Valiant grapes: variety description, planting and care features, reviews

Valiant grapes: variety description, planting and care features, reviews
Valiant grapes: variety description, planting and care features, reviews

Valiant grapes are a variety of early ripening (late August - early September). The variety was bred by the American breeder R. M. Peterson. The plant is frost-resistant - it can withstand up to -45 degrees. In general, grapes are considered a heat-loving crop that can grow only in the southern regions, but recently many varieties have appeared that can withstand fairly large frosts. Among these species is the Valiant grape, which has excellent winter hardiness.

Valiant grapes
Valiant grapes

History of Breeding

The appearance of the variety is the successful work of a foreign breeder, obtained by crossing Riparia and Fredonia. Officially, selection experiments were completed in 1967, and varietal testing of Valiant grapes began only in 1972.

The variety got its name for a reason, which means "brave" in translation. Forit is characterized by high frost resistance, excellent yield and early ripening period.

Variety Valiant
Variety Valiant

Variety description

The description of the Valiant grape says that it has small clusters, about ten centimeters long. The berries are small, rounded, inside large bones. The skin is easily separated from the pulp. When ripe, the berries turn dark blue, almost black.

With the onset of technical maturity, grapes gain a fairly high sugar content - it ranges from 18-24%. Valiant grapes are characterized by increased acidity - up to 10 g / l. The berries taste like Isabella. Grape juice is strongly colored, it has a delicate strawberry flavor with hints of currant and pineapple.

The vine is highly developed with excellent productivity. Under good conditions, there are up to 4 brushes on one shoot.

The variety belongs to the early ones. Even in those regions where other varieties are not grown due to cold weather, Valiant feels great and has time to ripen by the end of August-beginning of September.

Valiant grapes description
Valiant grapes description


The Valiant grape variety is resistant to fungal diseases, but in rainy weather the resistance decreases and there is a chance that the plant will get sick. Because of this feature, for comfortable ripening of bunches, it is recommended to plant a variety in dry climatic zones. The variety is relatively resistant to mildew.

The main advantage of the variety is phenomenal frost resistance. According to the results of growing the variety, it is able to withstand up to -47frost, because of which it can not be covered even in regions where the temperature drops below -30, and also grown in Siberia, beyond the Urals.

Features of care

The variety grows well on sandy, sandy, loamy soils. Despite the strong frost resistance, professional growers recommend gradually accustoming the variety to frost. To do this, in the first two winters, it is recommended to cover the vine in the usual way. In the third year, one sleeve is left on the trellis.

If in the spring there is a sharp change of frost with a thaw, it is recommended to lower the vine to the ground for wintering or lay it on boards. From above it will be covered with snow.

Valiant is recommended for cultivation in northern regions. It can even be grown in the Leningrad region and other regions that are in the same latitude with it. The plant takes root well, gives an accelerated spring start, grows intensively and brings a good harvest every year.

Valiant grapes
Valiant grapes


To get a beautiful, powerful plant, you need to choose the right place for it. Grapes love sunny places, protected from the winds. Because of this feature of the vine, it is recommended to plant it near a fence or arbor, so that the plant can develop normally.

Landing is carried out according to the general scheme. First, a planting pit is prepared, into which black soil, mineral fertilizer is introduced in accordance with the instructions attached to it. Everything is mixed up. Then water is poured into the hole and the plant is placed, sprinkled with soil.

Plant seedlings are placedat a distance of 50 cm from each other. The depth of the holes is about 40 cm, around the plant the soil is mulched and watered.

To get a stable and high yield, it is necessary to carry out timely pruning, water the plant and apply fertilizer.


Valiant is watered as the soil dries up. It is important to understand that in a cold climate the earth warms up slightly, so it is important not to overwater the plant. As soon as the water is absorbed, the soil is loosened around the bush. If mulch is added, then loosening is not done.

During watering, make sure that water does not fall on the clusters and leaves, as this can lead to disease.


Pruning of the plant is carried out during the period of fruit ripening, as well as in autumn. You can prune grapes as needed throughout the growing season.

In early August, the shoots are shortened by thirty centimeters. This action allows the berries to get more nutrients.

In autumn, the entire vine is pruned according to the rules for shaping grapes. Some gardeners prune in the spring.

How to feed grapes
How to feed grapes


And how to feed the grapes in spring for a good harvest, how and what fertilizers are used?

In early spring, when there is still snow, superphosphate is added under the grapes - per 1 sq. m contribute about 40 g of fertilizer. This type of fertilizer is difficult to digest, so it is recommended to apply it as early as possible in the spring. In this case, the nutrients from the granules will have time to soak into the soil and willready for assimilation by the root system of the vine.

In May, the plant needs nitrogen to grow foliage. To ensure it, with the beginning of the awakening of the kidneys, it is recommended to water the vines with an infusion of chicken manure. It contains a lot of nitrogen, as well as useful micro and macro elements, including magnesium and other useful substances.

To prepare an infusion of chicken manure, you need to mix one part of the liquid substrate with two parts of water and leave to ferment for a week in a warm place. After that, the resulting concentrate is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. The finished solution is watered with grapes, spending about a liter per vine. Do not pour the solution under the root, it is best to make a groove and pour the composition there. Then the soil is leveled and abundantly spilled with water.

Many gardeners are wondering what else to feed the grapes in the spring for a good harvest? You can make an infusion of ash (1 l) and sugar (3 tablespoons) under the bush. The agent is mixed and poured under the bush.


According to reviews, Valiant grapes are something closely resembling our Isabella. It is also small, but its berries are closer to each other. They taste almost the same. The only difference is frost resistance. Variety Valiant has excellent winter hardiness. Otherwise, the variety is quite worthy of the attention of gardeners, as it does not require much effort when growing.
