates or certificates. These documents confirm the assignment to an employee of a certain qualification, work rank, class or category.

Paragraph 28 of the Model Regulations of an educational institution also mentions that such an institution with a licensed activity is obliged to issue a certain set of papers confirming this fact to students who successfully complete any program. Among these, it should be noted a certificate of qualification for completing courses with a total duration of more than 1000 academic hours or a certificate of advanced training for those who have studied more than 100 hours, and upon completion of a short-term program, an employee will be issued a certificate of advanced training.

How to send for training

Such plans are developed annually by the employer. Each employee must have some prerequisites for being sent to one of the forms of advanced training. The conclusion of the contract and the choice of the training format fall entirely on the shoulders of the head. In turn, a special student contract is concluded with each employee, which is an addition to the labor one.

After the employerissues an official order with all the necessary justifications. Also, the manager must indicate the fact whether the employee was sent by his decision or applied for advanced training at his own request.

Innovative forms of advanced training
Innovative forms of advanced training

Using innovative techniques

The standard set of applied forms includes lectures, seminars, consultations and practical exercises. However, experts are actively looking for new ways that could be more effective. Among other industries, special attention in terms of the use of innovative forms of advanced training is given to education. Educators today are offered a variety of video lectures, debates, discussions, case methods, creative presentations and reports, as well as reflective observation combined with active practice.
