Non-profit organizations: examples of caring for people

Non-profit organizations: examples of caring for people
Non-profit organizations: examples of caring for people

Any organizations are divided into non-profit and commercial structures. The goals of creating both groups are their main differences. This difference can already be understood by the general designations: commercial and non-profit organizations. Examples of both will be given in this article. More attention, of course, will go to non-commercial ones, since the article is dedicated to them. For comparison, let's first focus on another group.

Commercial Organizations

People who create a kind of community and pursue the goal of making a profit from their activities, unite in commercial organizations. According to the main legal and organizational forms, they are divided into the following varieties:

- open joint stock companies, or JSC;

- closed companies - CJSC;

- limited liability company, or LLC.

commercial and non-profit organizations examples
commercial and non-profit organizations examples

Non-profit organizations: examples and characteristics

Receiving and distributing profits is far from the main goal of such communities.

According to the law, doing business is notis forbidden, but they are obliged to use the profit received for the main purposes of the organization, and not for personal enrichment. For example, non-profit scientific organizations purchase equipment, raw materials and invest in the development of new projects. Medical societies expand the range of services for the population.

Non-profit organizations can appear at any level, from local to international, at the initiative of citizens who come together to express and protect their interests.

non-profit organizations examples
non-profit organizations examples

Their mission is charity, providing social assistance, meeting the spiritual needs of citizens, protecting he alth, developing sports, culture, and providing legal services. That's what non-profit organizations do. Examples of their activities are described below.

Nationwide community organizations

1. One of the world's largest wildlife charitable foundations is the abbreviation WWF. It operates in over 130 countries. Since 1988, the World Wildlife Fund began to promote its projects in Russia as well. In 1994, a WWF representative office was opened in our country.

non-profit organizations examples 2
non-profit organizations examples 2

2. Meet FCEM - Global Association of Women Entrepreneurs. This organization helps to find contacts in the business environment, holds exhibitions, round tables, seminars, and does charity work.

3. MKKK is the International Committee of the Red Cross. Another independent humanitarian organization operating around the world. Her task isprovide assistance to those affected by armed conflicts.

Examples of non-profit organizations in Russia

1. Russian Library Association. It was created in order to enhance the prestige of these institutions in society. RBA maintains and develops librarianship in our country and establishes contacts with professionals from abroad.

2. The largest charitable movement is the Russian Aid Fund. In short - Rusfond. This organization provides targeted assistance to those in need: families with many children, the disabled, foster children, orphanages, hospitals.

autonomous non-profit organizations
autonomous non-profit organizations

Socially oriented non-profit organizations

In 2010, on April 5, the main Federal Law, adopted in 1966 and called "On non-profit organizations", was amended. The documented list of activities allowed these organizations to acquire the status of socially oriented.

Such communities involve receiving assistance from the state. These may be various benefits, for example, on the payment of taxes. Support is provided in the retraining of personnel and the improvement of their qualifications. Placed orders for the supply of goods and services.

Non-profit organizations - examples of socially oriented communities - are included in a special register and systematized.

In addition to financial support, they can be provided with non-residential premises for long-term use for free or at a big discount.

The new reality of Russian societybecome socially oriented non-profit organizations. You can see examples of them everywhere.

Non-Profit Forms

From a wide list, let's look at some of them.

The most common form is autonomous non-profit organizations. Examples - Labor protection centers. There are such organizations in any field, and they are engaged in providing services for employers. Provide training to occupational safety specialists. They train fire safety, provide assistance in case of accidents.

Autonomous non-profit organizations are examples of communities in which there is no membership of either legal entities or citizens. Supervision of activities lies with the founders, who use the services of the organization on an equal footing with others.

examples of non-profit organizations in Russia
examples of non-profit organizations in Russia

No less popular are foundations as non-profit organizations. Examples are the well-known charitable organization Give Life. This fund was established by the actress Chulpan Khamatova and her colleague Dina Korzun. Many of their comrades in the creative workshop (artists, musicians) participate in charity events, helping children with cancer.

Foundations also do not have membership, therefore, no mandatory contributions are paid. Only voluntary contributions are possible. Foundations are also allowed to engage in business activities.

The duty of such organizations is to report on the property used annually.

Consumer cooperatives are another example of non-profit organizations. Citizens unite voluntarily. Upon entry anddues are payable during membership.
