Milk separators: overview, types, features of use, reviews

Milk separators: overview, types, features of use, reviews
Milk separators: overview, types, features of use, reviews

A separator is a special device designed to separate cream. There are several varieties of such devices, differing in design, method of application, types of materials used for the manufacture.

How it works

Milk separators operate on the simple principle of centrifugal separation of fractions of different densities. Structurally, they consist of the following elements:

  • drum;
  • beds;
  • drive device;
  • I/O systems.

When the device is turned on, the drum, together with the milk poured inside, starts to rotate very quickly. As a result, the separation of cream occurs.

milk separators
milk separators

Main varieties

Milk separators can be classified according to the following features:

  1. Designs of the input/output system. In this regard, there are closed, semi-closed and open devices. When using the lastvarieties, processed milk is in contact with the environment both during loading and unloading. In semi-closed machines, input can be made both in an open way and in a closed one. The outlet of the product is hermetically sealed. In closed systems, both loading and unloading occur in closed mode, respectively.

  2. Drive type. There are manual and electric devices of this type. The first variety is characterized by maximum simplicity of design, but somewhat inconvenient to use. The manual milk separator is usually used by owners of small household plots. Electric models are installed in the workshops of milk processing enterprises.
  3. Method of removing sediment. This operation can be performed manually, automatically or periodically while the device is running.

Modern milk separators can be made from different materials. Most often it is stainless steel or durable plastic. Among other things, such devices may vary in size, performance, power, etc.

milk separators price
milk separators price

How to use

In application, separators of any kind are very simple. Absolutely any fresh milk can be separated. Pre-heat it to a temperature of about 36-40 gr. If you pour too cold or hot milk into the drum, the cream output will not be particularly large. If there is a lot of milk on the farm, it can be separated immediately after milking. The steam room has something like thistemperature.

It is not recommended to process the sour product in the separator. In this case, the components of the device will be constantly clogged; in the process of knocking, they will have to be periodically cleaned. Actually, the work itself to obtain cream is performed as follows:

  1. Milk is poured into the drum through the supplied funnel.
  2. Some kind of dish is installed under the outlet socket to receive the cream.
  3. The device is connected to the network. In a mechanical separator, you just need to turn the handle.

Separators can be used not only to obtain cream, but also simply to skim milk. To do this, many models provide the ability to switch modes. Skimmed milk with a separator is considered a very useful product. They usually do it not at home, but at enterprises.

Oil separators

Such models are also used in enterprises and private households. Their principle of operation is approximately the same as that of conventional separators. The design of devices designed for churning butter also includes a drum. In this case, during the operation of the equipment, most of the liquid from the cream is removed to the outside. The fat rolls around in the drum until it turns into oil. This type of equipment is called a churn.

separator-skimmed milk
separator-skimmed milk

Modern industry also produces separators designed to purify milk. This variety is not used at home. Models of this type usually have a very largecapacity and are installed at enterprises. They are designed to clean milk before making cream and butter.

Overview of the best manufacturers

Which one should choose a separator for milk. Reviews of many models sold on the modern market are very good. The most popular brands of household separators include:

  • "Salute".
  • Motor Sich.
  • Irid.

OSCP is the most popular industrial milk separator. Reviews about it are just great. Consumers consider German "Delta" and Austrian FJ to be the best brands of butter churns.

household milk separator
household milk separator

OSCP separator reviews

This model is praised primarily for the presence of a control panel and the ability to unload sediment in automatic mode. Consumers find the new MTSCs much easier to maintain than older ORCs. The reliability of these models is determined by the fact that all their parts are made of stainless food steel. The OSCP industrial milk separator can be used to prepare cream with a fat content of 35 to 90%.

Salyut models

The gardeners find these separators efficient and reliable. Their advantages include, first of all, the ability to adjust the fat content of cream in a fairly large range. The ratio of the main product to the reverse can vary from 1x4 to 1x10. Salut milk separators can carry both low (196 V) and high (242 V) voltage. Some models of this brandhave a capacity of as much as 80 l / h. The advantages of this brand include the presence of a ready signal and built-in overload protection.

manual milk separator
manual milk separator

Reviews of the Irid models

As homeowners say, this domestic milk separator is of good build quality and ease of use. It is also praised for its economy. For example, the Irid-50-12 model consumes only about 1 kWh of electricity in three months of operation. At the same time, it has a rather high productivity - 50 liters of milk per hour. The advantage of this separator, among other things, is insensitivity to voltage drops. The device works quietly both at 170 V and at 260 V. For remote settlements, this can be really relevant. Some of the disadvantages of these separators, consumers refer only to the fact that most of the parts in them are made of plastic. However, with care, such a device can last a very long time.

industrial separator for milk
industrial separator for milk

Motor Sich separators

Many homeowners believe that this is perhaps the best domestic milk separator to date. Reviews about him are mostly only good. The only thing is that homeowners advise buying Motor Sich in a metal case, not in a plastic one. Models of the latter variety are not reliable. Separators in a metal case last a long time even with the most intensive use.

Delta churns

This model enjoys well-deserved popularity primarily due to its versatility. The Delta domestic butter churn is used to obtain a product both from cream and directly from milk. If desired, this churn can also be used to knead dough or prepare cocktails. This model has earned good reviews from consumers for the build quality. Its motor housing is made of stainless steel.

FJ models

The FJ churn is popular primarily for its build quality. All details of this compact model are made of stainless steel. The advantages of FJ churns are considered by farmers to be their high productivity and ease of use. Thanks to the presence of a transparent cover, you can observe the process of churning the oil. If desired, the cooking speed of this product can be changed.

milk separator reviews
milk separator reviews

Milk separators: price

The cost of such devices depends on various factors: performance, configuration, functionality, used for the manufacture of materials. Household separators designed to process 50-80 liters of milk per hour cost 3-7 thousand rubles. The price of high-performance industrial models can range from 20-35 thousand rubles. Basically, it's not too expensive. In any case, buying a household model to get homemade cream or butter is affordable for any Russian.
