The main functions of the personnel development subsystem are: working with a personnel reserve, retraining and advanced training of employees, planning and monitoring a business c

The main functions of the personnel development subsystem are: working with a personnel reserve, retraining and advanced training of employees, planning and monitoring a business c
The main functions of the personnel development subsystem are: working with a personnel reserve, retraining and advanced training of employees, planning and monitoring a business c

The personnel development subsystem (PDP) is an important component of the personnel management system. As the staffing of HR units is now being established, more and more attention is being paid to the PDP, and rightly so.

After all, the modern revolutionary rhythm of promoting scientific and technical progress leads to the progressive obsolescence of professional skills and knowledge. As a result of the accelerated impact of objective factors, a decrease in the qualifications of employees inevitably occurs and, accordingly, the efficiency of the company also decreases. Strategic management today declares the possibility of professional and career growth for a person who is able to make a breakthrough in the company's position in the market. Whereinthe incentive for the participation of a creative employee in profit is activated through the organizational building of a chain from an innovation that brings profit to final consumption.

staff recruitment agencies
staff recruitment agencies

Today, the importance of PDP is properly appreciated by the leaders of the information business, companies that invest heavily in personnel development subsystems. The current level of development of the personnel of leading companies has a characteristic distinguishing feature - a departure from collectivist values to individualistic ones.

In particular, the leading corporations of "Silicon Valley" (USA) today demonstrate really promising and innovative examples of personnel development. Thus, uniting a third of a million employees, Hewlett-Packard automatically organizes training for all interested employees by subscribing to closed corporate training social networks and channels. In addition, anyone with a sense of talent can break out of a place where they do not find promotion by participating in the individual program Hewlett-Packard: Talents don’t belong you they belong to company.

Facebook also demonstrates informal employee growth opportunities. It practices team project-based brainstorming days, the so-called Boot camp. Everyone has the opportunity to join the project team, and, depending on their talent, stay in it to work on a regular basis for the real promotion of the project.

Remarkable and in many ways unique experience of building employee loy alty is practiced by LinkedIn. In heroffices feel really homely, and that says it all.

Obviously, behind the formation of the legendary collective intelligence of Silicon Valley, which has earned it worldwide fame, there are less visible, but effectively performed basic functions of the personnel development subsystem (PDP). The purpose of this article is to review them.

Skill growth as a sign of PRP

The modern subsystem of personnel development is determined by a pragmatic mission - a purposeful and progressive increase in the use value of the resource labor force, which is outwardly expressed in the growth of employee qualifications. Each element of this system (type of training, PDP unit) is being created as a tool for implementing this mission.

Role of segregation of functions, feedback in PDP

Inside the personnel development subsystem itself, a functional division of duties is provided between management units, as well as employees involved in personnel. Work with personnel in the organization is necessarily coordinated and should have feedback. The latter is extremely important for the operational impact on production processes. The PDP should support and encourage efficient, qualified staff action. And vice versa: mistakes of subordinates should be detected and stopped in time. It is important to prevent in the bud the possibility of developing isolated precedents into harmful mechanically repeated stereotyped actions.

Opportunity for professional growth and career development
Opportunity for professional growth and career development

In the PDP itself, it should be clearly distributed among the executorsand timing of planning and control activities.

PRP functions

In form - the main functions of the personnel development subsystem are clearly planned and controlled by the management of the actions of the personnel service. In fact, all these actions are aimed both at increasing the cost of the labor resource, and at the further progressive development of the ERP. Ideally, for an efficient enterprise, a situation is achieved when employees perform their functions efficiently and on time, and the employer does not need to apply strict and strict management methods.

In terms of content - the main functions of the personnel development subsystem are quite diverse:

  • Professional education (beginner level).
  • Professional development (working staff learns).
  • Mastery of related speci alties (specialists who have fully mastered their area of work are trained).
  • Competitive admission (selection of the best personnel).
  • Periodic personnel appraisal (release from inefficient employees, promotion of active ones).
  • Innovative and inventive activities (improving work efficiency).

The main functions of the personnel development subsystem are not chaotic events, but due to production. In other words, the goals of production are absolute and primary guidelines for the development of personnel. In the organization of the PDP, the priority of developing functions aimed at improving and optimizing the work of production units over the functions of providing units is clearly traced.

An informal approach is also important, it is necessary that within the PDP the activities are selected adequately to the specific conditions of production.

Vocational training

Let's move on to the consideration of particular functions of the PDP. The first of them, the organization of vocational training of personnel, involves the acquisition by newcomers to the profession or people who have hitherto been unemployed with the necessary knowledge and skills to work in a particular speci alty. The main ways of training the profession are considered to be specialized courses, often organized by the employer himself, as well as training directly at the workplace.

Professional development

Professional development involves already established specialists in a certain speci alty as trainees. This process does not involve "outsiders". In fact, it is about updating practical skills and theoretical knowledge. Professional development of employees is achieved by passing special training mainly in the organization itself, as well as at advanced training courses. Only employees with a diploma of vocational education are involved there.

work with personnel reserve
work with personnel reserve

In addition, if necessary, the employer provides employees with the opportunity to study at specialized secondary specialized and higher educational institutions while combining study with work. Note that the advanced training of workers for some speci alties is mandatory. Its frequency is regulated by the Labor Code.

Teaching relatedmajors

Efficient enterprises, in which people value the workplace, today are especially active in training their employees in related speci alties. Thanks to the combination of speci alties, it is achieved:

  • reduce lost time;
  • reducing the labor intensity of maintaining jobs.

Improving the development of personnel when teaching related speci alties leads to the fact that within the same production process, a tractor driver can master the speci alty of a combine operator, a turner can use the professional skills and knowledge of an electrician-adjuster.

Competition for a vacant position

Currently, many enterprises and organizations practice competitive hiring. It is beneficial for the employer for the following reasons:

  • increases the prestige of the profession;
  • the most prepared candidate is selected for the workplace;
  • democracy is demonstrated in the selection of personnel.

Certification of personnel

With the help of attestation of personnel, carried out at least once every two years, the following is performed:

  • certification of professional suitability of employees;
  • Checking the suitability of their business knowledge and skills for the position.

This procedure is regulated by labor law. Based on the results of the certification, an order is issued that initiates personnel changes, promising employees are credited to the reserve for promotion, diligent employees are rewarded, changes are implemented insalaries.

Innovative and inventive work

The main functions of the personnel development subsystem are not only pragmatic, but also creative events. In particular, the stimulation of rationalization and inventive activity in the PDP is used as a tool for maximizing the mobilization of the creative abilities of staff.

advanced training of employees
advanced training of employees

At enterprises, it is supervised by the chief engineer. Rationalization is aimed at saving in the production use of materials, reducing the time frame of the production cycle, and improving the level of logistics. Invention, unlike rationalization, has signs of significant novelty in the technical solution of production problems.

Recruitment Agencies

However, today's labor market is represented not only by employees looking for work, on the one hand, and employers, on the other. Intermediaries also operate in this market - recruitment agencies (HR). The latter provide services to both job seekers, i.e. individuals looking for work, and enterprises - employers, finding employees according to the applications received.

In any major city today there are dozens and hundreds of such agencies. Therefore, for the job seeker, the choice of those who have a reliable business reputation becomes relevant. References of clients of such agencies can serve as a reference point. An insignificant option should be considered if more than half of the reviews of a particular recruitment agency indicate a formal attitude towardstheir problem. If we talk about the role of these intermediaries in the labor market, then recruitment agencies perform intermediary functions: search, evaluation and selection of personnel with the required qualifications for vacant vacancies.

In addition to the above-mentioned basic functions, recruitment agencies often perform a number of related services:

  • HR audit and consulting;
  • organization of coaching and trainings;
  • staff motivation.

However, their activities are not universal. We will discuss this nuance in the work of recruitment agencies. As a rule, they are not trusted with the selection of leadership personnel. Traditionally, their selection - from the lowest positions to the highest - is carried out by the enterprises themselves, without the help of intermediaries. Qualified and successful management is vital for any legal entity. However, finding cool and loyal top managers is a difficult and painstaking process. Any leader who enjoys authority and leads the staff to success in their work is the product of careful and individual selection. To do this, the enterprises themselves continuously plan and control the business career of promising employees.

Staff pool

If personnel officers informed the job seeker that he was enrolled in the reserve, then this does not guarantee that he will still get into the state. He was simply taken into account as a job seeker. Western corporations were the first to use this function of the PRP. In the future, this tool was adopted by enterprises and organizations in other sectors of the economy.

how to climb a careerstairs
how to climb a careerstairs

Work with a reserve of personnel (RC) is carried out in organizations where there is a shortage in the selection of employees. The formation of the AC is carried out by an authorized employee of the personnel department. It includes employees who have the potential and skills to perform certain job duties. The basis for the creation of the AC is the calculated need of an organization or enterprise for specialists.

Properly organized work with the personnel reserve achieves the following goals:

  • reduce risks when laying off key employees;
  • building a leadership team to provide effective leadership;
  • motivation to stay in office for incumbent talented leaders;

In fact, the personnel reserve is a base made up of resumes of specialists. CR is formed of two types: external and internal. The external one consists of specialists who are occasionally involved in the performance of individual tasks, or who participate in projects. Usually such candidates apply for ordinary positions. Internal (management) consists of full-time employees who have the ability to coordinate processes, manage departments that are undergoing a set of development activities. Such candidates must have work experience at this enterprise, know its specifics.

Modern methods of personnel development

The ERP system uses both traditional and new technologies for personnel development. Modern methods of personnel development include:

  • basket method (learning method based on solving standardproduction situations);
  • video training (online training courses posted on the Internet);
  • business game (certain production situations are set and the adoption of adequate decisions by a manager or a specialist is simulated);
  • remote learning (individual and group provision using systems like Skype);
  • case learning (learning through a comprehensive review and analysis of real situations);
  • metaphorical game (a difficult situation is solved jointly and creatively in a group);
  • modular learning (learning material is grouped into blocks and modules);
  • brainstorming (an operational method of solving a problem through the collective generation of ideas);
  • learning by action (managers learn in three stages: first, by action, they solve a non-standard real practical problem, then they build theoretical patterns from the experience gained, and, finally, they check these patterns on similar tasks);
  • training according to the Buddying method (the mentor is placed in the framework of an equal colleague of the trainee, training is carried out in a friendly tone, benevolent atmosphere, the method is used when training top managers);
  • training according to the Secondment method (an employee is temporarily "seconded" to another department, department, etc. in order to form additional skills);
staff development examples
staff development examples
  • training according to the Shadowing method (an employee presented for promotion for a period of two days or more "becomes a shadow" of an employee who performs thisposition);
  • behavioral modeling (teaching interpersonal communication techniques and changing attitudes);
  • role-playing game (interaction of participants, each of whom is assigned a specific role. For example, the role of an entrepreneur and the role of a loan manager, and the task of the second is to offer an optimal lending program);
  • storytelling (presenting various kinds of metaphors (myths, parables, etc.) for solving a problem similar to the one posed);
  • training (active dynamic development of professional skills, knowledge, skills, communication competence).

Planning and controlling a business career

Career planning should be supported and overseen by senior management. The HR Development Service provides hands-on, management-controlled activities to develop and manage employee careers.

Planning the business career of personnel in the organization is carried out in the following areas:

  • consultation on individual development plans;
  • current staff training programs;
  • career crisis support programs;
  • movement of employees in three directions: up (promotion), horizontally (rotation), down (demotion).

Currently, a career is considered as the result of a conscious subjective attitude of the employee himself to his work activity. In total, there are three types of career:

  • professional (gaining knowledge,skills, abilities);
  • intraorganizational (vertical and horizontal);
  • centripetal (approaching the managerial "core" of the organization).

When meeting with a new employee, the personnel manager evaluates the stage of his career, predicts the goals of professional activity, and advises how to climb the career ladder. First, according to the criterion of age, the stage of the employee's career is set:

  • under 25 (preliminary);
  • under 30 (becoming);
  • under 45 (promotion);
  • after 60 (completion);
  • after 65 (retirement).

Also, the HR manager evaluates the personality traits of the employee, which are desirable to be consistent with the choice of professional path:

  • artistic (emotional self-expression, self-presentation);
  • conventional (creative work with information, databases);
  • pragmatic (use of programs and tools);
  • entrepreneurial (the ability to plan and manage people);
  • social (feeling part of a team);
  • creative (a tendency to creatively complete complex tasks).

Naturally, the question of how to climb the career ladder, each type of personality, depending on age, chooses in its own way. At the same time, depending on his inclinations, he chooses for himself a profession that best suits his inclinations (working with technology, with people, with data, with figurative interpretation).

the main functions of the personnel development subsystem are
the main functions of the personnel development subsystem are

Further,working in the speci alty, improving their skills, the employee acquires a certain qualification. In each successful example of building a career, an employee sees the functions of the personnel development subsystem that are systematically implemented by the enterprise. Thanks to this, the employee becomes a professional of a certain level. In personnel matters, the qualifications of employees are characterized by conditional categories:

  • internal is a good specialist who is able to independently solve complex problems in his area;
  • master - unlike the internal, is able to solve tasks of increased complexity that are beyond the skill of most colleagues;
  • authority - unlike the master, has professional authority among colleagues outside the organization;
  • mentor - in addition to authority, has like-minded students, students.


The main functions of the personnel development subsystem are effective organizational tools that can improve the qualifications of an adept employee to an internal, master, authority, mentor. It is in the organization of such growth of employees that the skill of a cool personnel worker lies. It is important for him when the subjective “feel for promising personnel” is supplemented by an objective deep knowledge of the methodology of personnel work, which is deeply developed and regulated in detail.

business career planning of personnel in the organization
business career planning of personnel in the organization

According to this methodology, the functions of the personnel development subsystem are known and practiced in enterprises and organizations:

  • vocational training;
  • training;
  • mastering related speci alties;
  • competitive reception;
  • Periodic staff appraisal;
  • innovative and inventive activity.

However, for the effective operation of the personnel development subsystem, in addition to the professionalism of the personnel manager, the position of the company's management is fundamentally important. The key role is played by the interested and constructive attitude of top managers, without this, the efforts of personnel employees in the future, unfortunately, are doomed to failure.