NGO is Abbreviation. Non-Governmental Organizations

NGO is Abbreviation. Non-Governmental Organizations
NGO is Abbreviation. Non-Governmental Organizations

The abbreviation NGO is quite common. However, sometimes it is difficult to decipher due to the fact that several names can be hidden under it. Our article will help you decide on them.

Deciphering the abbreviation

So, an NGO is:

  • non-governmental (public) organization;
  • research and production organization;
  • primary vocational education;
  • non-state pension provision;
  • unidentified floating object;
  • "Quaker"-1 - night passive glasses used in the armed forces of the USSR;
  • NPO is the Dutch body that manages local radio and TV broadcasts.
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npo it

Thus, the decoding of the abbreviation is directly influenced by the context. And the first two names are most relevant to our topic - let's consider them in detail.

Scientific and Production Union

In this case, an NGO is an organization that is engaged in both scientific developments and their implementation in life: use in production, subsequent production and sale of products. This includes:

  • pilot production;
  • industrial enterprises;
  • design and engineering offices;
  • technology associations;
  • research institutes.

A scientific and production union can be of any organizational and legal type: LLC NPO, PJSC NPO, CJSC NPO, etc.


In this context, this is a legal entity that could be created by both public founders and private individuals without any help and participation of government (otherwise - public) institutions, carrying out its work entirely with its own money and in accordance with the adopted charter. Various forms also come from here - LLC, CJSC, PJSC (formerly OJSC) NPO. Sources of own funds - contributions from participants, donations from patrons, grants, performance of certain works within their competence, etc.

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ooo npo

NGOs are national and international forms. The latter have a somewhat different definition from the above. INGOs are also created on the basis of an intergovernmental agreement by private or legal entities and other national or international (I)NGOs. Its main goal is to promote scientific, technical, economic, political, cultural and humanitarian dialogue between different countries. It is distinguished by its recognition by at least one state, the presence of a consultative status with an intergovernmental organization. What it has in common with other international institutions is:

  • regular activity;
  • availability of constituent documentation;
  • basic working method -multilateral negotiations;
  • the nature of decisions is recommendatory, adopted by general vote or consensus.

The essence of an NGO fits into several points:

  • The activities of the organization are purely voluntary (for NGO members and management).
  • Operating self-government.
  • Does not include political associations.
  • Their main goal cannot be profit.

Main tasks of non-governmental associations

There are four main tasks of non-governmental organizations:

  1. Free to carry out necessary research and propaganda - even if it goes against the opinion of the government of a certain state.
  2. If any candidate for a mandate to a representative body publicly announces his position, an NGO can freely support him.
  3. Without special permission to engage in any economic, commercial or economic activity that generates income. At the same time, it must be licensed and comply with the standards introduced by the state.
  4. Achieve your goals through membership in international organizations, participation in conferences both national and world level.

Signs of non-governmental organizations

Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) is a match to a number of features:

  • Both national and international level.
  • Rejection of the use and promotion of violent methods.
  • Work both legally and informally.
  • Participation in political activities is carried out without the goal of gaining power.
  • Based on self-government.
  • Created on a voluntary basis.
  • Government agencies cannot be its founders or members.
  • An organization is not characterized by such a goal as generating income.

NGO classification

NGOs are also various types of non-governmental associations. Here is their classification:

  • By type of financing: external and own sources.
  • By type of activity.
  • By the nature of the target audience - the categories of citizens on whom the activity is directed.
  • Organizational form: foundation, public organization.
  • By region of action: international, state, regional.

NGO Examples

Let's give examples of organizations known to many, which in fact are (L)NGOs:

  • International Law Association.
  • Doctors Without Borders.
  • Greenpeace.
  • "Amnesty International".
  • "Club of Rome".
  • "Reporters Without Borders".
  • "Helsinki Groups".

NGO is an abbreviation that has many interpretations. The most common is a non-governmental association. In addition, there may be LLC, PJSC, CJSC NPO.
