2025 Author: Howard Calhoun | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:10
It has long been an opinion, however, quite justified, that planting grapes in Siberia is a thankless task. And there are many reasons for this. Grapes often froze out in winter, and if they survived it, then the return frosts that occurred in the spring destroyed the blossoming shoots and buds. The same can be said about the fragile summer growth. It was exposed to early autumn frosts, weakened and ceased to bear fruit. And then it easily froze out in a snowy winter. The inexperience of gardeners also reinforced the belief that Siberia and grapes are incompatible concepts. They used "southern" agricultural techniques for its cultivation, which turned out to be unsuitable in the harsh Siberian climate.
Therefore, the planting of grapes in Siberia should be carried out according to its own special technology. Here, the first step is to choose the right place where it will grow. For this, a sunny, wind-sheltered site is suitable. Also, many Siberian gardeners plant it near the walls of buildings, dense barriers or outbuildings. In this case, the rows of grapes should be located from east to west, and the trellis is madesingle-plane. And if an open place is chosen for landing, then it becomes V-shaped, located from south to north. As for the soil, this culture is undemanding to it. However, it is undesirable to plant it on saline lands and on those where groundwater is high.
You will need seedlings to grow this crop in a permanent location. They are taken in special nurseries, in which the planting of grapes by cuttings is put on stream. In Siberia, already in December, the phase of deep dormancy ends, after which seedlings can be germinated. Usually this process starts after January 20, when the day gets longer. This makes it possible to use artificial lighting in the grower for less time. For 3-4 months, when using a kilchevator, grower and greenhouse, grapes go through a growing season, after which its seedlings will be ready for use in May.
In the open ground, planting grapes in Siberia can occur in several ways. For this, round pits are suitable, which have a depth of 1-1.2 meters and a diameter of 0.8-1 meters, or trenches 1 meter wide and 1 meter deep. Also, before planting, chernozem, humus, mineral top dressings with the addition of micronutrient fertilizers are prepared for their backfilling. The bottom of the dug pit is covered with humus, which is mixed with earth taken from the upper layers, and a mixture of mineral fertilizers (from 0.5 to 1 kilogram per pit). Then it's all mixed. Humus, earth and fertilizers are again put, but in a smaller dose - a tablespoon on a bucket of soil. Then everything is mixed again.and repeat the whole process again until the pit is completely filled. Also, this soil mixture needs to be tamped several times with your feet. It is best to prepare these pits in advance, since autumn, so that the earth has time to compact.
In April-May, grapes are already planted in Siberia. To do this, dig a hole for a seedling in the middle of the planting hole. Its depth should be such that it fits completely with its roots, and there is still some distance from its head to the end of the recess. For non-winter-hardy self-rooted seedlings, it is 20-30 centimeters, and for grafted and winter-hardy - 10-15 centimeters. A small mound is made at the bottom of the hole. A seedling is placed on it. At the same time, the roots are straightened along its slope. They fall asleep with earth. Then each seedling is watered with water (1-2 buckets). Grape care in Siberia also requires a special approach.
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