CVG steel: composition, application and characteristics

CVG steel: composition, application and characteristics
CVG steel: composition, application and characteristics

Studying metallurgy and all its subtleties, you involuntarily begin to experience an irresistible desire to get as much useful information as possible and spend as little time and effort as possible on it. In such a case, this article exists. It contains all the most important information related to CVG steel: deciphering the marking, studying the composition, the use of this alloy, as well as a brief excursion into substitute steels and foreign analogues. Everything you need in one place for everyone's convenience.

HVG steel decoding

hvg steel characteristics
hvg steel characteristics

The value of the nomenclature in the case of metallurgy is extremely difficult to overestimate, because steel marking hides not only its distinctive designation, but also, if you know how to interpret it correctly, the steel grade can tell a lot about the properties of the material. On the example of CVG steel, this will be more than clear:

  1. The letter “X” is still veryit has long been customary to designate such an alloying element as chromium - a very common, but no less significant additive.
  2. The letter “B” indicates the content of tungsten in the alloy.
  3. “G” is an abbreviation for the chemical element manganese.
  4. And also the fact that there are no numbers before or after the letters means that the content of each of the above elements in the composition is not more than 1%.

In addition to steel grades, alloys are further subdivided into classes that separate them by application. HVG steel belongs to the class of tool steels, or more precisely, tool-alloyed. This means that this alloy has sufficient characteristics for the manufacture of tools for various purposes from it.


hvg steel decoding
hvg steel decoding

HVG steel tools are rarely marked, but it is known for certain that tools are often made from this alloy, the purpose of which is to cut metal: taps for internal threads, reamers and even drills. In addition, CVG is used for the manufacture of dies, dies, punches and other high-pressure metalworking tools.

Steel composition

hvg steel application
hvg steel application

If steel is used to make such strong tools, then, therefore, it itself has, if not outstanding, then very significant characteristics. CVG steels got similar properties due to the saturated composition, in which each individual elementgives the alloy certain properties. Here is a complete list of these very alloying elements and their percentage:

  1. Iron - about 94%. An element that is the bulk of the steel alloy, as well as a connecting element for all other alloying additions.
  2. Carbon - 1.25%. The most important additive, since it is carbon that gives strength and hardness to naturally soft iron. Its content in the composition is more than - 1%, which automatically classifies the steel as high-carbon steel.
  3. Manganese - 0.95%. Increases alloy wear resistance, load resistance, strength, hardenability and reduces the risk of deformation during hardening.
  4. Chrome - 1.5%. Oddly enough, this alloying element is also designed to improve the strength characteristics of CVG steel, as well as its hardenability and reduce the growth of carbide grains after heat treatment.
  5. Tungsten - 1.4%. Increases the strength characteristics of the metal, significantly increases the heat resistance.
  6. Silicon - 0.25%. Adds plasticity to the finished product, but slightly levels the hardness.
  7. Copper, nickel, molybdenum, sulfur and phosphorus - in the region of 0.3% of the total mass of the alloy. With such an insignificant content of pronounced positive or negative properties, the alloy is not added.

Substitute steels

hvg steel
hvg steel

An industry as comprehensive and comprehensive as metallurgy simply cannot afford to produce one particular grade of steel as universal, so over time more and moremore alloys, the differences between which were not so significant. In everyday life, such steels are boldly called substitutes. And for CVG steel in domestic open spaces, there are such substitute brands:

  • 9XC;
  • 9ХВГ;
  • HVSH;
  • SHKH15SG.

This list contains alloys that are fundamentally very similar, but differ either in the percentage of impurities or in their set itself, which generally slightly distinguishes steel from each other.

Foreign analogues

Metallurgical plants smelt steel not only in the CIS countries, but also far abroad, and it just so happens that the same steel, or its “relatives” close in composition, are found every now and then in one of the distant countries. This is no longer uncommon and, for example, those who are forced to work with some foreign suppliers are forced to know what kind of material they are dealing with in reality. Well, for people who are less burdened, you can use the following list of foreign analogues of CVG steel:

  • USA - 01 or Т31507;
  • Europe - 107WCr5;
  • China - CrWMn;
  • Japan - SKS2 or SKS3.

With this little list at hand, anyone will be able to tell which steel is used for any foreign-made tool.
