Energy system - what is it?

Energy system - what is it?
Energy system - what is it?

What is a power system? This is the totality of all energy resources that are interconnected, and also includes all methods for the production of electrical energy and thermal energy. This system also includes the transformation, distribution and use of the received resource. This chain includes facilities such as electric and thermal plants, oil supply structures, alternative renewable energy lines, gas supply, coal and nuclear industries.

General information

The power system is also the totality of all power plants, as well as electrical and thermal networks that are interconnected, in addition, they have connected common modes of operation related to the continuous movement of production. In addition to production, this also includes the processes of transformation, transmission, and distribution of available electrical and thermal energy, subject to one mode of operation.

the power system is
the power system is

Energy system is also a general system that includes all energy resources of any kind. Herethe same applies to all methods of obtaining, transforming and distributing, as well as all technological means and organizational enterprises that are engaged in providing the country's population with all types of this resource.

Thus, the power system is the total sum of all power plants and heat networks that are interconnected, and also have a common schedule established in the process of continuous production, supply and distribution of electric and heat energy, given that they have overall centralized control of this mode of operation.

power system of Russia
power system of Russia

The specifics of the energy system

It is worth noting a very important fact: humanity does not have the ability to accumulate electrical or thermal energy for the future. It is impossible to stockpile these resources. This is due to the specifics of the work of stations engaged in the production of this raw material. The thing is that the operation of an object engaged in the generation of electrical energy is the continuous generation of a resource, as well as maintaining the equality of the ratio of consumed and generated power at any time. In other words, power plants produce exactly as much energy as they need to give. The same applies to thermal substations. Energy sources, as well as its consumers, are combined into energy systems primarily in order to ensure high reliability of supplying the population with these types of energy.

power systems and technologies
power systems and technologies

Parameters of the power system and power plants

One ofthe main characteristics, which is decisive in the operation of the power plant and characterizes the overall operation of the entire system, is power.

Installed capacity of the power plant. This definition is understood as the sum of the nominal indicators of all installed elements at one facility. To explain in more detail, the aggregate is determined by the technical passport of each prime mover, which can be a steam, gas, hydraulic turbine or other type of engine. These primary units are used to drive electrical generators. It is worth noting that this characteristic should also include those devices that are considered backup, and those that are currently under repair.

Power plant capacities

Besides the installed capacity, there are several other characteristics that describe the operation of the power plant. Grid capacity may also be available.

In order to calculate this indicator, it is necessary to subtract from the set those indicators that the engines under repair have. Also, when finding this parameter, it is necessary to take into account such a thing as a technical limitation, which may be associated with a design or technological indicator of the engine.

sustainability of energy systems
sustainability of energy systems

There are also characteristics such as working power. Describing this option is quite simple. It includes a total indicator, which is the sum of the digital values of those engines that are currently in operation.

General information about the operation of the system

The principle of operation of the stations included in the system, in general, is quite simple. Each facility is designed to generate a certain amount of electrical or thermal energy (for CHP). However, it is important to add here that after this type of resource has been developed, it is not immediately delivered to the consumer, but passes through such facilities, which are called step-up substations. From the name of the building it is clear that in this area there is an increase in voltage to the desired level. Only after that the resource already begins to spread to consumer points. It is necessary to control the power system with great precision, as well as clearly regulate the supply of energy. After passing the step-up station, electricity must be transferred to the main lines.

Energy system of the country

Development of the energy system is one of the most important tasks of any state. If we talk about the scale of the whole country, then the backbone networks should entangle the entire territory of the country. These networks are characterized by the fact that the wires are able to withstand the flow of electrical energy with a voltage of 220, 330 and 750 kV. It is important to note here that the power available in such lines is enormous. This figure can reach from several hundred mW to several tens of GW.

This load of the power system is huge, and therefore the next stage of work is to lower the voltage and power to supply electricity to district and nodal substations. The voltage for such objects should be 110 kV, and the power should not exceedseveral tens of MW.

power system capacity
power system capacity

However, this is not the final stage. After that, electrical energy is divided into several smaller streams and transferred to small consumer substations installed in settlements or industrial enterprises. The voltage in such sections is already much lower and reaches 6, 10 or 35 kV. The final stage is the distribution of voltage over the electrical network to supply it to the population. The reduction occurs to 380/220 V. However, some enterprises operate at a voltage of 6 kV.

User characteristics

If we consider the process of operation of the energy system, then special attention must be paid to such stages as the transmission and production of electrical energy. It should be noted right away that these two modes of the power system are directly interconnected. They form one complex workflow.

It is important to understand that the power system is in the mode of constant generation and transmission of electricity to consumers in real time. Such a process as accumulation, that is, the accumulation of the depleted resource does not occur. This means that there is a need for constant monitoring and regulation of the balance between produced and consumed power.

energy system development
energy system development

Power balance

You can monitor the balance between produced and consumed power by such a characteristic as the frequency of the electrical network. The frequency in the power system of Russia, Belarus and other countries is 50 Hz. Deviationthis indicator is allowed in ±0.2 Hz. If this characteristic is within 49.8-50.2 Hz, then it is considered that the balance in the operation of the energy system is observed.

If there is a shortage of produced power, the energy balance will be disturbed, and the frequency of the network will begin to fall. The higher the underpower indicator, the lower the frequency response will drop. It is important to understand that the violation of the system's performance, or rather, its balance, is one of the most serious shortcomings. If this problem is not stopped at its initial stage, then in the future it will lead to the fact that there will be a complete collapse of the energy system of Russia or any other country in which the balance will be upset.

power system management
power system management

How to prevent destruction

In order to avoid the catastrophic consequences that would occur if the system failed, an automatic frequency loading program was invented and used in substations. It works completely autonomously. Its inclusion occurs at the moment when there is a shortage of power in the line. Also, for these purposes, another structure is used, which is called automatic elimination of asynchronous mode.

If we talk about the work of the AChR, then everything is quite simple. The principle of operation of this program is quite simple and lies in the fact that it automatically turns off part of the load on the power system. That is, it disconnects some consumers from it, which reduces the power consumption, and therefore restores the balance in the overall system.

ALAR is morea complex system whose task is to find places of asynchronous modes of operation of the electrical network and eliminate them. If there is a power shortage in the country's general energy system, then the AChR and ALAR at substations are put into operation simultaneously.

Voltage adjustment

The task of adjusting the voltage in the energy structure is set in such a way that it is necessary to ensure the normal value of this indicator in all sections of the network. It is important to note here that the regulation process at the end consumer is carried out in accordance with the average value of the voltage that comes from the larger supplier.

The main nuance is that such adjustment is carried out only once. After that, all processes take place at larger nodes, which, as a rule, include district stations. This is done due to the fact that it is not advisable to carry out constant monitoring and regulation of voltage at the final substation, since their number across the country is simply huge.

Technology and energy systems

Technological development has made it possible to connect power systems in parallel to each other. This refers either to the structures of neighboring countries, or to the arrangement within one country. The implementation of such a connection becomes possible if two different energy systems have the same parameters. This mode of operation is considered very reliable. The reason for this was that during the synchronous operation of two structures, if a power shortage occurs in one of them, there isthe possibility of eliminating it at the expense of another, working in parallel with this one. Combining the energy systems of several countries into one opens up opportunities such as the export or import of electrical and thermal energy between these states.

However, for this mode of operation, a full correspondence of the frequency of the electrical network between the two systems is necessary. If they differ in this parameter, even slightly, then their synchronous connection is not allowed.

Energy System Sustainability

Under the stability of the energy system is understood as its ability to return to a stable mode of operation after the occurrence of any kind of disturbances.

The structure has two types of stability - static and dynamic.

If we talk about the first type of stability, then it is characterized by the fact that the energy system is able to return to its original position after the occurrence of small or slowly occurring perturbations. For example, it can be a slow increase or decrease in load.

Dynamic stability is understood as the ability of the entire system to maintain a stable position after the occurrence of abrupt or sudden changes in the operating mode.


Instructions in the power system for its safety - this is what every employee of any power plant should know.

First of all, it is worth understanding what is considered an emergency. Such a description fits cases when there are changes in the stable operation of the equipment, entailing the threat of an accident. The signs of this incident are determined for eachindustry in accordance with its regulatory and technical documents.

If an emergency situation nevertheless arose, then the operating personnel are obliged to take measures to localize and further eliminate the situation. In doing so, it is important to fulfill the following two tasks: to ensure the safety of people and, if possible, to keep all equipment intact and safe.