2025 Author: Howard Calhoun | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:10
Sberbank takes care of the protection of bank cards. But it cannot 100% protect customers from the activities of scammers. Employees of the bank and government agencies regularly encounter requests from customers who have lost money from a Sberbank card. In order not to become a victim of scammers, you need to know the tricks of modern scammers. Ways to protect a Sberbank card are presented in the article.
Methods of stealing funds from a bank card
Every year, new schemes for defrauding Sberbank customers appear, as more than 70 million Russians use the issuer's cards. How are funds stolen?
- Internet theft, or phishing.
- Carding, specifically skimming.
- Phone Fraud. Calls to bank card holders are implied.
- Theft of funds from plastic contactless cards.

Scammers can use one or more options. If there is suspicion aboutpossible attempt on personal data or funds of the Sberbank card, it is recommended to contact the employees, check the balance of the credit card or issue its reissue.
Phishing - what is it? Protection Methods
The term "phishing" comes from the English fishing, that is, "fishing". The meaning of the words is identical: hunting for prey, which for scammers is a bank card of Sberbank customers. In the banking sector, the meaning of the word is a type of fraud in which cardholders become victims in the process of using any Internet resources.
Sberbank credit cards (Visa Gold, Master Card) become an object for swindlers more often than debit ones. Only every 3rd owner uses the credit card limit, and 98% of Russians withdraw cash from debit cards.
How money is stolen from the card in the process of phishing:
- Through social networks.
- Through free classifieds sites.
- Spam email.
- Theft and use of Internet banking passwords.
Social media scams
Thieves hack customer accounts by sending a notification to friends. In the message, they ask to transfer cash to their account or card as a debt. The scheme is valid for 15-60 minutes, but during this time scammers can turn to 30 or more contacts.
The fact that their page has been hacked, customers are often notified by relatives or relatives. But some acquaintances do not understand that a scammer is communicating with them on behalf of a friend, and willingly transfer from 500 rubles to 10,000 "in debt".

The problem also lies in the fact that after the discovery of the fact of fraud, deceived acquaintances may demand the return of the debt from the person to whom they allegedly transferred cash.
Financial scammers in the classifieds world
When selling or buying a product or service, Sberbank cardholders may encounter Internet deceivers. After placing an ad, they insist on transferring the advance or the entire amount, often offering 2-3 times more, to the client's card.

After receiving the card number, they try to enter Sberbank Online, convincing the owner of the need to say the codes sent by SMS. If the client agrees to provide information, money will be debited from all his accounts within 2-5 minutes to the scammers.
Scheme for stealing funds from cards using e-mail
Having received a letter with a malicious code, Sberbank customers may lose their credit card data immediately after clicking on the link. Internet thieves encrypt under well-known brands, banks, utilities and government agencies to instill trust in the recipient.
Sometimes clicking on a link is not enough to make money disappear from a Sberbank card. There are cases when citizens transferred payments to the "fake" tax service or mobile operators.
Access to online banking
Having obtained by any means the data for entering Sberbank Online, swindlers seek to transfer all the money of clientsto your accounts. But this type of scam does not work if there is no access to an up-to-date mobile phone number. According to it, the cardholder receives one-time passwords to confirm transfers.
As soon as the scammer gains access to a mobile number or the client voluntarily provides him with such information, the money is immediately debited from the client's credit card.
Ways to protect against phishing
Phishing theft methods are constantly being updated. To prevent unauthorized debiting of funds from a Sberbank card, you should:
- Be careful when making transactions on the Internet. Payment for vouchers, goods, services should be made only after confirmation of the fact of the transaction: the conclusion of the contract on the official website of the supplier.
- Do not provide personal data (full name, phone number) to strangers. If the owner of the credit card tells the scammers the card number, they may try to enter Sberbank Online using the registration method on the site (without obtaining a login in the terminal).
- Do not give passwords from number 900. Scammers can pretend to be anyone, including relatives and bank employees, demanding to tell them the codes to confirm the transfer. It is recommended to ignore calls from suspicious persons and never reveal one-time passwords.
Carding, or How fraudsters steal from ATMs
Carding is a method of stealing data or money from a credit card, in which the operation is performed using a means of payment or its data. The term has a broad designation, including morea common concept in Russia is skimming.

Theft of data or funds on a bank card using special equipment for self-service devices is called skimming.
How the scheme works:
- a fraudster installs a dummy, camera or other method of obtaining data or the credit card itself on the device;
- client performs an operation without noticing the catch;
- scammer gets access to data, money or a plastic card.
Sberbank's Visa Gold credit card is one of the most popular targets for skimming installers. The limit of up to 600 thousand rubles allows attackers to count on a solid sum in case of a successful scheme.
Depending on the type of carding, a credit card holder may face:
- With an overlay on the panel for entering a PIN code.
- A magnetic stripe reader. The overlay is installed on the card reader - the place where the Sberbank bank card is inserted.
- Camera. In this case, the thieves receive credit card data, which allows them to make a copy of the means of payment and enter the PIN code set by the client.
How to protect yourself from carding?
The use of ATMs and terminals outside the bank's service area is one of the types of risk for credit card holders. Attackers who prefer carding as access to bank cards, in 9 out of 10 cases, choose machines that are remote from Sberbank offices.

This increases the chances of success: there are no guards near such terminals, and customers are forced to use the services of a vending machine, since the nearest device is located at a distance of at least 300 meters. One way to protect a Sberbank card from carding is to use a credit card only at terminals near branches.
So that money does not disappear from the Sberbank card due to skimming, you should:
- Give preference to new ATMs. The bank's system is regularly updated, and it takes time for fraudsters to come up with a dummy for the new terminal interface.
- Pay attention to the card reader, camera and panel for entering a PIN code. If there are suspicious parts on the device, paint is coming off, bank signs are incorrectly located, differences from other terminals are noticeable, you should not risk a credit card.
- Cover the numbers with your hand while entering the PIN code. This will protect the information from being read by the camera and from being able to learn the information from other clients.
- Block a credit card in case of suspected skimming. To perform the operation, call 900 or block Sberbank Online.
Card Phone Fraud
To obtain information on the card, the Internet is not required: attackers can deceive citizens using a mobile or home phone number of customers. The protection of the Sberbank card in this case depends entirely on the activities of the owner, since the fraud is built on the trust of citizens.

Scheme variant: the client is allegedly called by an employee of Sberbank andoffers favorable conditions for the deposit. To do this, the owner must name the card details and code so that the manager confirms the identity of the client. After receiving the information, the false employee demands to give a password, with which he will “transfer” the money to the deposit with the maximum rate.
With this scheme, the scammers do not care what card the Sberbank client has - Visa or MasterCard. They are ready to transfer cash if they get access to the Internet bank. This requires a card number, password and verification codes.
In fact, the client himself gives data to the attackers, hoping for profit or other favorable conditions (loan with a reduced rate).
How to protect your card from scammers?
It's hard to track the intruders using the phone scheme, as they use nonces. If a scammer called the owner of a credit card before the money disappeared from the Sberbank card, you should:
- refuse all offers that require registration by phone or through the Internet bank. Sberbank managers call and invite to the office, rather than inviting cardholders to buy banking products by phone;
- do not disclose personal information, documents or cards, do not give the address of registration or residence;
- specify from which office the employee is calling and his full name. If a real employee of Sberbank is in touch, he must introduce himself, naming the position and number of the additional office. The scammer is unlikely to be able to correctly indicate the branch or refuse to continue the conversation.
- stop talking. The best way to avoid contact and save bankcard.
How is cash stolen from contactless cards?
Saving money for cardholders with payment without entering a PIN code is more difficult. There is a device that allows you to write off money from a credit card upon contact at a distance of 1-10 cm.
This scheme is used by scammers in the subway, buses, fixed-route taxis, where there is always close contact between passengers. Approaching the victim, the attacker waits 1-5 seconds to write off. After the theft, as a rule, the swindler leaves the vehicle.

How to save cash on a contactless credit card:
- Get a read-protected card case. Its cost is 500-1500 rubles. It does not allow you to pay without entering a PIN code and thus protects the cash on the card.
- Do not carry the means of payment in the pocket of a shirt, jacket or trousers, compartments on the front side of the bag. The best places to store bank cards are in wallets inside the bag, under other things of the client. If you need quick access to a means of payment, it is better to put it in the zippered back pocket of your luggage.
- Do not lean against other passengers in the card storage area. If it is not possible to completely avoid contact, care must be taken to ensure that no one tries to get closer than 10 cm to the credit card.
- Transfer money from a card to an account via Internet banking. This will solve all problems, since with this method of fraud it is impossible to steal cash from a deposit or savings account.
Money disappeared from the Sberbank card: what to do? Instruction
If it was not possible to save cash on a credit card, you should:
- block and reissue the card;
- write a statement to the police;
- contact the Sberbank office.
Blocking is the first thing the victim should do. If the card is active, the attacker will be able to retry the operation. After blocking, the credit card should be reissued. The operation is available at the bank office, in Sberbank Online, mobile application, using SMS service and contact center.

To make an appeal at a bank branch, the client must first write a statement about fraud with a bank card. The document is issued by the police. Passport, card, account opening application or contract required.
When drawing up a statement on the fact of fraud, the cardholder must state in detail the conditions of the scam, describe the amount of damage. With a copy of the document, you need to visit a Sberbank branch.
Managers will help you make an appeal for a refund and advise on the timing of consideration. In 67% of cases, the bank returns cash if the client immediately applied for a solution to the problem.
Failure to return funds is possible if the bank has suspicions about the honesty of the cardholder or he does not fulfill financial obligations (has delinquency on loans).
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