2025 Author: Howard Calhoun | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:10
The term "staffing of the personnel management system" means the recruitment of the required number, composition of quality workers in the personnel department. To determine the number of employees, the needs of staff structures and the company's charter are taken into account.
Factors affecting recruitment
Among the main factors affecting the number of employees of the organization, it should be noted:
- How many workers in the company in total.
- The scope of the enterprise, in what conditions it operates, its scale and characteristics, the presence and number of branches.
- What are the social characteristics of the organization, categories of employees and qualifications of workers.
- What tasks are solved, their complexity, how complex they are.
- To what extent the management is technically secured and much more.
Calculation methods
Since each company determines the number of employees independently, deciding what requirements for personnel it needs and what qualifications it should have,there is no exact and clear calculation.

All literature gives only recommendations on this matter.
You can calculate the number of employees using the following methods:
- Multivariate correlation analysis.
- Comparison.
- Economic and mathematical analysis.
- Direct settlement.
- Calculation taking into account the labor intensity of work, etc.
Correlation analysis
It is based on a multifactorial assessment of the functions of managers and the responsibilities shared between them. There is a scheme developed by researchers that allows you to evaluate the indicators required by the company, taking into account the factors that affect the number of employees. To use it, you need to reduce all the necessary factors, then use the mathematical formula and conduct a correlation analysis. It allows you to determine how the number of employees depends on these factors. It is also important to take into account the specifics of the industry of the enterprise. But since the company operates in a competitive environment, this method cannot be accepted as the only correct one. Modern personnel management involves taking into account the state of the market economy at the time of settlement.
Direct calculation, comparative, expert and other methods
To analyze the company's needs by comparison, it is customary to evaluate two business systems. One of them should be more developed. Thus, there is a search for a difference between systems and a determination of what makes one more successful than the other.

Expert method calculation involves the work of experts and researchers who express their opinion on the set tasks. Usually it is used only in combination with other payment methods.
It is also possible to develop economic and mathematical models based on the real-time mechanism. This will allow you to see a more accurate picture, but you can get very little data from it. A direct calculation of the number of employees involves determining how much labor must be expended in order to carry out all managerial functions. But most often the calculation is carried out based on labor costs and labor intensity.
Foreign personnel services
In various industries and far-abroad places, there is a certain average number of employees of management personnel. Thus, in America, one boss, on average, manages a hundred workers. In Germany, one manager is responsible for one and a half hundred workers. But in Japan, on average, 27 managers are allocated per thousand workers. Naturally, this number may vary in different industries.

It is believed that the decrease in the number of employees who are provided with work in the personnel department was affected by the introduction of an information technology base and the development of management infrastructure.
The most important difference between foreign companies is that they recruit management staff on the side. That is, they hire employees who have received the necessary training and qualifications, but who are notcompany employees. When calculating the number of employees, they also take into account their professional capabilities, speci alty and qualifications of future employees. As for domestic companies, the work in the personnel department usually goes to people who have not received a certain education and do not have the necessary skills. And job descriptions do not meet modern standards and do not reflect all the tasks of the enterprise.
CMS office support
Personnel and documentation support of the personnel management system has documentation in its circulation, and such support involves the organization of work with it. Thus, it includes a full cycle of documentation processing, starting from its creation and ending with the transfer of finished documents to the company's divisions.
Basics of office support:
- It is necessary to process all documents in a timely manner.
- Providing managerial employees with the necessary documents for their execution.
- Printing.
- Conduct registration of employees, save all data.
- You need to form cases, and as required for a particular enterprise.
- Documents must be duplicated and copied.
- Requires monitoring of their execution and much more.
SMS information support
Personnel information support of the personnel management system is the flow of operational, documentary and reference information in the company. The following systems are considered off-machine software: classification andframing, management documentation, organization, storage and registration of information. Intramachine software is considered to be data arrays from which an information base on media is formed. In addition, this includes programs for the accumulation, organization, introduction and receipt of information contained in arrays.

When designing and developing information support, the most important thing is to establish the composition and structure of information that is necessary for management. For the qualitative performance of functions, it is necessary that the information comply with the standards required by the staffing of the personnel management system. It should reflect all services and their activities, comprehensively describe the organizational, technical, technological, social and economic services and their relationship with conditions coming from outside. It must promptly enter the system, reflecting the processes occurring in real time. Information should be entered into the database systematically and continuously, if possible. It must also be authentic.
Which information system to choose
When a company is faced with the need to transfer information storage to electronic media, the question always arises of what to choose. There are many bases on the domestic market, but independently developed software will better meet the needs of the company. In addition, taking into account the presented products, to improve the staffing of the organization's personnel management systemcan only be improved or redone. After all, they reflect outdated principles and concepts. If a company can afford to use specialists who are able to create the necessary security with high quality and reliability, then this will help save not only time, but sometimes money. Since such software products often turn out to be much more effective than those presented on the domestic market.

When choosing, you need to take into account many criteria, for example, what functionality the system has, how much the product costs, whether there is a prospect for software development, what technical characteristics it has and what is the percentage of risks of its use.
System features and matching
An information system that involves staffing the personnel management system should correspond to the business functions that are used in the company or will be implemented in the near future. For example, if an organization plans to reduce defects in production through this system, then automated product quality control should already be installed in it. To determine the suitability of the system, you need to clearly understand in which direction the company will move and what its development strategy is. If the management does not understand what exactly it needs, experts recommend hiring freelancers who will evaluate and select the system.

This approach will help not only clearlystructure business processes and build a company's information system, but it is also better to delve into its work, gain experience from other companies.
Information Technology
If we consider IT, then these are certain technologies and software through which automation and improvement of business processes, which contains the staffing of the personnel management system, takes place. In other words, these tools help to coordinate the work of different departments of the organization and control the relationship between management and employees. Communication goes through a network connection, telephone line and in person. The software also allows management to get all the necessary information about employees in order to better plan various activities, including payroll, career development decisions and more.
SMS technical support
Such support is a complex of technical means. In other words, these are interconnected autonomous, controlled technical means that allow collecting, registering, accumulating, transmitting, processing, entering and providing information. This list also includes organizational technology. In order for the staffing of the personnel management system from the technical side to be carried out effectively, it is necessary to ensure the growth of labor productivity of employees. For this, tasks derived by the economic-mathematical method are usually used. After all, it is this technique that gives a more complete and accurate result, representing the calculationstaking into account real-time events. Technological processes take place in several stages. The management service uses them to carry out its activities more quickly and efficiently.
Management by technical means
First of all, means are used to collect and register information. These devices prepare data on what kind of personnel reserve is, register all the necessary information and collect it in one place. They are designed to convert data into the desired form, which can then be used for further data processing.

Next, use a technique that allows you to transfer information within the organization. These are telephone, teletype and facsimile means of communication. With their help, you can transfer information between departments and branches of the enterprise.
In order to keep records of personnel in an organization, the personnel department also needs tools that will allow it to store all the necessary information. Basically, file cabinets and external media are used for this. With their help, information is stored for a long time.
Computer technology helps to process stored information. This equipment can be considered the main one in the complex of technical means for managing employees. It is this equipment that makes it possible to turn the data that makes up the personnel reserve into the type of information that is necessary to make management decisions.
Funds are also needed,allowing to issue information available for processing by human resources. It is with the help of printing, voice and video devices that employees will be able to use information in a form that is acceptable to human perception.
These are only the most important and conditionally significant technical means necessary for working with personnel. The fact is that different structures and companies need different equipment. It all depends on the area in which the company operates and what goals it pursues. In each organization, the personnel service, personnel policy is different, and this must be taken into account. Therefore, when choosing the type, model and other characteristics of the equipment, many factors should be taken into account.
Regulatory and methodological support
This type of security is a collection of documentation of various nature. This may include organizational, methodological, administrative, technical, economic documents. It is also reference information, organization rules, labor standards and the like. In general, all the necessary information that is required for management. It is with its help that the assessment of personnel management is carried out.
Legal support
For it, forms and means of legal impact on UE objects are used. This is necessary to improve the efficiency of employees. Management can provide legal support. In some cases, some of the responsibilities are shifted to petty bosses. They are usually assigned to perform one or more legal support functions. It all dependshow big the company is and how much work needs to be done. In large organizations, there is a legal department that deals with such issues or is the main one in solving such problems. Basically, personnel problems arise against the background of the fact that work is carried out directly with people. In this regard, only when taking into account clearly regulated rights and obligations, the personnel department will be able to carry out its activities. After all, his duties include hiring employees, appointing them to positions, transferring them to other departments. And the main task of the management service is to prevent conflicts and take into account all the rights of employees.
There are laws, acts and norms in the legislation of the country that allow to resolve such issues. At the same time, each organization puts forward additional requirements for personnel, and this must be taken into account. Therefore, the duties of the legal department may include the development of projects, examination of the submitted documents for compliance with the law, organization of work with data, explanation to employees of their rights and obligations. Thus, the work of the legal department is extremely important for personnel management in large enterprises and in large companies.
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