Is planning a waste of time or an extremely important activity?

Is planning a waste of time or an extremely important activity?
Is planning a waste of time or an extremely important activity?

We all want to be happy. But what needs to be done for this? Scholars are divided into two camps on this issue. The former believe that planning activities is the first step to success. The latter claim the complete opposite, arguing that it is a waste of such valuable time. But what about the fact that planning is an integral part of the daily routine of any successful person? Perhaps they acquire this skill after they become the happy owners of large sums of money?

planning it
planning it

Many modern people are firmly convinced that planning is an extremely boring activity that imposes many unnecessary restrictions on a person. Therefore, they never try to think through their next steps. It is strange that then these people are also surprised that life turned out to be so fleeting.


But actually planning is a skill that is not so easy to acquire. Unfortunately, most people simply do not know how to properly think through their future actions, focusing on their own long-term goals. But they will never, ever admit it, but rather insist that planning is the most boring and useless thing to do. And people with such an attitude to life run their companies! There is nothing surprising in the fact that they soon declare themselves bankrupt.

Planning the processes that take place in the enterprise is the basis of the basics of doing business. Only with the help of it can you achieve your goals, so it is one of the most important management functions. Planning is carried out at the enterprise in several stages.

process planning
process planning

1) Forecasting is the systematic analysis of existing strengths, weaknesses, risks and opportunities in order to look into the future. To do this, it is important to decide on three main dimensions: time (how many years ahead you need to make a forecast), direction (what trends are important to pay attention to) and magnitude (what changes can occur).

2) The choice of a certain scenario for the development of events in the future is the stage at which the manager compares alternatives and chooses the most beneficial option for the enterprise. He does this on the basis of information about the resources available to the business entity in which the person works.

3) Formulating current tasks and long-term goals -drawing up a plan that defines deadlines for completing individual tasks.

4) Approval of the work schedule and drawing up a program of action. At this stage, the future of the enterprise is already becoming definitively determined thanks to a thorough analysis of all possible scenarios, as well as ways to achieve the set plans. The main thing is now to consistently implement the plan and hope that it was drawn up by a competent manager who really understands what he is doing. Otherwise, planning only spoiled everything, because the analysis of the current state of affairs in this case was completely wrong. Yes, and such valuable time wasted.
