Transport services - what is it? The concept and features of the transport service

Transport services - what is it? The concept and features of the transport service
Transport services - what is it? The concept and features of the transport service

Transportation services are the activities of a transport company or an individual who owns a vehicle for the transportation of people, goods over a given distance at a certain price with the provision of additional services.

The provision of transport services is also enshrined in legislation under article 128 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, where services are objects of civil rights, but it does not give a precise definition. On the other hand, Article 38 (p. 5) of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation provides that a transport service cannot have a material expression and is consumed directly at the time of its provision.

Departure of the car from the garage
Departure of the car from the garage

Interaction of subjects

The main actors in the process of providing transport services are the performer, passenger, consignor and consignee. Without one of them, the process of building normal activities aimed at providing real benefits to people is simply impossible. It is clear that the consumer of the transport service is a passenger or a customer, but secondary persons are also naturally involved in this process.- employees of organizations involved in the repair of vehicles, route coordinators, managers and, if you like, even road workers and law enforcement agencies who follow the rules of the road. This area is a complex mechanism for the interaction of a large number of people with each other for a common goal, which is the constant improvement of the quality of life of citizens. In a dynamic society, we all need to fully enjoy our right to freedom of movement.

What are transport services

It is customary to distinguish between several basic types of transport services. This is the transportation of goods and passengers, loading and unloading, storage of goods, preparation of rolling stock and vehicles, rental of rolling stock or rental, haul or delivery of new vehicles. At the same time, transportation can be divided into several subspecies: road, air, rail, sea.

Transportation of people
Transportation of people

If we consider the provision of transport services in a more simplified version, then by type they are divided into passenger and freight transportation. Passenger transportation is primarily associated with the comfort, modernity and safety of the vehicle, while road transport is associated with the reliability and stability of the vehicle, since in this case, goods very often have to be transported over long distances.

Transport services in Russia

As for the development of road transport in our country, due to the unsatisfactoryquality of roads in most regions, this area is not as developed as, for example, in Western European countries. Off-road very hinders the systematic growth of not only the transport services sector, but also the transport industry as a whole. After all, even car manufacturers will not actively flood the market with new models if there is no demand for them. In addition, harsh climatic conditions speak for themselves, we all understand that they greatly affect the activities of transport services. These factors lead to the fact that in terms of the road density rating, we are inferior not only to developed, but also to developing countries. Moreover, most of our roads do not even meet international standards.

sea transportation
sea transportation

As a result, the high price of transport services is what does not allow either the consumer or the contractor to fully realize themselves and their needs. Who among us does not want to be satisfied with the opportunity to quickly and conveniently move around the world, and most importantly, without paying large sums for it? But in the provision of transport services, this is, of course, the most powerful driving force, as in all actively developing areas of society.

Key Development Principles

Transportation of disabled people with the help of TC
Transportation of disabled people with the help of TC

As mentioned earlier, the scope of transport services is not only their direct provision to the consumer, but also no less important processes within the transport companies themselves.

For stable work and quality of services in organizations, a greatthe number of positions - from an ordinary loader to high-class specialists of a certain orientation. In order to attract employees to work with them, the transport company publishes a list of required vacancies with the obligatory indication of salaries and the location of the office, of which there may be several dozen scattered throughout the country, or even the planet. In addition to an acceptable salary, the company is committed to guaranteeing comfortable working conditions, a stable schedule, guarantees and career growth.

TK employees
TK employees

In order to immerse a potential employee as much as possible in the essence of its activities, the organization must clearly explain its principles of work, enclosed in a kind of goal - mission, briefly talk about achievements and key personnel. Usually this information is posted on the official website of the company. The more information an organization posts about itself, the more likely it will be able to attract a quality qualified specialist to its ranks.

Company activity on a real example

In order to make it more clear what transport companies are essentially doing, let's take the Business Lines shopping mall as an example, since this organization has been operating for a very long time - since 2001. The head office is located in St. Petersburg, the owner is Farid Madani, the best leader in the field of logistics according to the Delovoy Peterburg edition. We can safely assume that the organization of transport services is the main mission of the company, in order to be convinced of this, onefact - more than 240 divisions in more than 180 cities throughout Russia provide cargo transportation and more.

Today the company is the leader of the logic industry in Russia. Its standard set of services includes cargo delivery in Russia and the CIS countries, safekeeping, car rental, direct car, express transportation.

You can use the company's services by calling or going to the official website.

Air freight
Air freight

Transport service

Providing transport services is not only the dispatch and delivery of goods, but also service. In simple terms, this is ordinary management, which includes control over the circulation of inventory items and quality management of the process of moving goods, goods or people. Thus, the level of service depends on the assessment of qualitative and quantitative indicators.

Documents upon receipt of cargo in a transport company for an individual

Each transport organization requires a certain list of documents upon receipt of the goods. Usually an identity document is enough, but if you send your representative to receive the cargo, then you must have a notarized power of attorney and the identity document specified in it.