Enterprises of Tver and the region

Enterprises of Tver and the region
Enterprises of Tver and the region

Tver is a wonderful city for living, doing business and developing industry. It is located on the Volga River between the two largest cities in Russia, which also increases the rating in economic and trade terms. It is precisely because of the advantageous position that Tver's enterprises are successfully flourishing and developing.

Tver Carriage Works
Tver Carriage Works


The industrial sector is one of the leading sectors in the economy of Tver. It occupies almost 40% of the industrial sector of the entire region. A large share is occupied by mechanical engineering, which is the main one in the urban sector of industry. Mechanical engineering is represented in Tver by the JSC "Tver Carriage Works", which manufactures cars for locomotives.

Also, one of the leading industries in the city of Tver is food, but there is high competition in this industry due to the proximity of the Moscow region. Despite the decline of the economy after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the region also has a thriving chemical industry. The list of Tver enterprises in this area is also quite large;includes JSC Sibur-PET, which is engaged in the production of polyethylene terephthalate, the Chemical Institute, as well as factories that produce plastics, paints and varnishes and other polymer compositions.

Machine-building enterprise of Tver
Machine-building enterprise of Tver

Trading area

As in any other regional center, there are a lot of trading companies in Tver. There are entire streets that are famous for their points, such as Sovetskaya, Novotorzhskaya and Tverskoy Prospekt. The trade turnover of Tver enterprises is growing every year, and this is a very good trend. But despite this, there are practically no large shopping centers in the city, because most of these networks are mainly occupied by cities with a population of over a million. The largest is the department store "Tver", which was created in the Soviet years. Also in the city there are large representatives of network business, such as "Magnit", "Lenta", "Metro" and others. The lack of large commercial enterprises and centers is due to the fact that the city has not yet reached its full potential.

Financial enterprises

In the history of Tver there is a special achievement among the banking sector. It was in this city that one of the first branches of the state bank was opened in 1865. At the moment, this sector is represented by both local banks and branches of Russian and even foreign representatives. At many enterprises in Tver and the region, there is also an increase in investments, an increase in the solvency of enterprises and a decrease in the growth of debt among them. Proximity tofinancial centers of the capital also has a positive effect on the growth of activity in this area. New firms are opening that provide access for the population not only in terms of banking services, but also to brokerage services, as well as to the financial market.

Tver enterprise
Tver enterprise

Construction companies

Here it is worth highlighting two areas: the production of building materials and construction. In the first area, enterprises have great potential, as it is still in the development stage. Local enterprises of Tver and the Tver region can occupy the local market and in the future enter the international one. At present, they are mainly engaged in the production of concrete, bricks and panels for building houses.

But this industry also loses in competition with construction companies in Moscow. The construction of houses is also actively carried out and shows steady growth. This is because the city has not yet reached its growth potential. Given its favorable location and the fact that it is a regional center, its population is still very small. The same applies to commercial real estate.

Tver enterprise
Tver enterprise

Other businesses

The list of enterprises in Tver does not end with these industries. One of the leading areas in the city is printing, in which Tver occupies a leading position even on a nationwide scale.

Also, the power supply sector is very developed in Tver, several thermal power plants and power distribution enterprises maintain the level of power supply at the proper level, not onlyin the city, but also in some areas of the region. The enterprises of the transport sector are also developing.

As small law firms grow and expand, state firms are losing market share.
