How to make a media plan. Example of media plans

How to make a media plan. Example of media plans
How to make a media plan. Example of media plans

When we are going to order advertising in local media, to conduct an advertising campaign, we willy-nilly sketch out a certain list of actions. In professional circles, such a list has received a special name - a media plan.

example of media plans
example of media plans

With the development of theoretical and practical knowledge in this area, it became possible to find a suitable example of media plans. It will already present the main lines of action and specific promotional activities with cost indications. This will make things easier because you won't have to make them up and hope it works.

Company media plan: an example for a real estate agency

The plan was drawn up for a small agency, the average prices for the work of specialists, for the preparation and printing of printing products are given. Banners and streamers, stands, posters in the office are not given, since an organization already operating on the market is taken as an example. Free advertising sources (Internet bulletin boards) are also not included in the list.

Campaign name Events Quantity and cost
Sticking up 1 sticker for 1 sector (remoteness, for example, from the office - 5 m around)

Per week:

- 1000 Buy Flyers;

- 1000 Change;

- 1000 "For Sale";

- 1000 is the universal option.

Total: RUB 16,800

Media advertising Category "Private announcements" 600 rub for 1 per week. Total: RUB 2400
Image advertising Paid in the form of ads in a private section in the city newspapers 2000 - 1 time.
As an advertising article in a trade magazine 8000 RUB per month.
Leaflets by mailboxes Usually in houses in the city center (or district)

For 1 house - 144 leaflets. On average, 7 houses are taken per month. 1000 leaflets for 1500 rubles. + the work of the gluer.

Total: 2000 rubles

Participation in exhibitions Preparation of brochures, business cards, posters On average, about 1000 rubles. and the work of agency specialists.
Distribute leaflets (with calendar, taxi numbers, list of holidays, phone numbers of services, etc. on the back) 500 pieces per month - 1000 rubles. (together with the work of the promoter)
Telephone invitation for free consultationsspecialists, cold calls

Payment for the work of a sales manager: 1 hour - 75 rubles. (without interest from the transaction). Takes 1-2 days a week.

Total: 4800 per month

Internet advertising Banners in search engines 1500 thousand per month.
Working with partners Exchange of business cards for placement in the offices of construction, insurance companies, bank offices

Payment for courier work: 1 hour per week - 50 rubles

The business cards themselves: 300 rubles

Total: 350 rubles

Creating collaborative brochures The cost of brochures is divided equally: 1000 rubles. for 1000 brochures (if 3 of your partners participate).
Newspaper issue

300 RUB - 1 copy, 50 can be distributed per month

Work of a courier, journalist (2000 rubles), layout designer (500 rubles)

Total: RUB 17,500

Total 58 350 RUR

An example of media plans is needed in relation to your city, it will indicate specific sources of advertising. And yet, you should constantly monitor its effectiveness: register responses, look for the most successful sources.

company media plan example
company media plan example

The following example of an advertising campaign media plan is designed for a start-up periodical.

Promotion of a newspaper or magazine

Promotional Event Periodicity Cost
Sending email messages to all potential advertisers Once a week Work of an office manager with a salary or a remote manager - 50 rubles. per hour.
Telephone offers Two weeks before release, within 4 days The work of a sales manager (for 3% percent of the attracted client).
Posting ads on the entrances and boards of the city One-time

Paper, printout (cartridge) – 700 rubles

Job posting ads: 1 p. per piece

Copies - 2000.

Total: 2700 rubles

Radio notification of city residents 60 outputs per day, every day for a month

One-time - 1000 rubles. for manufacturing.

900 per month for exits.

Press releases online Post once on free portals, then update every three months, add new ones about promotions and interesting offers

Only for the work of an office manager or media manager (100 rubles per hour).

The text itself or through specialists - 100 rubles

Total: 500 rubles

Adding to media catalogs Search for venues and accommodation

Only for work:50 r. per hour.

Total: 200 rubles

Paid advertising in the periodical media of the city In newspapers and magazines, an advertising article for 800 characters (2 times) 5000 RUB - newspaper, next month - 8000 rubles. in a magazine.
Distribution of releases to high traffic points (shopping centers, supermarkets, offices of partners and advertisers) Once a month

Courier work - 50 rubles. in hour. Takes 1 business day.

Total: 400 rubles

Advertising on city billboards Center 2pcs for 1 month

15 thousand rubles each

Total: RUB 30,000

Total $43,750

How to make a media plan

An example is, of course, good. But every business has its own characteristics. Therefore, it is important to know the basics of media planning.

advertising campaign media plan example
advertising campaign media plan example

Properly selected sources of advertising (according to your specialization, designed for the target audience), forms of advertising, places for its placement and the number of releases per month - this is what information should be reflected in the plan, and not only. A clear placement schedule is welcome, which shows the alternation of specific promotional events. This makes it easier to track the effectiveness of a particular form of activity.

The example of media plans given in this article is not clear and specific and requires detailed revision in relation tospecific city and specific advertising sources. For example: newspaper "Flowers in the Garden" - banner 200 x 300, placement - 1 page, number of issues - 2 times a month.

Ad campaign budget

In planning advertising campaigns, a bet on savings is welcome. In those sources where it is worth placing advertising, you can order it at the lowest price for six months in advance.


how to write a media plan example
how to write a media plan example

In addition, each example of media plans reflects the strategic goals and activities of the customer. That is, it corresponds to the priorities of the company. In the case of a newspaper, this is a bright appearance, a statement to the population and potential advertisers about its existence. In the case of a real estate agency, the purpose of advertising campaigns is to generate an increase in the already existing stable income.

Thus, you can’t just take the example of media plans and use it without reworking it for yourself: without introducing maximum specifics, without considering the possibilities of saving budget funds for advertising, and even more so without evaluating the main goal of the plan, its compliance with the priority development of the company.
